[ANFR – Animals – ANSES – Brain Gliomas – Brian Berridge – Cancer – CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley – Cell Phone Antennas – Children – Conflict of Interest – COSMOS – Credibility – CTIA – DNA – Doctor Anthony B. Miller, EHT – Devra Davis – EMF – EPA – Eric van Rongen, ICNIRP – FCC – Health – Heart Schwannomas – IARC Interphone – Industry Funding – Jeffrey Shuren, FDA – Joel Moskowitz – John Bucher – Kate Kheel – Lars-Erik Larsson, TeliaSonera – Linda Birnbaum, NTP – Louis Slesin – Maria Feychting – Marc Arazi – Martin Röösli – Michael Kundi – Michael Lauer, NIH – Microwave Radiation Probable Carcinogen – NIESH – Perry Kendall – Phonegate Rigged Testing – RFR – Robert D. Morris – Ronald L. Melnick – Safety – SAR – SNRV – Studies – Thyroid – WHO – Wireless – Yngve Hamnerius | BC – Toronto, Ontario – Canada – Vienna, Austria – EU – France – Germany – Gothenburg, Sweden – Basel, Switzerland – Berkeley, California, USA] & (audio) & (videos)
(click on photos to enlarge)
I realize this is an unusual update, but there is so much in and about this report that I couldn’t figure out how else to present it.

While I was gone, the draft of the second portion of the largest cell phone radiation study ever done was released. This 10-year, $25 million study was done by the National Toxicology Program in the USA. The first section was released long before the rest was written because the researchers felt the results were significant enough to warrant immediate action to protect the public. This study is considered to be one of the most significant ever done, providing clear evidence that microwave radiation should be classified as a carcinogen.
Here is a discussion with one of the lead scientists of the study, from Dec. 2016. At minute 41, Dr. Melnick states that the evidence exists in this study to justify a reclassification of microwave radiation to “probable carcinogen”, up from the current “possible”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46TbbcpVfjA [51 minutes]
The industry and its bent scientists hit back, attempting to discredit it, as usual.
December 1, 2017
Microwave News reported today that the vice-chair of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), Maria Feychting, has been trying to convince the scientific community to dismiss the $25 million cell phone cancer study conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP).
According to Microwave News, Feychting claimed at scientific meetings held in Germany and Sweden last month that the pathology analyses in the NTP study were not properly blinded. This issue was originally raised by an official reviewer of the study and was laid to rest in the NTP interim report released in May, 2016.
Several researchers in the U.S. and Europe expressed their concerns to Microwave News about Feychting’s misguided efforts to undermine the credibility of the NTP cell phone study.
The Microwave News article reports that Feychting’s declaration of personal interests filed with ICNIRP is incomplete as she has not fully disclosed potential conflicts of interest due to her role in the Swedish COSMOS study which has industry funding.
For more information see Microwave News.
Dr. Melnick responded to Dr. Perry Kendall’s criticism of the NTP report, which was based primarily on industry’s misleading statements.
[& https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Qs6mCvmZc]
The second portion was expected to be equally significant, and would confirm serious DNA damage due to exposure to microwave radiation. Here is the conclusion as written in the draft report.
“Under the conditions of this 2-year whole-body exposure study, there was some evidence of carcinogenic activity of GSM-modulated cell phone RFR at 900 MHz in male Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats based on the incidences of malignant schwannoma in the heart. The incidences of adenoma or carcinoma (combined) in the prostate gland, malignant glioma and benign or malignant granular cell tumors in the brain, adenoma of the pars distalis in the pituitary gland, pheochromocytoma (benign, malignant, or complex combined) in the adrenal medulla, and pancreatic islet cell adenoma or carcinoma (combined) may have been related to cell phone RFR exposure. There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity of GSM-modulated cell phone RFR at 900 MHz in female Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats administered 1.5, 3, or 6 W/kg. There was some evidence of carcinogenic activity of CDMA- modulated cell phone RFR at 900 MHz in male Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats based on the incidences of malignant schwannoma in the heart.
The incidences of malignant glioma in the brain, adenoma of the pars distalis in the pituitary gland, and adenoma or carcinoma (combined) of the liver may have been related to cell phone RFR exposure. There was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity of CDMA-modulated cell phone RFR at 900 MHz in female Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats based on the incidences of malignant glioma in the brain and pheochromocytoma (benign, malignant, or complex combined) in the adrenal medulla.
Increases in nonneoplastic lesions in the heart, brain, and prostate gland of male rats, and of the heart, thyroid gland, and adrenal gland in female rats occurred with exposures to GSM cell phone RFR at 900 MHz. Increases in nonneoplastic lesions of the heart, brain, and prostate gland occurred in males, and of the brain in females exposed to CDMA cell phone RFR at 900 MHz.”
Because the first portion was released in May 2016 so dramatically, showing evidence of increases in brain cancers and schwannomas of the heart, many are questioning the wording of the current press release. Dr. Louis Slesin offers some possible reasons –
What Changed at NTP?
Same RF Cancer Data, Different Outlook
February 7, 2018
Why was the NTP so ambivalent about its cell phone cancer findings at the press conference last Friday when two years ago the same scientific evidence prompted a public health warning?
Some of the pathology numbers got tweaked since they were first released in 2016, but the changes were minor. It’s the same data set — but with a very different interpretation. The NTP mindset somehow shifted from we need to release this important new health data now to this is “not a high-risk situation.”
Who or what moved the NTP managers to change their outlook? There’s no shortage of suspects and suspicions”
And here are comments gathered by Kate Kheel:
1. Link to Dr. Devra Davis on NTP Draft Results:
Statement On National Toxicology Program Cell Phone Cancer Study By Devra Davis PhD, MPH

2. Link to Dr. Anthony Miller on NTP Draft Results:
Cancer Researcher States That $25 Million NIH Study Confirms That Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Cancer
3. Link to transcript and recording [1 hour audio] of the 2018 NTP Telephone Press Conference:
& Link to 2016 press conference by way of comparison:
4. A bit disturbing but elucidating nonetheless:
John Bucher, Ph.D., who was the Associate Director of the NTP since 2007, was replaced in January, 2018 (merely a few weeks before the NTP Draft Results were released) by Dr. Brian Berridge. No reason was given.
Could this have something to do with why some of the conclusions seemed to have been diluted in this latest Draft Report?
Statement by John Bucher in 2016 when reporting on the Partial Findings of the NTP Study:
“Overall we feel that the tumors are, in fact, likely to be related to the [RFR] exposures.”
National Toxicology Program has new associate director
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When there is a doubt, when it comes to our children, there is no doubt.”
~ Haifa’s mayor, Yona Yahav