[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Alexander Friedrich – Antoinette Stein, CHE EMF Working Group – AT&T – Cell Phones – CHE Collaborative on Health & the Environment Webinar – CIA (Gina Haspel) – Doctor De-Kun Li, Kaiser Permanente – DoD – EMR – FBI – FCC – Frank Barnes (Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields: Bioengineering and Biophysical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields) – Huawei (Telus) – IoT – Joel Moskowitz Lawsuit – Mark Warner – Meter Readings by Consumers – Michael Eger – Military Bases – Miscarriage – National Intelligence (Dan Coats) – NSA – Opt-out – Pentagon (Dave Eastburn) – RF – Security – Senate Intelligence Committee (Richard Burr) – Simon Schropp – Site C – Smart Water Meters Replaced by Analogs – Smartphones – Sprint – Telecom Devices – Tom Cotton – Verizon (Hans Vestberg, Lowell McAdam) – Warranty – Wireless Devices – ZTE | BC – Canada – China – Lechfeld & Untermeitingens, Germany – Iran – North Korea – Russia – UK – Sacramento, California & South Bend, Indiana & Kalamazoo, Michigan & Waco, Texas, USA] & (video)
1) A member has translated an article regarding a local German government that decided that the “smart” water meters don’t work well, are basically useless, and is returning to analogs. Please see it below in Letters.
(click on photos to enlarge)

The water-use association, Lechfeld, in South Germany, says goodbye to futuristic (smart meter) project, after poor experiences.
2) As a follow-up to the recent article about the extremely high levels of RF that will be emitted by 5G transmitters, as approved by the FCC, telecoms are planning on implementing 5G in several US cities this year!!! No regulations, no testing to ensure safety. Unconscionable.

from https://smartmeterharm.org/2017/10/22/poster-5g-radiation-exposure-the-largest-biological-experiment-ever-nature-is-at-risk/
Verizon plans fixed 5G launches in 2018
“Verizon said it will launch fixed-wireless 5G service in up to five markets in 2018, starting with Sacramento, California.
The US operator indicated it will roll out wireless residential broadband service in three to five markets in 2018, with the inaugural launch coming in the second half of the year. Additional markets will be announced at a later date, Verizon said.”
3) The RF webinar was live this morning. I was having computer problems, so missed hearing it live. Fortunately, it has been archived with slides.
Invisible Hazards: State of the Science on EMF Health Impacts and Next Steps for Policy Change
Slides & Resources
Dr. Frank Barnes:
Barnes, Frank S and Greenbaum, Ben:
Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields: Bioengineering and Biophysical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields.
Dr. De-Kun Li:
Li De-Kun, Chen Hong, et al.:
Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Dr. Joel Moskowitz:
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
This webinar will be moderated by Antoinette Stein, PhD, national coordinator of the CHE EMF Working Group. It will last for 60 minutes and be recorded for the call and webinar archive.
(video 1:10:20) CHE Webinar: Invisible Hazards: State of the Science on EMF Impacts and Steps for Policy Change by Collaborative on Health and the Environment – YouTube – May 09, 2018:
4) On Wednesday, at the hearing for the CIA Director Gina Haspel, there was one question about cybersecurity. Ms. Haspel mentioned that Huawei, the Chinese company that has developed the transmitters installed in the microcells throughout BC (and perhaps Canada) and is working directly on Site C, is a security risk. (Sorry, I do not know where in her testimony). Why is BC doing business with this company, especially on our infrastructure? Warnings have been given from all of the US intelligence agencies.

Security risks
While Huawei has faced similar perception problems in the U.S. before, the Senate Intelligence Committee in February brought considerable attention to the firm. Top officials from major U.S. intelligence agencies including the CIA, the FBI, and the National Security Agency (NSA) suggested people should not use devices made by Chinese manufacturers Huawei or ZTE. The agency chiefs said they had “deep concerns,” over potential security risks claimed to come from using telecoms devices made by companies “beholden to foreign governments.”

The water-use association, Lechfeld, in South Germany, says goodbye to futuristic (smart meter) project, after poor experiences. by Von Uwe Bolten – Augsburger Allgemeine – May 02, 2018:
Quick translation of main text:
Eight years ago, the water-use association Lechfeld stepped into the digital world with the installation of ‘smart’ water meters.
“The meters already belonged to the ‘third generation’ meters, and were not new on the market,” explained Michael Eger.
Still, the wireless transmission modules did not perform, as promised by the manufacturer.
“While the manufacturers gave a guarantee of over ten years, regarding their metering capability, the warranty ended after two years with the transmission models,” explained association chairman, Simon Schropp.
As time went on, more and more meters lost their transmission ability. “At the moment we are in the three figure range,” added Eger “. . . and there are more and more, (failing)”.
“The method of meter reading via wireless is not reliable. Therefore I recommend at the next association meeting a return to analog water meters,” said Untermeitingens Mayor, Schropp. Schropp was supported by Alexander Friedrich, responsible for security and order in the community Lechfeld.
“Add to this the fact that citizens, who do not want a digital water meter, can refuse an installation, without giving a reason,” he argued for the removal of the transmitting meters. With one voice, the representatives of the member communities followed this suggestion.
“That does not mean that we will begin immediately with the meter exchange. Only after the expiry of the (2 year) warranty, the meters will be replaced with analogs. The counters of the transmitting meters still work, without issues,” added Schropp.
The meter reading methods are currently being checked. Favoured is clearly the meter reading by the consumer. If this is through postcard, telephone, per e-mail or app, remains to be determined. If a consumer is not complying in their duty to report, a bill will follow, based on estimates. “In any case, it will follow a path, that does not induce costly expenses,” closed Schropp on this subject.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented”
~ Ellie Wiesel – Nobel Peace Prize Winner