[2G – 3G – 4G – 5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Ajit Pai, FCC – Alzheimer’s – Animals – BC Hydro 3% Increase – BCUC – Bills – Brain Cancer – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Clean Energy Act – Columbia River Treaty – Conflict of Interest – Credit Rating – CTIA – Deferral Accounts – Doctor Oz – ELF – EMFs – Eoin Finn, Pacific Electricity Ratepayers Association – HB 1767 – Health – Hydro One – ICBC – IPPs Independent Power Producers – Kate Kheel – KPMG – Legal Liability – Media – Michelle Mungall – Microwave Radiation – NTP – RFR Assault Weapons – Ronald N. Kostoff – SB 1188 – Schools – Site C Costs – Skin – Smart Meters – Studies – Tom Wheeler – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | BC – Ontario – Parkland, Florida & Maryland, USA]
1) Thanks to Kate Kheel for sending in strong, passionate letters from Dr. Kostoff, written to the Maryland legislature regarding Bills granting telecoms license to install microcells and 5G transmitters with limited/no local input or authority. One is below in Letters in which he refers to the one attached [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Comments-on-Maryland-SB-1188-and-HB-1767-by-Dr.-Ronald-N.-Kostoff-March-2018.pdf].
(click on photos to enlarge)
“By comparison, our existing cell towers and other wireless transmitting devices are essentially assault weapons firing on our schools, our commercial and government buildings, and our residences, 24/7/52. The ‘bullets’ they fire are not lead, but rather are packets of non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation (RFR). In the long-term, they are far more deadly than their lead counterparts because they will impact most of the population, as my EMF health effects book chapter and attached letter show.”
2) BC Hydro’s mess will end up doubling the rates for electricity the way it’s going now. The Liberals created this problem with deceptive accounting and pushing expensive unnecessary projects like Site C and smeters. And the NDP does not have the nerve to change course. This debacle will hang around their necks as BC Hydro is sold off to cover the debts.

What You Need to Know About BC Hydro’s Financial ‘Mess’ and the Site C Dam
DeSmog Canada caught up with Eoin Finn, a former partner at KPMG, one of the world’s largest accounting and consulting firms, to find out. Finn is also a director of the Pacific Electricity Ratepayers Association.
Are you surprised by yesterday’s decision to increase hydro rates, after the NDP promised to freeze them?
Not at all. The financial condition of BC Hydro is dire. The $140 million — that a three per cent rate increase would give them — is the first step in trying to put BC Hydro back together again. For the government to make that promise was extremely rash and I think that they at this stage realize how dire the situation is at BC Hydro.
The BCUC said that even the three per cent rate hike won’t cover its cost. What does that mean for BC Hydro customers?
It means they have to raise the rates. To put Hydro back in shape in any decent fiscal condition is going to require that BC Hydro double its rates in the next 15 years.
3) President Trump, There’s No Love In 5G Small Cell Towers Being Installed Everywhere — Even Dr. Oz Seems Concerned

President Trump is known for making many colorful and sometimes insensitive statements. Despite this, he still occasionally speaks very freely about creating new policies based on love.
There is no love involved with elected officials passing state and federal laws that allow telecom companies to install 5G small cell towers all over the U.S. including in front of homes, in public rights of ways, in historical districts, and pretty much everywhere else. Many Americans have been fighting these bills.
4) Excellent letters below and attached [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Comments-on-Maryland-SB-1188-and-HB-1767-by-Dr.-Ronald-N.-Kostoff-March-2018.pdf] by Dr. Kostoff re. 5G and microwave radiation.
Subject: Maryland Legislative Proposals to Mandate Implementation of Small Cell Towers/5G
The Maryland legislature has proposed Senate and House Bills (SB 1188 and HB 1767) that would significantly impair the ability of municipalities to regulate the siting of small cellular antennas and related infrastructure. They would preempt local authority regarding height of poles, size of equipment, amount of fees, and other critical factors that would affect quality of life issues in municipalities. These Bills would convert an intrinsically local issue into a state issue. Most of all, they would be a major contributing factor to the onset of myriad serious diseases. I have attached a letter I recently sent to the Maryland legislature in opposition to both of these Bills.
The health issue related to these small cell towers is central, and needs to be placed in proper context. Two weeks ago, a lone gunman opened fire in a school in Parkland, FL, killing 17 and wounding 14. This horrific event sparked outrage among politicians, the media, and citizens across the USA. It is the latest in a series of such mass killing events. From 1982-2018, it is estimated that such mass murders resulted in the deaths of over 800 people, an average of about twenty-five per year over that period.
By comparison, our existing cell towers and other wireless transmitting devices are essentially assault weapons firing on our schools, our commercial and government buildings, and our residences, 24/7/52. The ‘bullets’ they fire are not lead, but rather are packets of non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation (RFR). In the long-term, they are far more deadly than their lead counterparts because they will impact most of the population, as my EMF health effects book chapter and attached letter show.
Where is the outrage of the media on these fully automatic and continuous RFR-based assault weapons relentlessly attacking our schools and most of our population, 24/7/52? Over time, these RFR-based assault weapons will inflict orders of magnitude more suffering and premature deaths than the mass gun-based shootings ever would. Why isn’t the damage inflicted by these RFR-based assault weapons discussed at the top of every media front page?
Where is the outrage of our local, state, and Federal politicians over proposals to greatly enhance the power of these RFR-based assault weapons by mandating rapid implementation of millions of 5G cell towers throughout our population? I am hearing impassioned pleas by members of Congress to reduce and restrict the numbers of gun-based assault weapons throughout society in order to to reduce the probability of these mass killings. Where are their similarly impassioned pleas to reduce the far greater danger from RFR-based assault weapons?
Where is the outrage of the general population and the students on having been subjected to these RFR ‘bullets’ in the past from 2G and 3G technology, in the present from the addition of 4G technology, and potentially in the future from the addition of 5G technology?
I applaud the demonstrating of our citizens, especially the students, against the gun-based violence in the schools. Why are they not doing similar, if not greater, demonstrating against these RFR-based assault weapons we euphemistically call cell towers? These RFR-based assault weapons have resulted, are resulting, and will certainly result in producing far more suffering and premature deaths than the horrific mass gun-based shootings ever will.
As I point out in the attached letter [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Comments-on-Maryland-SB-1188-and-HB-1767-by-Dr.-Ronald-N.-Kostoff-March-2018.pdf], 5G has (for all practical purposes) never had anything resembling credible safety testing performed. Yet, we are deluged with proposals from local, state, and Federal officials to remove any impediments to accelerated implementation of millions of these 5G-transmitting small cell towers throughout the USA.
How would these politicians react if one of the major airlines introduced a fleet of new transport planes that had never been flight tested? Would they participate in the inaugural flights? Would they volunteer members of their family to participate in the inaugural flights? Analogous to what they are proposing for 5G and its infrastructure, would they mandate that their constituents participate in the inaugural flights? If not, why are they willing to mandate the imposition of 5G and its infrastructure on their constituents?
In fact, the premier biomedical literature tells us in no uncertain terms that these RFR-based assault weapons are extremely dangerous to human health above some relatively low RFR threshold exposures. These results are obtained despite the conduct of most RFR health impact studies under conditions most favorable to minimizing adverse health impacts of RFR.
Implementation of these 5G/small cell tower proposals at the local, state, or Federal level should be opposed to the maximum extent possible!
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When there is a doubt, when it comes to our children, there is no doubt.”
~ Haifa’s mayor, Yona Yahav