[2G – 5G From Blankets to Bullets by Arthur Firstenberg – André Fauteux – Andrew Weaver – Andrew Wilkinson – Andy Shadrack – ANFR (Gilles Brégant) – Bills – Blake Levitt – Brain Tumour (Tyra Liko) – Cancer Society – Cell Phone Recalls (Orange Hapi 30 by Mobiwire) – Cell Towers Zoning – Corey Sinclair – DAS – David Eby – DNA – Doctor Chaim Colen – EMR Microwave Radiation – EU RED Directive – FCC – GBM Glioblastomas Cancer Cluster (Kevin Perry) – Greater Bethesda Chamber of Commerce (Ginanne Italiano) – Health – Marc Arazi, Alerte Phonegate – Marc King – Michelle Mungall – Microcells / Small Cells Phased Array Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Montgomery County Council – Municipal Government – NTP – Property Values – Ramazzini Institute – SAR – Studies – T-Mobile – Telus Misleading Info re Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines & Fibre Optics – Theodora Scarato, EHT – Tracking – Wi-Fi – Wireless – Write to Patrick Wruck, BCUC re Basic Charge & Tier Pricing (FortisBC Inc 2017 Cost of Service Analysis & Rate Design) | Surrey, BC – Perth, Ontario – EU – France – Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida (34982 Zip Code) & Germantown & North Potomac, Maryland, USA ] & (videos)
1) In one community in Maryland, people are fighting the installation of microcells in residential neighbourhoods. This YouTube of a meeting this week shows members of the community presenting their concerns to Council. At around 34 minutes, a member of Environmental Health Trust, Theodora Scarato, speaks about the NTP review panel which she attended, and the Ramazzini report. This info needs to be provided to every City Council because the public health of the community is the responsibility of local government.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewb47fq6GCs&feature=youtu.be (48 minutes)
One thing that was not discussed is that, according to Blake Levitt, industry will be using phased array antenna design to boost the power of the milliwave transmitters dramatically, allowing the waves to travel much farther and to penetrate everything much more efficiently. Here is an article by Arthur Firstenberg about this design – I’ve shared it before, in case it looks familiar.
[Diagrams 1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-01-22-please-read-5g-is-going-to-be-much-worse-than-we-have-been-told/ &
YouTube 3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-01-25-is-5g-being-planned-for-small-coastal-communities-plus-all-of-vancouver-island/]
2) A recent report from Florida said that there had been an unexplained rash of glioblastomas (the deadliest brain cancer) – 13 in a small population base. After the report came out, more cases were identified, now increasing the number to 30. According to specialists, this type of cancer is most closely related to EMR.

– https://www.facebook.com/groups/1362956610476542/
(click on photos to enlarge)
Number of local glioblastoma cases in SLC continues to rise, nearly triples from original count
“When WPTV broadened the focus area to include all of St. Lucie County, our number is now reaching a count of roughly 30 cases over the last five years. Several more cases date with the few years previous to that.”
[1) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-04-02-multiple-glioblastomas-in-a-small-area-unexplained/ &
3) Below in Letters, Andy Shadrack has written a summary of the concerns with FortisBC’s application before the BCUC for changes in the billing method. If you get your electricity via FortisBC, I hope you will consider writing and if you know others in the area, please share his letter with them. The rate increase will hit the elderly, the disabled, and the single person the hardest – many of whom will be the most vulnerable financially.

4) More on the Telus work in Surrey from another member.

The people going door to door are salesmen (they will say they are Telus people who will work with you through the process – it turned out that this was not true in my case. The salesman got me to sign and by the time I discovered the truth, he was long gone.) and will tell you what they think you want to hear. Just be aware that you could be losing your landline phone and ending up with Wi-Fi in your home, without your being told or asked.
“Telus and their contractors have been installing fibre optic lines, both overhead and underground in the east Whalley area of Surrey for the past three weeks. They have had people going door to door asking people to approve hookup to their homes and this week, there were a number of Telus trucks and employees doing the Residential hookups. I refused to let them hook up my service as I was not notified in advance and to date, I have received very little details/information regarding this installation.”
5) From André Fauteux in Quebec, a cell phone recalled in France because it exceeded guidelines. See translation of article below in Letters. New regulations require that measurements of emissions be taken no more than 0.5 cm from the phone rather than 2.5 cm away as had been allowed before.
6) Another young brain cancer victim was in the Times Colonist today. I am trying to find out any info about the type of tumour but regardless, how horribly sad.
And I’m also trying to find out if there is any agency tracking cancer tumors by type. The Cancer Society is using her for their fund raising. Sure wish the Cancer Society would use some of its money to warn people about microwave radiation from the devices the Cancer Society says are safe.
For those with a subscription, it’s at: http://digital.timescolonist.com/epaper/viewer.aspx
For those without, it speaks about a 13 year old girl [Tyra Liko] from Perth, Ontario as a brain cancer survivor. The Cancer Society is “teaming” with her for daffodil month.

