[5G mmW Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Aecon Group Inc. (John Beck) – Andrew Weaver – AOCRP5 2018 – ARPANSA EMERG – CCCI China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. – Dariusz Leszczynski – EMF – EMR – Environment – Health – Huawei – Investment Canada Act – Lori Curran – Navdeep Bains (David Lametti) – Oona McOuat Letter re Federal Green Party (Elizabeth May, Emily McMillan) Policy Webinar – Precautionary Principle – Security – Site C – Tony Clement | BC – Alberta – Canada – Melbourne, Australia – China] & Webinar
1) Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski has shared the slides from his presentations in Australia, May 2018 – re. 5G health concerns, etc.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Presentations on the 5G millimeter-waves and on the Precautionary Principle at the EMERG meeting at ARPANSA in Melbourne and at the AOCRP-5 congress in Melbourne.
Reports from both the meetings and slides of presentations by other speakers will be published in mid-June 2018.”
2) Many of us have been disappointed by the BC Green Party as it pertains to smeters and microwave radiation because of Andrew Weaver’s responses. But Elizabeth May is very knowledgeable about EMR / EMF and shares our concerns about the risks posed by wireless devices. And she is the head of the Federal Party.
A proposal has been prepared asking that the Precautionary Principle re. microwave radiation become Federal Green Party Policy at the Convention in September. More info is below. I hope you will consider supporting this effort which has a chance to help educate more people about this issue and to gain the support of a major political party. If you are a party member, please consider registering for the webinar on May 30.
3) Non-smeters. The Federal government blocked the sale of a major construction company involved with Site C from being sold to a Chinese company involved with cybersecurity. Now if they will remove all Huawei transmitters and cancel the Site C contract with this company.

Federal government blocks sale of construction giant Aecon to Chinese interests
The federal government has blocked the sale of Canadian construction company Aecon Group Inc. to Chinese interests, the office of Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains has confirmed.
The controversial deal between Aecon and China’s CCCC International Holding Ltd., also known as CCCI, would have been worth $1.5 billion.
“As is always the case, we listened to the advice of our national security agencies throughout the multi-step national security review process under the Investment Canada Act,” Bains said in a statement.
“Based on their findings, in order to protect national security, we ordered CCCI not to implement the proposed investment.”

One of the proposals to be discussed at the Federal Green Party Policy webinar on Wednesday, May 30 at 5:00pm PDT (more info below) is on applying the Precautionary Principle to protect human health and the environment from artificial EMR. I have been co-creating this policy with Lori Curran from Alberta, and Lori & Sharon will be advocating for the policy at the webinar.
Green Party of Canada members may participate in the webinar and then later vote to make this proposal official party policy. Please participate if you are a member or consider joining to support the policy (it is only $10 for a yearly membership). Please feel free to share, but do not Reply All to this message to save our inboxes from filling even faster!
Thank you!
Oona McOuat
= = =
From: “Emily McMillan, Green Party of Canada” <governance@greenparty.ca>
To: Oona
Sent: May 22, 2018
Subject: Next Steps — Policy Process and Federal Council
Dear Oona,
Last month, we asked you for your Greenest and most innovative policy ideas, and it was great to see so many members respond with proposals on a wide range of important issues. Now it’s time to share these ideas with the membership as a whole! We’re holding a national policy webinar on Wednesday, May 30th at 8:00pm EDT where you can learn more about this year’s proposals and contribute your thoughts on potential amendments. This will be the key opportunity for members to share feedback on this year’s proposals, so make sure to register asap! Can’t attend the webinar? No problem — you can still get involved in the conversation online. I am also pleased to announce that this year’s slate of candidates for Federal Council and Young Greens Council is now confirmed. Visit our website to read more about each candidate and the positions they are running for. Voting will open on June 20th. Stay tuned for more updates, Oona, and I hope to see you at our proposals discussion webinar next week! Sincerely, Emily McMillan |
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
~ Albert Einstein