[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Accuracy – AMCS – Andy Shadrack – Ariane Mole – Batteries – BC Hydro – BCSEA – Bills – Camp Century Science Center (Chemicals, Project Iceworm) – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CNIL – Costs – CRTC Complaints re Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – Data for Sale without Consent – Deception – Direct Energie – Doctor Lennart Hardell – Environment – Equal Payment Plan – Facebook – GDPR General Data Protection Regulation – Greenwashing – Group 2B – Health – IARC – Legal – Linky Smart Meters – Lisa Martino-Taylor – Merck Aerosol Spray – Military Weaponized Radiation – National Grid Pilot – Nelson Hydro – NTP – Opt Out – Patricia Burke – Patrick Colbeck – Power Outages – Pre-market Testing – Precautionary Principle – Privacy by Design – Profiling – Public Opinion Manipulation – Rate Design & Low Income – RDOS – Regulate Information – Renewables – RF – Safety – Security – Shaw – Sierra Club – Smart Cities – Smart Grid – Smokescreen – Studies – Surveillance – Telus Fibre Optics – Tobacco Scientist Peter Valberg – Tree Removals – VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol – WHO – Water – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices – Write to BCUC re FortisBC Tier Pricing | Kaslo & Osoyoos, BC – Canada – Denmark – EU – France – Greenland Ice Sheet – Russia – Maine & Wayland & Worcester, Massachusetts & Michigan & St. Louis, Minneapolis & Racine, Wisconsin, USA] & (videos) & Websites
1) An excellent article by Patricia Burke regarding the history of industry and governments deceiving the public while they test their toxins on them. Smeters and 5G are 2 of the most recent examples.

(click on photos to enlarge)
April Fools: Science Centers and Smart Meters and 5G “Small Cells” and Smokescreens Oh My!
“Dr. Martino’s research reveals how a complex system of organization deviance was engineered through specific mechanisms. In examining how groups can “successfully, systematically and purposefully impede meaningful information flow to an external audience in order to manipulate public opinion,” she provides tools for evaluating dynamics where critical analysis is lacking both within and beyond an organization.
The enduring value of Dr. Martino-Taylor’s work is that it is not necessary to speculate on the nature and covert goals of clandestine activity. It is only necessary to recognize when the techniques are in play. Dr. Martino-Taylor explains how various strategies are “used to regulate information in an effort to obfuscate, downplay, or deny damaging organization information.”
– The narrative that the meters will give consumers more control over their energy usage has masked pricing, privacy, security, health, cost, green-washing, accuracy, and environmental issues.
– The industry narrative that consumers are requiring faster and more powerful networks for 5G has obscured the requirement for massive densification of invasive antennas that will now encroach into residential areas, affecting property values and health.”
2) A few times I’ve outlined the situation with telephones with Telus, while “providing fiber optic cable”, deceptively removing our landline, leaving us with service over the internet (VOIP). I first learned about this when our electricity went out and after about an hour, our phone was dead. Our battery was faulty.

A member checked to see if she still had her old phone system or not and found out that she didn’t. She provided a summary of her conversation with Shaw, her provider. I believe Shaw can provide service only via the internet but having no backup for prolonged outages and emergencies is unacceptable as is removing the landline without fully informing the customer of the consequences.

“Summary re Shaw:
1) Yes, we all have a battery inside our home/apartment and it will only last 8 hours in the case of a power outage.
2) I was told I would have to use my smart phone after that.
3) I replied: “I don’t have a dumb phone” (as an aside, that is what I always call them privately or in public).
4) I also replied: “and if the grid goes down, the cell towers will go down, so can you understand how ridiculous your last statement was?”
5) I then asked how I get more information, as I live in an apartment, about how I can add another battery backup.
6) The response was: “you have to go to one of our store fronts/kiosks in a mall and inquire as we have no info on the subject” and “no, they cannot be reached by phone”.
7) I answered: “ I am disabled, do not have a car and that is the best Shaw can do?”
8) “yes, madam, it is”.
I phoned twice to speak to a different representative; both very young and neither could care less….same attitude and answers.
I believe that this is a dangerous system which can and will leave people without phone access. This was done without our permission or even being notified. Telephone service is regulated by CRTC and here is the link where info is provided about complaints. I intend to lodge one and to demand my old landline back. Please consider doing the same. If you make a complaint via the form, you can copy and paste it in an email to keep for your record and to share, if you wish.
3) In France, limitations are being imposed on the data a utility company can gather, and electrical companies gathering anything more than basic usage data needed for the monthly bill is ruled out. No more minute by minute data gathering allowed without permission.

