[7-Eleven – Acrylamide (2A Carcinogen) – AI – Allan Frey – American Cancer Society – Andrew Weaver – Appliances (Electricity Costs kWh) – BC Hydro Bills (Higher Consumption) – Brain Cancer – Bruce Mason – Cell Phone Safety – Cheniere Energy – Children – Christy Clark – Coffee Warning Label Lawsuit by Council for Education & Research on Toxics – Cordless Phones – Data – Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation by Doctor Devra Davis – DNA – EMFs – EMR – FCC – Federal Records Act – Fertility – General Data Protection Regulation – Hacking – Health – Heart – Hunter S. Thompson – Interference – IoT – Jerry Phillips – John Horgan – Joseph M. Mercola – Judge Elihu Berle – LED – LNG Canada (& Korea Gas, Mitsubishi, Petro China, Shell Canada) – Margaret McCuaig-Boyd – Martin L. Pall – Measurement Canada (Accuracy) – Media – Microsoft Emails – NTP – Panasonic – Peets – Privacy – Ransomware – SAR – Security – Site C – Smart Meters Running Fast Testing – Starbucks – Studies – Surveillance – Technocracy – Wi-Fi Modems – Wi-fried by Maryanne Demasi – Wireless Devices – Woodfibre LNG (Sukanto Tanoto) | Kitimat, BC – Alberta – Canada – Asia – Australia – Austria – Bulgaria – China – EU – Hungary – Dublin, Ireland – Israel – Italy – Hiroshima, Japan – Luxembourg – Norway – Poland – Qatar – Russia – Switzerland – California, USA] & Book & (videos)
1) With the IoT, just about every device will be connected to the internet, providing data about every aspect of our lives to the marketplace and to governments.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Government Data Storage Skyrockets With Internet Of Things
As the world is digitized, there is rising concern among consumers about the security of their information. The Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing forth a plethora of products that record and transmit details about our daily lives, from our health and behaviors to our search habits and whereabouts. Perhaps nowhere does the people’s trust hang more in the balance than in the public sector. Federal, state and local agencies collect and store some of the most sensitive personal data there is, from Social Security numbers to tax reports to motor vehicle information, background checks, medical exams, voting records and public surveillance footage.
2) In California, a Judge has ruled that coffee needs to have a warning re. cancer risk of a 2A Carcinogen – placing the responsibility of showing it did NOT pose a risk on the industry, not the customers. The difference might be the classification of 2A vs. 2B, but it seems that microwave radiation might qualify under this law.

Coffee must carry cancer warning, California judge rules
“Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle sided with a nonprofit’s case against dozens of coffee companies, including Starbucks, Peets and other chains, saying that businesses that sold coffee were in violation of a state regulation requiring businesses with at least 10 employees to disclose the prevalence of carcinogens and toxic chemicals.
“While plaintiff offered evidence that consumption of coffee increases the risk of harm to the fetus, to infants, to children and to adults, defendants’ medical and epidemiology experts testified that they had no opinion on causation,” Berle wrote. “Defendants failed to satisfy their burden of proving by a preponderance of evidence that consumption of coffee confers a benefit to human health.”…
Berle’s ruling, which was reported by the Associated Press, noted that neither side disputed that acrylamide is present in coffee. He wrote that the defendants had failed to show that it posed no risk or added any health benefits to coffee at all. According to the Associated Press, the defense was burdened with showing that acrylamide in coffee wouldn’t cause one or more cases of cancer for every 100,000 people, but the judge said that the risk had not been properly evaluated.”
3) Comments on a Powell River Facebook about increasing bills and consumption. If anyone is part of this group, please add my comment:
People should not waste their money asking BC Hydro to check their smeters because it’s a scam. Hydro will remove the meter, rebooting it to the factory setting. They will then take it into their pristine lab where there is no interference (they make sure this is so), and then they will tell you it is perfect and charge you $180 or so. To really check the meter for accuracy, BC Hydro would have to do it without removing the meter, setting up equipment at your home for a few hours. An Electrical Engineer told me this is the only way, short of installing an analog beside the smeter for a comparison. We have seen reports about gadgets and wireless signals causing the smeters to run fast. BC Hydro insiders have admitted that Hydro knows this is happening. It’s all free money for them. I suggest it’s time for us to lodge a formal complaint to Measurement Canada. Have they tested meters to see if they are affected by LED light bulbs, dimmer switches, DECT phones, or Wi-Fi modems? I bet they haven’t and, as a result, everyone is being bilked in every bill.

