[4G LTE – 5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Accenture – Benicia Unified School District – Cancer – DeWayne Johnson v. Monsanto Lawsuit (Judge Curtis Karnow, Roundup) – Doctor Martin L. Pall – DOE – EMF – EPA – Ericsson – FCC – FDA – FERC – Health – IARC Probable Carcinogen (Glyphosate) – ICNIRP – IoT – Lloyd’s of London – Malware (CrashOverride, Stuxnet) – Microwave Radiation – Misinformation – NCI – NERC (Bill Lawrence) – NHL non-Hodgkin Lymphoma – PAS Global (Eddie Habibi) – Product Liability – Right to Know Safety Risks – Samsung – SCENIHR – Security – Smart Cities – Smart Devices – Smart Grid – Studies – Verizon Wireless (Lowell McAdam) – VGCCs – Wi-Fi | EU – Iran – Russia – Saudi Arabia – Ukraine – UK – Los Angeles & Sacramento, California & Missouri, USA]
1) Monsanto’s use of a “probable” carcinogen in Roundup is similar to the telecom’s use of microwave radiation. Science has been twisted and knowledge of harm has been hidden from its customers. What we need are some good lawsuits, and they are coming. It will be interesting to see who the “experts” are who testify that Roundup is safe. I bet there will be some familiar names from ‘product defense’ companies like Exponent, the company that testifies everywhere that microwave radiation is safe, that it is more dangerous to sleep with your spouse (you will be exposed to more radiation) than to sleep next to a smeter. (Yes, they said this!!)
(click on photos to enlarge)

Landmark lawsuit claims Monsanto hid cancer danger of weedkiller for decades
“The lawsuits challenge Monsanto’s position that its herbicides are proven safe and assert that the company has known about the dangers and hidden them from regulators and the public. The litigants cite an assortment of research studies indicating that the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicides, a chemical called glyphosate, can lead to NHL and other ailments. They also cite research showing glyphosate formulations in its commercial-end products are more toxic than glyphosate alone. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen in 2015.
Monsanto “championed falsified data and attacked legitimate studies” that revealed dangers of its herbicides, and led a “prolonged campaign of misinformation” to convince government agencies, farmers and consumers that Roundup was safe, according to Johnson’s lawsuit.
Monsanto’s lawyers plan to introduce evidence that other factors caused Johnson’s cancer, to challenge the validity of the science Johnson’s claims rely on, and to present their own experts and research supporting safety. The company has an EPA draft risk assessment of glyphosate on its side, which concludes that glyphosate is not likely carcinogenic””
2) Testing of 5G milliwave transmitters in the USA is showing that the beam forming (which results in very strong signals that go very far) is working and will penetrate into and reflect off of buildings. This means it is worse than we initially thought and will be extremely dangerous to all living things.

Verizon remains encouraged by millimeter wave propagation: analysts
“The analysts’ reports are in line with what Verizon executives have been saying publicly about their experiences with millimeter wave spectrum and its 5G plans. Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam reiterated to CNBC last week that the carrier is very pleased with the results of millimeter wave tests. bands. He said Verizon “busted the myths” around millimeter wave, proving that transmissions in these higher bands can pass through foliage and do not require line of sight. He said the deployments Verizon is planning for this year will place transmitters and receivers 2,000 feet apart.”
3) New internet-connected power grids are much more vulnerable than older systems that were stand-alone. And “smart” devices, like smeters, appliances, etc., are the door into the grid.

Cybersecurity and the distributed grid: A double-edged sword
Hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to disrupt electric grids. Attacks are more targeted, including spear phishing efforts aimed at individuals, and are shifting from corporate networks to include industrial control systems.
At the same time, the grid is becoming increasingly distributed and connected. Older power plants have been spared cyber attacks because they were not connected to the internet (which may not have existed when they were built). New resources are connected — though they are also being constructed with security in mind. And in this growing Internet of Things world, just about every device imaginable can create a potential vulnerability…
The report also found the energy industry is “learning important lessons from the high profile, and high impact, attacks that have affected a large number of users in the United States during the past two years.”
AEEI noted that several attacks have used internet-connected devices “such as baby monitors, webcams, and other smart home devices.””
4) Dr. Martin Pall gave a presentation about the dangers of 5G technology in March. He has given the health effects and the studies providing the evidence. There is information here that should be used in letters to authorities, Councils, media, etc.

5G: Great risks to EU Health
The document addresses, among other things, cellular DNA damage, oxidative stress, lowered male/female fertility, elevated spontaneous abortion, lowered libido, neurological / neuropsychiatric effects, apoptosis, changes in non-steroidal hormone levels, calcium overload, induction of heat shock proteins, and how EMF exposures lead to cancer.
It also describes how exactly EMF exposures create non-thermal health impacts. And how the well-established and large body of science on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields applies to 5G antenna millimeter wave emissions, which are planned for widespread deployment.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
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