[5G Millimeter Waves Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Siting Legislation – American Cancer Society – AT&T – Bay City Broadband Partners – Bent Scientists – Big Wireless – Cancer – Cardiomyopathy – CDMA & GSM Signals – Cell Phones – Clear Evidence of Carcinogenicity – Columbia Telecommunications Corporation – Comcast – Corporate Propaganda – David Eaton – DNA – Doctor Louis Slesin – EMF – EMR – FCC – Fibre Optics Network – Frank Barnes – George Corcoran – Glial Cell Hyperplasia – Google Fiber – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – IMG Rebel – Industry Disinformation & Lies – ISED – ISPs – John Bucher – Mark Cline – Mark Farrell – Mark Hertsgaard Interview by Sonali Kolhatkar, Rising Up – Media – Mike Testart Letter to Tawny Verigin, Cypress Land Services re Shaw Cell Towers – Monkeybrains (Rudy Rucker) – Net Neutrality – Nonlinear, Nonequilibrium Interactions – NTP Peer Review – Privacy – Public Health Fight for Environmental Justice Webinar (Ana Mascareñas & Vanessa Galavíz) – RF – Rick Adler – Ronald L. Melnick – Ross Adey – Scientist Appeal for 5G Moratorium – Sprague-Dawley Rats – Susan Crawford – Telus – Toxic Chemicals – Tumours (Adrenal Pheochromocytomas, Brain Gliomas, Heart Schwannomas) – Wireless | Salmon Arm, BC – San Francisco, California & Research Triangle Park, North Carolina & Seattle, Washington, USA] & (video) & Webinar
1) Regarding the NTP peer review panel. A summary by Dr. Louis Slesin, Microwave News, and full info about the info provided to and considered by the Peer Review Panel. This Panel believes that there is strong evidence of a link between EMR and cancer.

(click on photos to enlarge)
“Clear Evidence” of Cell Phone Cancer Risk, Say Leading Pathologists
Now a peer review panel — 11 pathologists and toxicologists from academia and industry and one statistician — has concluded that there is “clear evidence of carcinogenic activity” in those male rats. The panel, which met* March 26-28, in Research Triangle Park, NC, determined that both GSM and CDMA signals had led to the development of a rare tumor in the hearts of rats, malignant schwannoma.

Very interesting public comments. Also, under the “charge to panel” are the definitions of “levels of evidence” of carcinogenicity. “Clear evidence” is the highest and that is the conclusion that the panel reached.
2) Another good interview with Mark Hertsgaard about the article in The Nation about cell phone and industry conspiracy to hide the science. Has anyone seen any Canadian media reports on the NTP report or The Nation article? Please let me know if you have: Sharon Noble <dsnoble@shaw.ca> .
Cell Phones and Cancer: Not Just a Conspiracy Theory?
https://vimeo.com/262876549 (video 18:23 minutes)
3) A webinar later in April that might give us some ideas about how to organize to get public health agencies and authorities to do their jobs re. EMR.

Working with Communities to Strengthen the Public Health Fight for Environmental Justice April 24, 2018 2:00 pm US Eastern Time
“In this uncertain political climate, how can we achieve a strong continuance of integrating environmental justice into regulatory decision making? How are states and local communities fighting for public health equity and what tactics are being used?”
4) San Francisco is planning on developing an optic fiber network that would be available to everyone in SF. Wonder if it will go TO the home via fiber optic cable or in front of the home and sent via phone line or Wi-Fi to the phone.

San Francisco Is Quietly Building an Open Access Fiber Network
“Like Seattle, San Francisco is tired of broadband being defined as being forced to choose between two companies whose service pricing and quality clearly reflect a disdain for paying customers.
As such, the company is promising to connect every single home and business in the city to fiber optic broadband. A consultant’s report (pdf) recently released by the city indicates that the cost of doing so would be somewhere around $1.9 billion. But the cost of that investment would result in numerous, direct benefits to the city, the report concluded.
“The opportunity The City is about to present to the private sector is unprecedented,” reads the 195-page report by Maryland-based consultant Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in partnership with financial advisory firm IMG Rebel. “There has never before existed in any American community an opportunity for a private entity to lease fiber or broadband infrastructure to reach 100 percent of the homes and businesses in the community,” it adds.”
5) Does anyone have any update about the status of the cell tower in Salmon Arm? People need to get involved to stop it.

From: Mike Testart (name given with permission)
Sent: April 8, 2018
To: Tawny Verigin <publicconsultation@cypresslandservices.com>
Subject: Proposed Shaw Cell Tower on 20th Ave
I object to the proposed Cell Tower. A 60 meter Cell Tower in this location will be an eyesore for miles around. The City of Salmon Arm would surely object to a 60 meter tall building being erected in that area. So much for the aesthetics.
The other aspect is health concerns. Objections were made in this regard since 2012 in Salmon Arm. Health Canada’s version of SC-6 does not relate to the current health concerns. SC-6 used to be defined by Industry Canada whose name was changed to “Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada”. Very few of the guidelines were met by Telus in the 2012 Cell Towers that were eventually placed side by side on Canoe Beach Drive. The original proposed location was on Lyman Hill which was eventually not used.
Recently, 230 scientists from 41 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices already before the additional 5G roll-out.
As you can see, things have changed since 2012. Why hasn’t SC-6? Shaw’s days of pushing through unhealthy technology for the sake of money are numbered. Then they, and all telecom companies, will have a very expensive future to repair the damages.
Please see
for further information.
Mike Testart
[Salmon Arm Mayor & Council – https://www.salmonarm.ca/Directory.aspx?did=15]
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.”
~ Alice Walker