France: CNIL’s notice to DIRECT ENERGIE on collection of smart meter data “indication of likely approach of DPAs post-GDPR
Mole noted, “[Further,] under Article 6 of the GDPR, the processing of personal data must have a legal basis […]. In this case, CNIL considered that the collection of personal data relating to the hourly consumption was not necessary for the performance of the contract entered into by the customer, which only requires the supply of electricity, billed on a monthly basis. As regards the legitimate interest pursued by the company, CNIL found that according to the information notice provided to customers, the collection of data relating to their hourly consumption would allow a more precise billing, ‘but that the automatic collection of this data, which is particularly intrusive and detrimental to their privacy, disregards their interests and rights, especially since there are no tariff offers based on their hourly consumption.’ For these reasons CNIL concluded that the processing had no legal basis, since it was not based on valid consent, and that other possible legal bases failed to apply.”

[ISGAN AMI Case 03. FRANCE Linky Project – http://amicasebook.org/DataManagement/View?id=55
Stop LINKY 06 Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Stop06Bis/

http://www.next-up.org/France/Linky.php with English, German, Italian, & Spanish versions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtHdiDo5Ymg&feature=youtu.be & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=junsZ60oiBk]
4) Please see below a few of the questions submitted by an intervenor to BCUC regarding FortisBC’s application to do away with tier pricing. He has asked me to encourage people who are FortisBC electricity customers to write to the BC Utilities Commission with a “Letter of Comment”, as the only group currently speaking to the Commission live on top of Anarchist Mountain outside Osoyoos and he is not sure BCUC will end up being friendly to low income and low use electricity users.

From: Andy Shadrack (name given with permission)
Sent: March 30, 2018
Subject: Easter Surprise: FortisBC
Friday March 30th
1. 141 Information Requests and 11 Exhibits For FortisBC: Happy Easter
On Thursday March 29th, after some brief discussions with the BC Utilities [Commission], the following was uploaded to their website:
I encourage you to read the 141 Information Requests I asked FortisBC on your behalf, such as:
1.10.7. Fortis Inc, parent company to FortisBC Inc, has consistently stated to its shareholders that it has a commitment to increase the value of the annual dividends by 6% (“Adjusted Earnings Per Share”, “Average annual dividend growth through 2022 targeted at – 6%”, “Post Tax Reform Rate Base”, 2017 Fourth Quarter, Earnings Conference Call, February 15, 2018 – pp 8, 9 &16). What is the customer cost impact of increasing long term debt as a means to maintain the high dividend payout ratio (>95%) on the formula by which residential customer rates, all rates, are set?
2.5.5. With reference to Schedule 6.3, if FortisBC is concerned about load growth in summer, why is the company not focusing its attention on the fact that Large Primary allocation is 53.7% higher in summer than winter, Commercial 29.1% and Small Commercial 12.4%, but FortisBC is instead focusing on residential power consumption which is actually 13.9% lower in summer?
I also encourage you to read the entire section 3:
3.2.6. Is FortisBC prepared to direct staff to stop the practice of raising Equal Plan Payment charges before reading the meter, thus ending the practice of raising Equal Payment Plan charges based on estimated consumption rather than actual customer consumption?
And finally:
8.3.1. Does FortisBC acknowledge that residential customer households, be they seniors, single persons on social assistance or disability assistance, and/or low income families in general (1 in 5 children in Kaslo live below the poverty line) with incomes of less than $20,000 per annum, who have to pay $224.34 per annum just to access the company’s electrical service, are financially challenged by any proposed rate design that increases the Basic Charge and the current tier 1 rate above the rate of inflation?
8.7. Does FortisBC acknowledge that consistent variances between electric utility pricing, in the West Kootenay, places home-based businesses and micro-businesses at a considerable competitive disadvantage if the company’s electrical service rates are continually going higher and higher above the adjacent BC Hydro and Nelson Hydro rates for the same level of service?
Stay tuned we will see how many of the 141 Information Requests FortisBC is prepared to answer by the deadline of April 24th.
You might also like to read the Information Requests from:
Anarchist Mountain Community Society [AMCS] & Regional District Okanagan-Silmkameen [RDOS]:
BC Sustainable Energy Association [BCSEA] and Sierra Club of BC:
Andy Shadrack
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented”
~ (Ellie Wiesel – Nobel Peace Prize Winner)