[4G Microcells / Small Cells – 5G Living Lab – Addiction – Aecon – Bees – Brain Tumor – Bullying – Cancer – Cell Phones – Children – Chris Wray, FBI – Climate Change – Data – DNA – David Fraser – Democratic Rights – EHS Microwave Radiation – Emma Kennedy & Phil Prouty (Jayla Kennedy, Mason Grant, Mya Prouty, Winston Prouty) – Environment – Espionage – Ethics – Fibre Optics – Fire Marshal – Fred Vallance-Jones – FTTP Fiber to the Premise – Google – Gordon Amiro, West Pubnico Fire Chief – Guinea Pigs – Health – IoT – ISED – Krista Higdon, Municipal Affairs – Media – Medical Examiner Service – Michael Rogers, NSA – Michael Volansky Letter to Adrian Dix, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall re BC Hydro Meter Choices Opt-out Fees – Mike Pompeo, CIA – Norm Ryder Letter to Claire Trevena re Free Wi-Fi & Highway Rest Areas – Oona McOuat, CST Press Release re Telus & Huawei – Precautionary Principle – Privacy – Re-Inventing Wires by Timothy D. Schoechle – Safety – Sharon Noble Letter to Wendy Mesley, CBC’s Marketplace re Cybersecurity – Site C – Smart Cities – Smart Grid – Smart Homes – Smart Meter Fires – Studies – Surveillance – Tucker Carlson, FOX News – US Intelligence Agencies – Wingspread | Vancouver & Victoria, BC – Pubnico Head, Nova Scotia – Canada – China – Switzerland – USA] & (videos)
1) A member has written to Premier Horgan and Adrian Dix reminding them of their commitment to reduce opt-out fees. It’s time to remind them that they are in power because people believed they would be different from the Liberals. It’s time for them to be different. Here is the press release to which the member refers in his letter below. I hope you will consider writing to remind them as well.
(click on photos to enlarge)
New Democrats call for a reduction in fees paid by Meter Choices B.C. Hydro users
2) In Nova Scotia [NS], an “appliance” caused a fire that killed 4 children but additional information is not being provided. Why the cover-up? I am not aware of any smeter resistance groups in NS. If you have contacts there, could you ask if they would consider trying to get more info, perhaps via an FOI request?

N.S. government refuses to release cause of fire that killed 4 children
“The Nova Scotia government is refusing to release the findings of the fire marshal’s investigation into a blaze last month that claimed the lives of four children.
Municipal Affairs spokeswoman Krista Higdon confirmed in an email that the investigation into the Jan. 7 fire in Pubnico Head, N.S. has been completed, but she said the cause of the fire would not be released “due to privacy laws.” She would not elaborate.
In the past, the province’s Office of the Fire Marshal has released the basic findings of investigations, which exclude personal information.”
[https://www.facebook.com/CBCNovaScotia/posts/10156359475596842 with comments]
3) Here is a press release regarding 5G transmitters, Telus’s relationship with Chinese firm Huawei. Please share with local media. Yesterday, I sent information to Wendy Mesley. My email is below in Letters.
= = =
From: Oona McOuat <cst.citizensforsafetechnology@gmail.com>
To: Oona McOuat
Cc: allpointswest@cbc.ca; Gail Sjuberg <gsjuberg@gulfislandsdriftwood.com>; hansen.bob5@gmail.com; cbcnewsvancouver@cbc.ca; radiowest@cbc.ca; daybreaknorth@cbc.ca; sheryl.mackay@cbc.ca; onthecoast@cbc.ca; ourvancouver@cbc.ca; stephen.quinn@cbc.ca; gloria.macarenko@cbc.ca; justin.mcelroy@cbc.ca; nxnw@cbc.ca; gregor.craigie@cbc.ca; amina.zafar@cbc.ca; angela.gilbert@cbc.ca; deborah.wilson@cbc.ca; nicole.mortillaro@cbc.ca; atanner@postmedia.com; Alison.Uncles@rci.rogers.com; editor@commonground.ca; contact@straight.com; gschaefer@postmedia.com; ihaysom@globaltv.ca; bob.macdonald@cbc.ca; quirks&quarks@cbc.ca; marketplace@cbc.ca; nora.young@cbc.ca; david.common@cbc.ca; wendy.mesley@cbc.ca; AnneKingston@rci.rogers.com; MichaelFriscolanti@rci.rogers.com; theweekly@cbc.ca; earlyed@cbc.ca; investigate@cbc.ca; ed@coopradio.org; mclaughlinonyourside@ctv.ca; spokenword@citr.ca; exec.projects@citr.ca; SOShea@globaltv.ca; kbolan@postmedia.com; ktomlinson@globeandmail.com; ghoekstra@postmedia.com; tfriesen@davidsuzuki.org
Sent: February 17, 2018
Subject: Telus & Huawei: Data, DNA, the CIA & the Rest of Us
Contact: Oona McOuat
Citizens for Safe Technology
Huawei & Telus: Is our Data & DNA at Risk at their 5G “Living Lab”?
“5G, microcells, the internet of things, and the “smart” revolution might make telecoms and industry a lot of dollars, but for the rest of us, they just don’t make sense.”
SALT SPRING, February 17 – Vancouverites may very well be guinea pigs in the experiment of the century. Instead of offering secure, safe, and healthy fiber optics direct to the premises, Telus and Chinese tech giant Huawei have created a “living lab” in Vancouver where they are testing their planned rollout of 5G. Telus is already using 4G microcells manufactured by Huawei across BC to gather and transmit our data. This week, six top US security chiefs, including directors of the CIA, FBI, and the NSA, warned that Huawei has shared sensitive information with China, and that Chinese security agencies can access private US business communications using Huawei’s equipment. All six said they do not recommend private citizens use products made by Huawei.
Even if these statements are rooted in trade protectionism as Huawei claims, the number of unanswered questions accompanying this pending 5G-rollout make it clear our government should be taking a precautionary approach. The one we committed to when we signed onto the Wingspread Precautionary Principle in 1998.
So where does this leave Canadians? Besides the serious health and environmental implications of 5G (to learn more about how it affects our DNA click here), we must now be concerned about what Huawei is doing with our personal data. And there will be plenty of it. (See this Tucker Carlson FOX news report on what he calls “surveillance capitalism” and how Google tracks us even when our phones are in airplane mode, and this journalist’s intimate look at how her smart home spied on her.)
Once the “smart” home revolution is in full swing, a whole lot of very private information will be gathered and transmitted by the Huawei microcells Telus has been busily installing – without our consent or often knowledge – right by our homes across the nation.
The sad – or perhaps sadder – part? Even though 5G will never be as fast or as safe as a direct fiber-to-the-premise wired connection, ISED Canada is allowing these microcells to be installed without any public input, and our government is erroneously telling us we need them to “cross the digital divide.”
True 21st century smart city applications like creating sustainable transportation, energy, and water systems, accessing education, and upgrading our emergency and public health care services are much better served by community-owned fiber optic networks. This groundbreaking February 2018 report: Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks explains why.
The Internet of Things and “smart” city package that is being sold to us as the justification for 5G is marketing hype. We do not need any more smartphone addicted kids, weakened immune systems and cancers, or distracted and stressed-out adults. We do need more honey bees, healthy eco-systems, and a drastic reduction in the carbon emissions that are contributing to climate change.
Pure and simple – 5G, microcells, the internet of things, and the “smart” revolution might make telecoms and industry a lot of dollars, but for the rest of us, they just don’t make sense.

From: Sharon Noble
Sent: February 16, 2018
To: Wendy Mesley <marketplace@cbc.ca>
Subject: Cybersecurity Issue: Telus invites Chinese to steal our data
Importance: High
Dear Ms. Mesley,
Telus has aligned itself with a Chinese firm that has been identified as a spy by all the US intelligence agencies at a Congressional hearing on Tuesday. The company, Huawei, was specifically singled out as a potential threat to telecom infrastructure security.
“That provides the capacity to exert pressure or control over our telecommunications infrastructure,” Wray said. “It provides the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information. And it provides the capacity to conduct undetected espionage.” https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/13/chinas-hauwei-top-us-intelligence-chiefs-caution-americans-away.html
Telus is installing small microcells across BC, and I suspect elsewhere in Canada, every 100-200 meters on public rights of way, on hydro or telephone poles, just feet from homes. Inside these microcells are transmitters made by Huawei that connect directly with our internet and cellular networks. Telus has made our entire grid available to Huawei for whatever purposes it desires.
TELUS and Huawei Continue to Lead the Way in Canada’s Journey to 5G with Innovative Small-cell Deployment
“”We are delighted that TELUS continues to deploy Huawei’s innovative small-cell solutions to support their heterogeneous network and achieve data rates exceeding 1 Gbps with the Huawei LampSite solution,” said Ritchie Peng, President of Huawei Small Cell Product Line. “With data rates exceeding 1 Gbps with Huawei’s LampSite Solution, TELUS customers can experience these speeds everywhere thanks to the collaboration and experiential learning in the TELUS 5G Living Lab’.”
Earlier this year, TELUS and Huawei announced the successful live deployment of a 3GPP-oriented network. Since, TELUS has also announced that it has successfully tested other technologies vital to 5G, such as Licensed-Assisted Access (LAA).”
