[5G – Appliance Damages – BC Hydro Tariff – Benefits – Bills – Brady Yauch, Consumer Policy Institute – Brain Cancer (Henry Delaney) – Catastrophic Failures – Cecelia Doucette Letter re Massachusetts Legislation – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Christopher Stewart – Costs – Darren Murphy, Keith Cronkhite, Lori Clark, NB Power – DPH Department of Public Health – Doctor Oz – Edmund Finamore – EMF Fact Sheets – EUB Energy & Utilities Board – Explosion – FPL Florida Power & Light Liability – Gerald Bourque – Gregg Lazzaro – H.2030 (Carolyn C. Dykema) – Heather Black – Itron Smart Meter Fires – Manitoba Hydro – Net Metering – Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro – Opt-out – Power Lines – Right to Know – S.107 (Julian Cyr) – S.108 (Julian Cyr) – S.1268 (Karen E. Spilka) – S.1864 (Michael O. Moore) – S.2079 (Donald F. Humason, Jr.) – S.2080 (Donald F. Humason, Jr.) – Siemens AMI – Site C – Smart Grid – Solar – South Florida Trotting Center – Synapse Energy – TOU – Utility Death Spiral – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless Devices | BC – Saint John, New Brunswick – Berkeley, California & Florida & Massachusetts, USA] & (videos)
1) Looks like another smeter fire in Florida. FPL, at first, denied it was their equipment and later admitted it was. Like the rules in BC, even if damage is caused by the utility’s mistake, the homeowner is responsible for the repair costs. Bizarre…it seems all the regulations are to benefit and protect BC Hydro at our expense.
(see the Electricity Tariff section 9.5: https://www.bchydro.com/content/dam/BCHydro/customer-portal/documents/corporate/tariff-filings/electric-tariff/bchydro-electric-tariff.pdf)
(click on photos to enlarge)
FPL uses ITRON meters. Other fires have been linked to smeters such as this one in which several race horses died.
Howard Finkelstein, 7News legal expert: “It depends. If a problem occurs, you are responsible, even if it’s FPL’s mistake, but the law says the power company is responsible if they commit gross negligence. However, the law does not specifically define gross negligence, just calls it a really serious or bad mistake. Would a fire at your house be a bad mistake? Depends on what caused it.”
We contacted FPL about Gregg’s problem.
FPL checked into it and his neighbor who had a similar incident.
A spokesperson wrote, “The incidents that occurred in Miami Lakes were not caused by the smart meters … We have thoroughly investigated both incidents, which included issues with separate underground power lines servicing the two customers.”
Regarding Gregg, a spokesman wrote, “Initially, the incident did not appear to be related to FPL’s equipment. Upon further review, we determined that the company was responsible for the incident.”

2) In New Brunswick, the utility’s business plan shows that the benefits projected are less than the costs. And if the costs are as misleading as BC Hydro’s, the difference will be even greater.

NB Power’s smart meter plan labelled a ‘money loser’ during EUB grilling
“A trio of NB Power executives were under pressure Wednesday to justify why the utility wants to invest more than $100 million to install smart meters with customers when its own accounting shows savings from the change will be less than the cost to implement it.”
3) Could the NDP’s decision to continue Site C mean higher rates and, ultimately, the death of BC Hydro? The smeter program and Site C escape scrutiny via the Clean Energy Act after having been rejected by the BCUC.

4) Short video on the health effects of 5G shown on the Dr. Oz Show today.
The Rise of 5G Cell Phone Towers
5) A very sad tragedy, a 2 year old dies of brain cancer, having been diagnosed just after his first birthday. If only there could be an investigation of RF exposure before birth…perhaps others could benefit.
Comedian Rob Delaney’s 2-Year-Old Son Henry Dies After Battling Brain Cancer by Karla Rodriguez – US Weekly – February 9, 2018:
6) Below is an update on the major efforts in Massachusetts where progress is being made toward implementing Bills re. exposure to EMF, wireless in schools, smeters, etc. Support by various elected officials is vital. Hopefully, the progress in Mass. will continue, which could help us in our efforts. The Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health is preparing info. sheets about radiation-emitting devices. Once they are available, I will share with you.
From: Cecelia Doucette
Date: Feb. 8, 2018
Subject: Thank You! Progress on Massachusetts EMF Bills
Thank you to those who were able to send in testimony to support the EMF bills and/or to make calls to the committee chairs. Your voices were heard, and we have some positive news to report!
Four of the Seven Bills Progressed
S.1268 and H.2030 were reported out of committee favorably, and S.107 and S.108 were granted an extension for the committee to examine the issue further. The other three bills were sent to study, which means they are done for this session but could be reintroduced by the legislators next session if warranted. (See below for details.)
That is excellent progress — more than half the bills have had activity, and four are headed in the right direction! That is a rare occurrence given most bills never progress, especially the first session they are introduced.
Even so, bear in mind the legislative process is a marathon, not a sprint. It is designed to be slow and deliberate to prevent anyone “pulling a fast one” on the legislature and the citizens.
What You Can Help With Next
The Office of the Clerk will decide where S.1268 and H.2030 will be assigned to now: likely an advanced committee that will have to make a determination in relatively short order. I will send a request for testimonies again at that juncture. If S.107 and S.108 continue to progress, I will do the same for those bills when they are reported out in April.
Note: the Massachusetts Department of Public Health [DPH] has also drafted a series of EMF fact sheets based on the point of emission: high voltage power lines, cell towers, cell phones, and wireless. The DPH was included on the testimony templates, so they have been learning along with our legislators as folks sent submissions in.
I am told the fact sheets have been vetted through the MA DPH over the last year, and are now with the DPH Commissioner’s office awaiting release. We may ask folks to encourage their release if need be.
Where Each Bill Stands
Joint Committee on Public Health
- S.1268 Resolve creating a special commission to examine the health impacts of electromagnetic fields will look at non-industry-funded science and recommend public protections. Sponsored by Senator Karen E. Spilka. This bill was reported out of committee favorably on February 7, 2018. The Office of the Clerk will determine where it goes next. Click here for updates.
- H.2030 An Act relative to best management practices for wireless in schools and public institutions of higher education requires the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish wireless technology standards to protect the health and safety of public school students and staff. Sponsored by Representative Carolyn C. Dykema and originally referred to the Joint Committee on Education. After public hearing this bill was discharged to the Joint Committee on Public Health, which reported it out of committee favorably on February 7, 2018. The Office of the Clerk will determine where it goes next. Click here for updates.
- S.2079 An Act reducing non-ionizing radiation exposure in schools. Introduced for a constituent by Senator Donald F. Humason, Jr., and originally referred to the Joint Committee on Education. After public hearing on September 5, 2017 the bill was discharged to the Joint Committee on Public Health. The latter sent it to study on February 7, 2018 where it is unlikely to progress further this session but can be reintroduced next session. Click here for updates.
Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure
- S.107 An Act relative to disclosure of radiofrequency notifications requires manufacturer warnings be prominently displayed on product packaging of wireless radiation-emitting devices. Sponsored by Senator Julian Cyr. On February 7, 2018 the committee filed an extension to April 9, 2018 to allow time to form a commission with EMF scientists and doctors.
- S.108 An Act relative to the safe use of handheld devices by children requires specific language be included on product packaging, as modeled by an ordinance unanimously passed in Berkeley, California. Also sponsored by Senator Julian Cyr. On February 7, 2018 the committee filed an extension to April 9, 2018 to allow time to form a commission with EMF scientists and doctors.
Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy
- S.1864 An Act relative to utilities, smart meters, and ratepayers’ rights gives utility customers the no-fee choice of retaining non-wireless radiation-emitting water, gas and electrical meters and refusing installation of “smart” utility meters. Sponsored by Senator Michael O. Moore. The committee sent this bill to study on February 7, 2018 where it is unlikely to progress further this session but can be reintroduced next session. Click here for updates.
Joint Committee on Financial Services
- S.2080 An Act increasing medical awareness and insurance coverage of non-ionizing radiation injury and reliance upon credible independent medical research. Introduced for a constituent by Senator Donald F. Humason, Jr. The committee sent this bill to study on February 7, 2018 where it is unlikely to progress further this session but can be reintroduced next session. Click here for updates.
Quick Lesson on How a Bill Becomes a Law
If you remember School House Rock, you may appreciate this three-minute refresher on how a bill becomes a law at the federal level, which is not too different from our state level:
The following indicates how a bill becomes a law in Massachusetts; other states will have their own processes on file if you’re considering introducing similar legislation:
The EMF bills just cleared the longest step, “Committee Report Directs the Measure’s Path – Rejection or on to First Reading and Secondary Committee”. The remaining steps will take place through the end of 2018.
Thank you once again to everyone working so hard to inform and protect the public from wireless radiation — please take a moment today to celebrate these accomplishments with the Massachusetts EMF bills!
Onward and upward we go,
Cece Doucette
Technology Safety Educator
Ashland, MA
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.”
~Albert Camus