[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Accuracy – Alexander Binik – Analog – Andrew Jakubeit – BBB – BC Hydro Application to Amend Net Metering Program (Solar, Wind) – BCUC – Bills – Bob Ferguson – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Coalition Against Smart Meters & 5G, Inc. – Consumer Protection Act Class Action Lawsuit – Costs – CPUC – David W. Danner – Digital Meters – Dirty Electricity – Doctor Sam Milham – EHS – EMF – EMI Electromagnetic Interference – Fires – Glioblastoma Brain Cancer (John McCain) – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Insurance Liability – James Heddle – James Robert Deal – Jay Robert Inslee – Jenny A. Durkan – Kevin Proteau – Lifespan – Mary Beth Brangan – Myron Bradford Mike Kreidler – NTP – Opt Out – PG&E – Power Surges – Privacy – Public Forum – Ramazzini Institute – RF – Rob States – Ross Andersen (not Anderson) – Safety – Seattle City Light – Site C – Smart Meters (ABB, GE, Landis+Gyr) – SMPS – Telus – Vicki Lightfoot – Wi-Fi – William Bathgate – Wireless | Penticton, BC – Australia – China – Sacramento, California & New Hampshire & New Mexico & Seattle, Washington, USA]
1) An activist/lawyer in Washington is presenting arguments that smeters are illegal.

(click on photos to enlarge)
2) A recent mailing from BC Hydro regarding solar power and a change to Net Metering: BC Hydro is attempting, I believe, to preserve itself. Instead of extra fees, like many states are charging people using wind or solar power, the production is being limited. Wouldn’t you think that if smeters were “green”, with the real purpose being to help reduce energy production, that more clean power being put back into the system would be encouraged? Not BC Hydro. In addition, this would make a community-based system more difficult. An initial application for this change has been submitted to BCUC to prevent any rush of applications for larger systems. I hope that many will become involved, write BC Hydro, become interveners, etc.

“We’ve submitted an application to the B.C. Utilities Commission to amend the net metering program so that it isn’t available to customers who are proposing to oversize their generating facility beyond their own energy needs.”

Here is the application. I’ve read only the first 1/3 or so (the letter), but it appears that BC Hydro is most concerned about the costs of the surplus energy being fed into the system at a rate lower than we are paying. I bet it would be cheaper on a per kWh basis than the electricity that will be provided from the many billion $$ Site C. People are spending their own money on the systems and then feed surplus energy into BC Hydro’s system at less than BC Hydro sells to other customers. This seems like a great deal to me.
or https://tinyurl.com/Hydro-net-metering
3) Last week, a presentation was made before the Penticton City Council in which the request was made to hold a public forum to discuss concerns related to 5G. The local newspaper’s editor is unaware of the recent science and is using old and inaccurate information, calling any concerns “fear mongering”. I hope you will consider writing to the editor at:
editor@pentictonwesternnews.com or https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/contact-us/
Even though the paper is part of Black Press, if enough people write with accurate and current info about the Ramazzini and NTP reports, for example, perhaps even this paper will print a few letters. Let’s hope.
Has your City Council been made aware of microcells and 5G?
[https://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/people & https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/ – scroll down to BC Media]
Editorial: Let’s look at the facts
Lack of evidence doesn’t stop fear mongers
“Health Canada, and others, make it clear that while they want to see continuing research, “current scientific evidence supports the assertion that RF energy emissions from Wi-Fi devices are not harmful.” (Health Canada, Safety of Wi-Fi equipment).”
Fortunately, the Council has agreed on the public forum. The Mayor says the Council has not been approached re. 5G, but I wonder if he has been approached by Telus about installing microcells. Telus is not necessarily telling anyone about the microcells being the infrastructure for 5G.
City approves public forum on the concerns over 5G networks (100’s of micro-cell towers to be installed throughout Penticton)
Mayor Andrew Jakubeit said the city has not been approached by any telecom providers about 5G networks. He noted Penticton was one of the first communities to offer an opt-out option for AMR smart meters.
Council eventually agreed to direct council to work with Proteau to engage the community about the health impacts of 5G.
4) The Australian anti-smeter group has become aware of the issue of dirty electricity caused by the smeter’s Switch Mode Power Supply. Any digital meter, not just the smeter, has the SMPS. This is one more reason that the digital meter is far more dangerous and undesirable than the analog. In this article, the issue is described very simply and clearly.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Resistance is fertile