“…consumption and bills have been steadily getting higher lately even though nothing different happening. We heat with wood and pellet stove, yet were away the whole day last Monday and my kWh was 53! This has happened often despite our very careful use of electricity. I went into the page that shows how much each appliance uses, added it up and still a long way from that amount. I called BC Hydro and was told the same story about doing a breaker test or calling an electrician. I said I wanted them to come and check out my meter, which they said will cost me $180 if it’s within certain parameters of error. So I asked what were the parameters, after putting me on hold for awhile, the person I was speaking to came back to tell me they couldn’t find them. I said well it’s your meter so you should check it out. I was told it’s just like buying an appliance, I am responsible for getting my appliance fixed. Sounds good but then I Never bought my new meter and had no choice in getting it either.”
4) Dr. Mercola continues in educating people about EMR. In his advice for reducing exposure, he fails to include cordless (DECT) phones which are among the highest emitters. These should not be in homes unless they are of the type that emit signals only when in use. These have been available in Europe for some time and I’ve been told they are in Canada now. These would be good to use to walk to a corded phone and not to use for extended conversations.
He includes the great video from Australia that resulted in people being fired for exposing the telecoms and the dangers associated with Wi-Fi (29 minutes long).
‘Wi-Fried’ — Is Wireless Technology Dooming a Generation to Ill Health?
5) According to this article, the NDP is giving the LNG industry even more than the Liberals would have. Why? What is in it for us? If this article is correct, nothing except higher rates to subsidize some of the richest companies in the world while our environment is damaged. Why is Horgan doing this? One concession is industrial electrical rates that are half the residential rates we pay now.

John Horgan’s $6 billion LNG giveaway
“Application of the BC Hydro industrial rate ($54/ megawatt-hour) for grid electricity service to LNG facilities. (This rate is half the current $110/ MWh residential rate, well below BC Hydro’s $120/ MWh marginal cost of new electricity from Site C and below its breakeven average rate of around $90/ MWh. Giving power away for half-price will make residential customers foot the bill via future BC Hydro rate increases – lest BC Hydro slide further into debt)…
These are extraordinary measures for any Government – let alone one recently critical of the previous Clark government’s largesse to well-heeled LNG proponents, many of them large contributors to BC Liberal election coffers. And to an industry which has so far dismally failed to deliver on its promised 100,000 jobs, a debt-free BC and a BC treasury overflowing with a $100 Billion taxation bounty.
All in all- these concessions represent a gift of $6 Billion of taxpayer money – primarily to LNG Canada’s Kitimat project and spread over the expected lifetime of that project. If enacted, it will make all British Columbians, willing or not, silent partners in LNG Canada, a company jointly owned jointly by Shell Canada (50%), Petro China (20%), Korea Gas and Mitsubishi (both 15%).
So what’s the problem?
Simply put, the “deal” is woefully one-sided. We BCers are neither shareholders nor guaranteed creditors of the LNG venture(s) we may so generously give to.”
Petroleum News says that BC is competing to “sell” to Asia in its efforts to meet greenhouse gas standards – while our environment is sacrificed by the hypocritical NDP.
“As well, she [spokesperson for LNG] implied that British Columbia had little choice, given that the U.S. has one major operating LNG project and six more in advanced phases, all pursuing Asia’s new-found desire for LNG to help those countries meet their climate change commitments under the Paris accord….
He [Horgan] and senior government officials hammered home their case that, provided B.C. acts quickly it has a chance to enter the suddenly improving LNG market in Asia, and take advantage of its closer proximity to Asia than its Lower 48 rivals and its lower ambient air temperature to gain a head start over other competitors on cooling LNG.”
6) We all know from personal experience that the media is brazenly biased. They refuse to publish wonderfully composed letters about important issues like smeters, or being bullied/harassed by BC Hydro. They ignore evidence that the smeters are fire hazards, refuse to publish press releases about important studies like the NTP. It seems that the push is toward supporting government and industry, at the expense of truth and real facts.

Will legacy media survive obvious false equivalency?
Legacy media have all but ignored the corruption and criminal greed that flipped Vancouver into the unaffordability stratosphere. They knowingly and wilfully hid and shilled on BC Hydro, ICBC, Site C boondoggles and so much more. Now, they been caught out, clearly no longer required, or believed.
The last word goes to Hunter S. Thompson: “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards, bums and hacks, hag-ridden with myopia, apathy and complacence, and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.”
Support independent media in the days ahead; inform and engage on social media and in-person. Text the word ‘READY’ to #52267 for when and how you can help stop Kinder Morgan and share in the story of our lifetime.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Happy Passover and Easter to All.