From: Andy Shadrack (name given with permission)
Sent: April 5, 2018
Subject: Have You Written Your Letter To The BC Utilities Commission Yet?
Thursday April 5th
FortisBC is proposing to raise the Basic Charge on your electricity bill from $192.84 in 2018 to $224.72 in 2023, and don’t you agree that is a lot of money to hand over before you pay for a single kWh of service. A 16.5% increase over five years to be precise.
At the same time, FortisBC is also proposing to raise the Tier 1 rate from $.10134 per kWh to $.11777 in 2023, and that is before adding in the annual rate increases such as the .17% increase in 2018. The Tier 1 rate increase will add another 16.2% to your electricity bill by 2023.
Now they are also proposing to lower the Tier 2 rate from $.15643 to $.11777, but that is only for those customers who use above 800 kWh per month or 1,600 kWh per bi-monthly billing period and only for those specific kWh.
Next FortisBC has been using a cost of service analysis called the Minimum System methodology since 2009 that the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission rejected for the following reasons:
As the Commission stated in previous orders, the minimum system method is likely to lead to the double allocation of costs to residential customers and over-allocation of costs to low-use customers. Costs such as meter reading, billing, the cost of meters and service drops, are properly attributable to the marginal cost of serving a single customer. The cost of a minimum sized system is not. The parties should not use the minimum system approach in future studies” (Cause U-89-2688-T, Third Supp. Order, 1989, p 71).
I therefore encourage you to send a letter to:
Patrick Wruck, Secretary BC Utilities Commission <commission.secretary@bcuc.com>
They can then post it to the BCUC website or you can post the letter yourself:
The hearing is called (and you must state this in the header to any letter so they know to which hearing to attribute it):
FortisBC Inc 2017 Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Design
Attention: Patrick Wruck, Commission Secretary
1. State how long you have been a FortisBC customer
2. Where you live
3. Then state how FortisBC rates are impacting your household and whether you are a senior, young family, low income, etc.
Here also is a list of persons you can cc your letter to:
Hon Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources <michelle.mungall.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Hon David Eby, Attorney General <david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Hon Andrew Weaver, Leader of the Green Party <andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Hon Andrew Wilkinson, Leader of the Official Opposition <andrew.wilkinson.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Corey Sinclair, FortisBC Electricity Regulatory Affairs <electricity.regulatory.affairs@fortisbc.com>
Remember, you taking the time to write a letter will make a difference, and you will have had a say over what you think of electricity rate increases that have been above the rate of inflation for over 30 years.
For the Earth
Andy Shadrack
Phonegate : a first cell phone recalled because its emissions don’t respect European guidelines
(Rough Google translation)
“Orange recalls a phone emitting too much waves
The operator exchanges the Hapi 30 mobile phone, whose DAS exceeds the authorized level. Other models could follow.

This is an unprecedented situation. A mobile phone is currently being recalled due to the level of exposure to electromagnetic waves to which it exposes its users.
This is the Hapi 30, a fairly basic model, clamshell, the operator Orange marketed under its own brand, and whose manufacture was provided by the French company Mobiwire.
Tens of thousands of consumers concerned
In mid-March, Orange began to warn the users concerned – or 0.3% of its customers, according to the operator, which would still represent about 90,000 people. By mail, they are offered a free exchange of their mobile against another model.
Mail sent by Orange: free exchange of your mobile Orange Hapi 30 (click to access the complete document – https://www.60millions-mag.com/sites/default/files/assets/images/scan-courrier-orange-hd.jpg)
It is the controls carried out by the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) that have detected an allowed exceedance of the specific absorption rate (SAR). DAS is the measurement used to quantify the wave energy absorbed by the user of a laptop. It is limited to 2 W / kg at the head (“DAS head”) and at the body (“DAS trunk”).
Orange seeks to reassure
The mobile Orange Hapi 30 exceeded the standard at the trunk level (2.1 W / kg). According to the letter from the operator, this only occurred “in a rare use case: the sending of an MMS under 2G network coverage, while the flap of the mobile is closed and is pressed against the body”.
The operator seeks to reassure: “This mobile does not present any risk to health,” says a spokesman, insisting on compliance with emission standards in the usual situation of use, when the flapper is open.
Other laptops out of nails?
Recalls of this type could be repeated because the National Frequency Agency has strengthened its action to control mobile phone emissions [https://www.anfr.fr/controle-des-frequences/exposition-du-public-aux-ondes/le-das/les-resultats-des-mesures-de-das/#menu2].
“We recorded overtaking on some other phones, reveals Gilles Brégant, general manager of ANFR. Contradictory procedures are ongoing with the builders. He promises to publish the names of the models after the process, which can take several months.
The commitment of a doctor
In recent months, the public body has new sanctioning powers, according to the European Directive 2014/53 / EU, known as the RED Directive [https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/FR/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32014L0053]. It can for example impose fines on the manufacturers of notebooks that do not meet the emission standards.
The reinforcement of controls also follows the activism of Marc Arazi, a doctor, former local elected, who wants to warn about the risks of electromagnetic waves. It has taken action, including in court, to obtain more transparency on the SAR measures [http://arazi.fr/wp2/2018/03/communique-phonegate-une-nouvelle-victoire-dans-notre-combat-pour-la-transparence-face-a-lanfr/] carried out by the ANFR.
Hardening standards
These standards have also been tightened. A change of measurement method, which applies to smartphones and other notebooks on the market since April 2016, leads to measurements of trunk emissions at a maximum distance of 0.5 cm from the body.
Previously, manufacturers could make measurements 2.5 cm apart. These few centimeters change everything: they allowed manufacturers to display much lower values, and therefore to comply more easily with standards.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead.