[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas – Analogs – BC Hydro – Bedroom EMR Safety – Bills – Brandon Scott – Cell Phone Fires (LG & Samsung Galaxy Note 7) – Children – Civil Rights – Coercion – Cold Weather – Consumers Energy – Disabled – Disconnections / Power Shut-offs Moratorium – Doctor Michael Greger – DTE – EHS Microwave Sickness – Elderly – EMFs – FCC – Fertility – FortisBC – Health – Joe Cressy – Letters to/from Carol Bellringer, BC Auditor General re Site C Audit – Lithium Batteries – Marvin Schur (Froze to Death) – Mattresses – Metal – Meter Choice – Michigan PSC Dereliction of Duty – Opt-out Fees – Patrick Colbeck – Peter Fitzpatrick, Air Canada – RF – Robin Smith, Pearson International Airport – Smart Home – Smart Meter Refusals – Sperm Studies – Tom Wheeler – Transport Canada – Tyranny – Utility Monopolies – VOIP – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless | Vancouver, BC – Toronto, Ontario – Michigan, USA] & (videos)
1) In Michigan, hearings continue about the utility company’s actions toward their customers who, like BC Hydro’s and FortisBC’s, are held captive by a monopoly providing an essential service. A State Senator, equivalent to our MLAs, is investigating complaints and calling for severe penalties for disregarding their customers’ health, safety and civil rights. He has been a strong advocate for his constituents. Where are our MLAs??

(click on photos to enlarge)
Michigan hearing, March 2. Senator calls for shut-off moratorium and steep fines to reimburse affected customers; computer problems caused many power shut-offs
“In a series of hard-hitting articles, Sen. Patrick Colbeck details his investigation into DTE and Consumers Energy power shut-offs during winter, and Michigan Public Service Commission “dereliction of duty”, even denying hearing rights, and waiving rules and record keeping by the utility companies so that the numbers of people being disconnected cannot be discovered.
He describes his amazement at the PSC and utility companies’ continued policies to shut of electricity, and the horrifying stories of elderly and disabled people and families with children living without electricity through winter (some, for multiple winters) and the Michigan resident who froze to death because he could not pay his bill.”

“State-sanctioned tyranny”: Michigan senator criticizes regulatory commission’s mandated Smart Meters and condemns power shut-offs by DTE; 100s disconnected in Michigan for refusing Smart Meters
In today’s modern society, we are more dependent upon reliable access to electricity than ever before. That is why the recent actions taken by DTE Energy to shut off power to customers simply because they would like to retain their analog meters is so concerning. Amazingly, customers who fail to pay their bills are protected against a shutoff of their power, but customers who pay their bills and would simply like to retain meters that have worked reliably for decades are having their power shut off. Does this sound fair to you? It doesn’t sound fair to me…
While most don’t suffer health effects from the new meters, imagine if you did. Your home is supposed to be your castle, yet for hundreds of people in Michigan they will instead be forced to live with a device that makes them dizzy or causes health concerns every day of the week. They feel trapped in their own home. To even get a partially deactivated meter they must pay more for something they don’t even want, and if they refuse, their power is being turned off. That is not fair.
or https://tinyurl.com/y8wt84w6
2) A member found this very good video about 5G from the UK. Of real interest to me was a speech by Tom Wheeler, former head of the FCC (starting at around minute 2), with the goals which include having no controls, no regulations to prevent the spread of these extremely powerful antennae.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nCygMtB4CI 13:55 minutes
3) Another cellphone fire, this one on a plane in Toronto, involving a phone that is not a Samsung – it was an LG smartphone.
Passenger suffers burns after cellphone overheats on plane at Pearson
4) A short YouTube that anyone wanting to become pregnant should see. I’ve circulated many studies which show that sperm is affected by exposure to wireless radiation, warning men not to keep cellphones in pockets. Included in this YouTube is evidence that the effect is exacerbated by the presence of metals, e.g. zippers, key rings. And this makes sense because metal is an antenna. Just as people are warned not to sleep on beds with metal springs because any EMF/EMR will be amplified and directed into the sleeping body.
Do Cell Phones Lower Sperm Counts?
https://nutritionfacts.org/video/do-cell-phones-lower-sperm-counts/ 4:19 minutes

Thank you for contacting the Office of the Auditor General. [http://www.bcauditor.com/reach]
Please see the response to your inquiry attached.
February 28, 2018
Dear X::
Thank you for your email of January 4, 2018 in which you have requested that our Office move forward with a planned audit of the Site C Dam project.
The Site C Dam project remains in our planned work, and you can read about it on the work in progress page of our website (www.bcauditor.com/work-in-progress). Information there relating to the Site C Dam project has been updated as of January 24, 2018. You can also read about our planned and future work in our Performance Audit Coverage Plan; a three-year plan for the work of our Office, updated annually.
If you would like to be notified when any of our reports are published, you can sign up for news alerts on our website at www.bcauditor.com/reach/subscribe.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Yours truly,
Carol Bellringer, FCPA, FCA
Auditor General
= = =
To: AG
Date: Jan. 4, 2018
Dear Auditor-General:
Please continue with your audit regarding the Site C dam.
I strongly believe the long-term economics do not favour its completion for several reasons.
Horgan claims the amount of $4 billion prohibits its cancellation. If we simply divide that amount per capita, the amount is very small compared to the costs this project will continue to incur now and in the future. I wish to remind you that costs include future environmental, sovereignty, financial, indigenous rights, agricultural, and others, some unforeseen.
We don’t need the dam. There are much better alternatives, that will respect the well-being of all British Columbians, now and in the future.
Your input can make a positive difference, and again, I encourage you to continue with the audits.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.