An additional infrastructure, a major dam that is being planned, Site C, will be designed and constructed by another Chinese company should the purchase of Aecon be finalized. This will be yet another doorway into losing control of our data and security, as well as the promised jobs.
Aecon Group agrees to be acquired by CCCI for $20.37 per share
Aecon partnership selected as preferred proponent for Site C generating station and spillways civil works contract
To date I have seen nothing in Canadian media about this significant threat. I so hope that you will consider investigating it and informing Canadians about our vulnerability.
With great respect,
Sharon Noble
From: noreply.newsondemand@gov.bc.ca
Reply-To: gcpe.news@gov.bc.ca
To: Norm Ryder (name given with permission)
Truck drivers to benefit from free Wi-Fi at commercial vehicle inspection stations: http://news.gov.bc.ca/16409 Free Wi-Fi has been installed at all commercial vehicle inspection stations throughout the province, improving safety and efficiency on B.C.’s roads by making it easier for commercial drivers to access the online services they need.
Dear Honourable Claire Trevena
I request meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss the downside and adverse effects of the increasing amount of radiation your ministry is responsible for.
Recently I phoned, sent an email and letter to your office re wifi equipped rest stops. It appears your response has been to add to the highway wifi network. I, like approximately 1/3 of the population and an increasing number, am sensitive to electromagnetic radiation – I can not use a cell phone or a laptop on wifi. The signs of sensitivity vary depending on the person but some of the most common are mental alertness (Brain Fog), headaches and stress – all of which are not good for drivers to be suffering under.
In addition, I have had a benign brain tumour caused by radiation requiring over 20 hours of brain surgery to remove; as a result of the surgery, I am disfigured. I received a massive dose of radiation while working for the province building more critical infrastructure which caused the tumour in the exact location of the intense exposure.
Unfortunately the experience has resulted in extensive study and understanding of the issues related to radiation. The study has lead me to be in contact with a number of international doctors and scientists that have studied the topic and have many peer reviewed papers and published papers on the topic.
It is imperative that a meeting be held as soon as possible (I live in Victoria and could be in your office in an hour or so – short notice of a meeting will probably work for me) so that you may have an opportunity to view and understand first hand the adverse effects of radiation.
Norm Ryder

Re: “New Democrats call for a reduction in fees paid by Meter Choices B.C. Hydro users”
For Immediate Release – Dec. 18, 2014
Dear Premier Horgan, Minister Mungall, Minister Dix,
I am writing to you to remind you that it is due time for you to fulfill your commitment as it was released on Dec 18, 2014.
Please find time to recall your words and not to repeat Liberal government mistakes (also copying their stand for “fairness of the deal”). They will take this case as one of examples where they will call your pre-election actions political games rather than commitment to fix the issue.
Please do not fall victim to industry as they work for their private interests only.
When people stand up to help provincial government, will the government honour its words to stop BC Hydro from bullying thousands of BC people? At least half of the USA states legislated officially so-called “smart” meter opt out in many cases offering no fee for keeping analogue meters, or a token fee (still a matter of consideration of being misaligned with basic professional and general human ethics). So-called “Meter Choices” was designed as a transition to finally break all opponents of SM and offer no unconditioned permanent Opt Out, basing their arguments on no availability of analogue meters, incompatibility with “modern” grid, etc. of other scripted lies. Up to now, BC has the highest “fees” – aka coercion penalties in N. America concluding BC Hydro is worst managed corporation filled with lies, coercion, and disrespect. And this comes from public sector which most assume is supposed to be a template of best practices. Why are we in BC deprived of having the same democratic rights as half of USA? Are we aware that we are in a dark unethical unprofessional zone (BC Hydro never submitted any financial justification to make meter reading the highest in N.A.). Also, these meters are located on private households while violating basic owners’ rights – the meters are used as proxy for each other re-transmitting neighbouring meters data thus BC Hydro using them for doing their private business which has no relevance to particular owner electricity consumption.
You committed to correct things, and it is your chance to prove your previously expressed words will make positive difference for this issue.
“Long road starts from small steps” Please make all your steps consistent, ethical, fair, and just.
Being undecided you should know that you will not be mistaken if you allow referendums for major mission critical changes. This will be true democracy where people exercise their wishes are heard and fulfilled. Look at Switzerland political structure. No one will have any strong argument to blame you for playing political opportunistic games if you do things which are truly in best people interests.
Please think about that…
Thank you in advance for trying to be different, committed, just and honest.
Michael Volansky
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A politician thinks of the next election. A leader thinks of the next generation.”
~ Bernie Sanders