[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – 556 Ventures (Bill Ho) – AI – Apple (iPhones) – Argus Insights (John Feland) – AT&T (John Stephens) – Automation – Blockchain – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cellular Networks – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – FCC – Health – Huawei – Legal – NEPA National Environmental Policy Act – NHPA National Historic Preservation Act – Nuremberg Code – OpenGlobalRights (Christen Dobson) – Property Values – RFR – Samsung – Smartphones – UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights – Verizon – Wi-Fi – Wireless | USA]
1) Another industry reason for concern about 5G succeeding. People will have to invest in expensive new phones – which really won’t provide any significant benefit and is inconvenient. Yet those microcells with transmitters emitting EMR will still be outside our homes.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Another looming 5G challenge: Getting customers to upgrade to a 5G phone
“All four nationwide wireless carriers are promising to deliver mobile 5G, and while they tout the consumer benefits of superfast, low latency networks, the biggest beneficiaries of 5G could be the carriers themselves. Moving customers onto the more efficient 5G network technology will allow carriers to handle more data traffic, but they won’t realize this benefit until significant numbers of their customers upgrade to 5G-capable phones. That could take quite a while because smartphone users are not upgrading like they used to.”
2) This might be an interesting new blog to follow. It is by a law school and a human rights organization. I wonder if this group might be interested in the Nuremberg Code vs. the Telecoms.
https://www.openglobalrights.org/technology/ or https://tinyurl.com/y9b8cauj
If you are interested in submitting a blog piece on this subject, contact:
Christen Dobson <dobson@business-humanrights.org>
3) In the USA, the FCC has “streamlined” procedures and regulations to make it easier for telecoms to put new microcells in neighbourhoods without any environmental assessment. It is already illegal to discuss health effects or property values. Now, it seems environmental concerns are not allowed. My guess is that this will happen here, too (if it hasn’t already).
FCC Streamlines Wireless Environmental Review Process — Part 1: FCC Exempts Wireless Small Cells from Environmental Review Requirements
“In March 2018, the FCC adopted a Second R&O. In it, the FCC excluded small wireless facilities from National Historic Preservation Act (NPHA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review under specified circumstances and also streamlined NHPA and NEPA review for larger wireless facilities. The FCC stated that these actions will make a real difference in promoting U.S. leadership in 5G and can cut the costs of deployment by 80%, trim months off deployment timelines, and incentivize thousands of new wireless deployments thus expanding the reach of 5G and other advanced wireless technologies in the U.S.
The FCC concluded that deployment of small wireless facilities by non-Federal entities do not require historic preservation review under NHPA nor environmental review under NEPA because such deployments are neither an “undertaking” (NHPA) nor a “major Federal action” (NEPA). The Second R&O noted that the FCC last considered whether some wireless facilities could be exempt from these requirements in 2004 when virtually all wireless sites were “macro” sites, but that new small cell sites are materially different in size and in their likelihood of impact on surrounding areas. The FCC concluded that conducting such reviews for small wireless sites would result in costs far exceeding benefits and that the burden would grow exponentially as ever-increasing numbers of small wireless facilities are deployed.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something. That person is not usually motivated by a need for power, or money, or fame, but in fact driven slightly mad by some injustice, some cruelty, some unfairness – So much so that he or she is compelled by some moral engine to act to make it better.”
~ Eve Ensler