[4G – 5G Millimeter Wave DAS – 2060 Project, UVic – Addiction – BC Hydro Net Metering – Bryson Robertson, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions – Catherine J. Frompovich – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Electronic Warfare – Environmental Impact Statement – K SunMine – Letter to Bonnie Henry, Helena Swinkels, John Horgan, Rich Coleman re Doctor Deborah L. Dykema‘s Jail Threat from APS for Refusing Smart Meters – Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Siting Legislation – Military Ray Gun Weapons – Nelson Hydro – Norm Connolly, City of New Westminster – Please Comment on US Navy EMR War Games SEAL Training – Privacy – RF Microwave Radiation – Save the Olympic Peninsula – Scientists for Wired Technology – Sharon Noble – Smart Meter Programs – Urban Solar Gardens – Verizon – Wireless Devices | Kimberley & Nelson & New Westminster, BC – Arizona & Weston, Massachusetts & Puget Sound / Whidbey Island, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA] & (audio) & (videos)
1) I am very grateful that many of you are sharing information pertaining to RF, smeters, microcells, etc., but I do ask a favor when doing so. In many instances recently, emails have been sent to many people who are strangers to me and probably to each other with all the names and addresses visible. Please use the “bcc” (blind copy) to preserve our privacy.
2) “Save the Olympic Peninsula” is asking for comments to be sent regarding use of the beaches and areas by the US Navy. I hope you will consider lending support to this effort to preserve the environment by writing to Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest.
Your comments (due by March 23, 2018), including a demand for a comprehensive environmental impact statement, should be sent to:
“We urgently need your help. The Navy is proposing special operations warfare training along 265 miles of Washington state shorelines and 65 state parks at launching sites, marinas, and within cities and towns.
Although the Navy has conducted SEAL training in the Northwest for the past 30 years, it intends to significantly expand operations well beyond what has been conducted in the past without providing a comprehensive environmental impact statement.

According to the Navy’s Draft Environmental Assessment,
“The Proposed Action supports small-unit, intermediate and advanced cold-water maritime and land-based training activities for naval special operations personnel on selected nearshore lands and in the inland waters of Puget Sound, including Hood Canal, as well as the southwestern Washington coast. Training would start in 2018 and occur into the foreseeable future.”
(click on photos to enlarge)
The specific, long-term environmental consequences of innumerable military assault exercises to each of the public and private shoreline areas is not addressed in the Navy’s assessment.”
3) Milliwave frequencies are used by the military as weapons. These same frequencies will be emitted by transmitters in microcells outside homes, schools, near playgrounds and hospitals.

How Your Future Will Look Esthetically, Thanks To 5G Cell Towers
“Similar documents for a 2017 Verizon 4G Small Cell deployment in Weston, MA state that each antenna outputs 1,257 Watts of Effective Radiated Power (ERP), a significant RF/MW radiation exposure. These military-grade RF/MW radiation exposures do not belong in residential zones not [sic] matter what over-the-rainbow promises are being made about 5G by those who wish to profit for 4G/5G Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) installations everywhere. [CJF emphasis]…
The military exploits the fact that Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) is biologically active while the Wireless industry denies that RF/MW radiation is biologically active.
Which one is lying?“
Note: the great photo of microcells along the street is often used without credit. The credit given in this article is incorrect. This wonderful photo was taken by one of our members on a street in Maple Ridge.
4) Solar systems are becoming cheaper and easier to justify given the continuing increase in BC Hydro rates. So the death spiral of BC Hydro continues as New Westminster adds solar. Some of the figures are questionable (e.g. # of kW generated per year, but the concept is interesting). Small communities and neighbourhoods will soon be able to generate their own power.
New Westminster aims to grow its own energy with urban solar garden.
[(video 01:13) New West Urban Solar Garden by NewWestCity – YouTube – August 22, 2017:
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWV3RWUeU78]
From: X
Sent: March 7, 2018
To: premier@gov.bc.ca; rich.coleman.mla@leg.bc.ca; bonnie.henry@gov.bc.ca; helena.swinkels@fraserhealth.ca
Subject: Arizona MD threatened with jail for refusing smart meters
See the pasted-in news article below.
The smart meter program throughout North America appears to be either of such a criminal nature or otherwise of a nature so completely vacuous of merit that no one, not even medical doctors protecting patients, can be exempted from it. Right Coleman? Didn’t you say something similar?
“They’re just going to have to learn to love their smart meters”.
A succinct and brilliantly memorable statement from one of the great minds of British Columbia.
Of course the Provincial Health Office could call a halt to the entire sordid mess by suddenly stumbling onto the readily-available and overwhelming evidence of potential harm from ‘wireless’ technologies, but they don’t see that as their job. Their foremost duty is to silently obey their industry and political masters.
Let’s keep this all silent, we don’t want to stir up any interest, do we?

A physician in Arizona is threatened with jail in front of her patients, many of whom are sensitive, for refusing to allow installation of a bank of smart meters. What on earth is happening with justice and empathy for the sake of greed and profit?
“I explained to APS that I personally have experienced serious health problems with a smart meter at my home that had to be removed. For this reason, I was granted a medical exemption for my office when I purchased the building 6 years ago. At that time they placed non-transmitting digital meters, which are currently working fine and they have access to.
I explained that my business is taking care of many patients with extreme chemical and electrical sensitivities and the room where I care for these patients is literally 3 feet away from where they would place these 3 “smart meters”. They still refused. This standoff continued outside my building in full view of many of my patients. The police who had threatened me with arrest were on the phone and received approval from their legal department to arrest me under AS 40-431, even though I know now that this statute only applies to blocking the reading of the meters, which I was not, and does not apply to exchanging meters.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.”
~ Albert Camus