[5G – Accuracy – AEP American Electric Power – Appalachian Power – Barry Hobbins – Big Telecom & Wireless Corruption & Deception – Bills Complaints (Cold Weather & Tariff Increase) – Brain Cancer Cluster (GBM Glioblastomas) – Cell Towers – CMP Central Maine Power Co. (Doug Herling) – David Littell – Efficiency Maine (Michael Stoddard) – EMR – Erin Brockovich – Florida Department of Health (Clint Sperber) – Glyphosate Spraying (Probable Human Carcinogen) – Hydro One – IoT – Kate Kheel – Maine Energy Marketers Association – Maine HP1180 / LD 1700 – Maine PUC (Harry Lanphear) – Microwave Radiation – National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (David Springe) – Safety – Seth Berry – Smart Meter Testing re False Readings (Higher Consumption) – Solar – Southwestern Electric Power Co. – Stop The Spray BC – Swisscom Patent WO 2004/075583 A1 – Virginia State Corporation Commission (Andy Farmer) – Wi-Fi – Wireless – WGME – WPTV (Meghan McRoberts) – WSLS | Prince George & Quesnel, BC – Ontario – Switzerland – Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County (34982 Zip Code) & Tallahassee, Florida & Kentucky & Louisiana & Portland, Maine & Massachusetts & Michigan & Texas & Virginia & Roanoke, West Virginia, USA] & (audio) & (video)
1) From Kate Kheel in the USA, a summary of what’s happening primarily with 5G. Kate’s website gathers info from many sources, including the Updates, and summarizes it well for many.
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) Erin Brockovich has taken notice of the rash of glioblastoma cases in the small Florida community. Perhaps this will lead to publicity for EMR, which is the only known cause of this horrible cancer.
Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie Co. taking further action to address glioblastoma concerns
“WPTV has uncovered nearly 30 cases and counting of glioblastoma in St. Lucie County over a span of nearly five years…
St. Lucie County residents have also brought their concerns to the attention of Erin Brockovich.
She responded to WPTV, offering her thoughts and a resource for continued monitoring of local glioblastoma cases.”
– Meghan.McRoberts@wptv.com, who is sharing her findings with health officials and local support group.
– The GBM of St. Lucie County support group Facebook page (you will need to request to join). – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1362956610476542/

– https://www.facebook.com/groups/1362956610476542/
– Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County’s Epidemiology Department at (772-462-3883)
– The Brockovich team’s database – https://communityhealthbook.com/
– The Florida Department of Heath in St. Lucie County – http://stlucie.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/glioblastoma.html]
3) A rant in Switzerland about EMR and Swisscom saying microwave radiation is safe. This despite, in 2004, when Swisscom was applying for a new patent admitted that Wi-Fi is harmful. Look at pg. 2 of this application.

http://www.safeschool.ca/uploads/WiFi_Swisscom_Patent.pdf [Swisscom Patent WO 2004/075583 A1]
Wireless Deception Switzerland Toxic Cell Tower 5G Swisscom Salt UPC Sunrise. Reza Ganjavi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOH7Q47uGX4 (8:37 minutes)
4) Electricity bills that are many times higher than last year, for the same period, are being received by people all over the eastern USA. And, of course, “it’s the cold weather”, even in places where it was warmer this year than last year. It would be very interesting to compare the number of complaints per year that were received before and after the smeters were installed.

Exorbitant power bills aren’t just a Maine thing
“The Telegram discovers similar complaints across 22 states. An inquiry is underway, but finding answers has now gotten thornier.”
In Maine, the initial finding is that the smeters are just fine. They have been taken for testing and all are just fine. Of course, once the smeter is removed from the base, it resets to factory settings but no one has mentioned that.
CMP says internal audit offers no explanation for spike in some customers’ energy bills
“The power delivery company says its billing and smart meter networks appear to be working well, but Maine’s public advocate isn’t satisfied…
CMP has tested 1,600 meters at the request of customers since January, four times the number it tested all last year, Herling said Friday. Only one meter was found to be working improperly, and it was an older mechanical model, not a new smart meter.”

[CMP Ratepayers Unite – https://www.facebook.com/groups/194656911289822/about/]
5) Way off topic. A totally new horror having nothing to do with EMR, smeters or 5G. Until a member sent this to me, I had never heard of this atrocity. Days need to be 48 hours long to protest all the horrors being done to this world. Government-approved spraying of a Probable Human Carcinogen to decimate large areas of fertile land for the sake of timber companies.
Death from the sky in Northern BC
“Starving moose, burning forests and contaminated blueberries: a case for broadleaves and a new paradigm in Central British Columbia.”
Glyphosate is highly toxic to a wide variety of plant life, including broad leaf trees and shrubs, as well as flowering and fruit bearing plants, like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and Saskatoon berries. This smorgasbord of vegetation serves as vital food for a wide range of wildlife, from bees and other insects to birds, beaver, moose and deer. For example, aspen ecosystems provide habitat “for at least 55 species of mammals and 135 species of birds.” However, after the grey death of spraying, this wildlife either dies from starvation or is forced to relocate. In addition, the herbicide glyphosate, which is manufactured by the giant chemical corporation Monsanto, is highly toxic to a number of amphibians, insects and invertebrates.”

Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The entire earth turns more and more into a huge laboratory in which we, depending on our attitude and profession, observe with eagerness or horror which global impact the mass use of chemicals, electromagnetic fields, genetically manipulated organisms will have – only we cannot clean up this laboratory quite as easily when we realize the experiment went wrong”
(NEITZKE et al. 1994, p. 319).