[Addiction – Anxiety – Bob Woodward – Brain Cancer Cluster (GBM Glioblastomas) – Cell Phones – Charlie Harak, National Consumer Law Center – Children – Corey Paiement – Doctor Henry Friedman, Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center – EMFs – EMR Microwave Radiation – Environment – EPA – Eversource Insurance Claims Liability – Facebook Depression & Unhappiness – Generation Zapped Film – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – iGen by Jean M. Twenge – Industry Canada Siting Consultation – Isolation – National School Walkout – Pew Research Center – Power Surge Appliance & Smart Meter Damages (Charles Card, Matt Arquin, Tracey Alberti) – Rob Fleming, Minister of Education – Shelley Corbin Letter to Salmon Arm City Council re Rogers & Telus Cell Towers – Sleep – Smart Meter Fuses – Smartphones – Social Media – Standard Land Company Inc. – Studies – Suicide – Violence – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices – Young Adults | Canoe & Salmon Arm, BC – Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida (34982 Zip Code) & Maryland & Tremont Street, Carver, Massachusetts & Austin, Texas, USA] & Film & (videos)
1) Multiple glioblastomas in a small area – no agency in USA seems to be looking for EMR source.

– https://www.facebook.com/groups/1362956610476542/
(click on photos to enlarge)
Florida county cancer patients fear something local could be causing their illness
“An aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer, that affects only about 13,000 people in the U.S. each year, has been found in nearly a dozen people in Fort Pierce, Florida. In a town of only 45,000 people, the glioblastoma patients and their families want to know if something environmental is causing their illness…
Dr. Henry Friedman, a neuro-oncologist and the Deputy Director of the Preston Robert TischBrain Tumor Center at Duke University, who could only speak to the surface facts (age, location and number of cases), believes the number of people affected is “a higher number than one would expect during that common timeframe in such a small denominator as the size of that town” 1 and that the only known contributor to glioblastoma is radiation exposure.”
2) From a member. Anxiety and depression have been linked to microwave radiation, especially in young people. Combined with the isolation experienced by overuse of technology, and addiction, this makes for a potentially dangerous situation. Please consider sending this article to the school authorities, trustees, teachers, and parents.

“This looks like an article that should be directed at BC Minister of Education [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/ & https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/ministries/education] and
School Trustees [http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/apps/imcl/imclWeb/Home.do] , given their penchant to encourage youth to bring their devices to school. Just in case you’ve not seen it:
Technology, Violence, Vulnerability: Rising Phenomenon Young People Carrying Out Mass Violence in U.S.
…”In a recent publication in Clinical Psychological Science, psychologist Jean Twenge argued that teen depression and suicides have spiked since 2010 and the culprit is likely the rise and obsessive use of smartphones and technology. The Pew Research Center conducted a survey showing that 73% of American teenagers had smartphones by 2015. Twenge discussed that although smartphones alone don’t lead to depression, they do cause young people to experience much less personal interaction which causes feelings of isolation and loneliness despite any online “friendships” through social media accounts. Where books generally tend to provide an outlet for imagination and growth, losing interpersonal communication and social growth can create an isolated lifestyle where young people retreat into their own world learning to rely solely on their own perceptions of what life is and what they can or can’t do.
Additionally, studies have shown that teenagers forced to be off Facebook for a week reported less unhappiness. Teens continually on Facebook, by contrast, experienced more symptoms of depression…””
High frequency of mobile phone use at baseline was a risk factor for mental health outcomes at 1-year follow-up among the young adults. The risk for reporting mental health symptoms at follow-up was greatest among those who had perceived accessibility via mobile phones to be stressful. Public health prevention strategies focusing on attitudes could include information and advice, helping young adults to set limits for their own and others’ accessibility.
3) Another town with a power surge, with many appliances and homes being damaged. The smeters do not have fuses that would prevent such damage from occurring.

Residents battle Eversource to pay for damages after strong power surges
“At least a dozen of her neighbors were also impacted by the same power surges and combined damages total in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Charles Card said the Christmas day power spike and failure, “Burned the meter off my house, burned the meter off my shop, burned the stove right out so we cooked Christmas dinner on a wood stove.”
Matt Arguin, owner Southcoast Kitchen Designs said the March 2 surge was so powerful, “We lost our elevator control panel, all of our handicap access doors as well as two our zones from our heating system.””
[https://www.eversource.com/content/ema-c/about/contact & https://www.eversource.com/content/ema-c/residential/outages]
4) Below are a couple of letters from a member who is opposing proposed cell towers in Salmon Arm. If you are in the area, I hope you will lend support. The Councillors and Mayor must know that people are concerned, and silence means acceptance.
Council’s input sought on cellular tower installation
With three cellular towers planned for Telus, two in Salmon Arm and one in Canoe, city council has been asked its opinion on the locations.

From: Shelley Corbin (name given with permission)
Sent: April 2, 2018 9:59 PM
To: ncooper@salmonarm.ca; publicconsultation@cypresslandservices.com
Cc: kjamieson@salmonarm.ca; celiason@salmonarm.ca; aharrison@salmonarm.ca; kflynn@salmonarm.ca; lwallacerichmond@salmonarm.ca; tlavery@salmonarm.ca; cbannister@salmonarm.ca; kcathcart@csrd.bc.ca; lparker@csrd.bc.ca; rtalbot@csrd.bc.ca; rmartin@csrd.bc.ca; lmorgan@csrd.bc.ca; cmoss@csrd.bc.ca; pdemenok@csrd.bc.ca; chamilton@csrd.bc.ca; kflynn@csrd.bc.ca; celiason@csrd.bc.ca; cmoss@csrd.bc.ca; mmckee@csrd.bc.ca; trysz@csrd.bc.ca; greg.kyllo.mla@leg.bc.ca; Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca
Subject: Fw: Re Proposed Cell Tower
Dear Mayor Cooper and Ms Verigin,
Here is a short video, less than 2 1/2 minutes, that speaks again to the growing health concerns re the proliferation of cell towers, EMF transmitters, and wireless devices in our world today.
Please take these two minutes to learn more about the little-known dangers of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).
Sign Up for Tips & Updates
Host a Screening “A compelling wake up call about the health risks of our wireless world.”
Shelley Corbin
= = =
From: Shelley Corbin
Sent: April 2, 2018 4:52 PM
To: ncooper@salmonarm.ca; publicconsultation@cypresslandservices.com
Cc: kjamieson@salmonarm.ca; celiason@salmonarm.ca; aharrison@salmonarm.ca; kflynn@salmonarm.ca; lwallacerichmond@salmonarm.ca; tlavery@salmonarm.ca; cbannister@salmonarm.ca; kcathcart@csrd.bc.ca; lparker@csrd.bc.ca; rtalbot@csrd.bc.ca; rmartin@csrd.bc.ca; lmorgan@csrd.bc.ca; cmoss@csrd.bc.ca; pdemenok@csrd.bc.ca; chamilton@csrd.bc.ca; kflynn@csrd.bc.ca; celiason@csrd.bc.ca; cmoss@csrd.bc.ca; mmckee@csrd.bc.ca; trysz@csrd.bc.ca; greg.kyllo.mla@leg.bc.ca; Mel.Arnold@parl.gc.ca
Subject: Re Proposed Cell Tower
Dear Mayor Cooper and Ms Verigin,
I am writing to voice my deep concern, once again, about cell towers and antennae-transmitters in Salmon Arm. The plan for Rogers to install a 60 metre-high tower near Mayfair Farms runs counter to so much of the recent independent/non-industry research that has been conducted on the dangers of wireless transmissions on living organisms.
There is even more conclusive evidence than there was two or three years ago on the hazards to human health; but still the wireless trend continues. Just like junk food, people love it! And big business and big lobbyists cater to that appetite and continue to build the market.
Although my assumptions have always been that our governing bodies are (or ought to be) the first line of defence for citizens and the environment, I have been too often presented with a studied disregard for concerns regarding EMF. I realize that Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 is of little help (to you or to concerned folks like me) in this regard; and that it will, like it has with tobacco and asbestos, probably take another few decades for the health concerns precipitated by EMF exposure to make their mark so strongly that neither the public nor the communication corporations will be able to ignore the dangers.
Please consider locating any transmitting towers at least two or three kilometres (line of sight) away from populated/residential areas.
Just to add my voice,
thanks for hearing me,
Shelley Corbin
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot.”
~ Czeslaw Milosz