[4G LTE – 5G Millimeter Waves – AI – Alfred & Patricia Kaelin – ANSI – AT&T – Axios – Benefits – Bias – Bullying – Cancer Society – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Cisco – Complaints – Conflict of Interest – Consumer Laws – Costs – Data – Doctor Om P. Gandhi Letter re Massachusetts EMF Bills – Eetu Prieur, Elisa Finland – Energy UK – Fibre Optics – Glioblastomas – Hacking – Harassment – Health – Interference – IoT – ITU International Telecommunication Union – Janis Hoffmann – Legal – Mark Todd, Energyhelpline – Michael Coote – Microcells / Small Cells – Misinformation – National Geographic (owned by Rupert Murdoch, Fox News) – Nokia – NSA – NTP Draft – Ofgem – Peter Ashwood-Smith – RF Microwave Radiation – Robert Cheesewright, Smart Energy GB – Safety – Security – Self-driving Cars – Smart Meters Not Mandatory in UK – Steve Playle, Chartered Trading Standards Institute – Studies – T-Mobile – Theodore Rappaport, NYU Wireless Research Center – Thyaga Nandagopal, National Science Foundation – Verizon – Victoria MacGregor, Citizens Advice – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | BC – China – EU – Finland – Israel – Japan – Korea – Latvia – London & Norfolk, UK – Massachusetts & Utah, USA]
1) I will be away from my computer for a few days, and will be unable to respond to emails or send out updates until Feb. 7.
News is that the draft National Toxicology Program’s 10 year RF Cancer study will be released on Feb. 2, 2018.
(click on photos to enlarge)
I ask that any significant information be sent by you to:
Janis Hoffmann <stopsmartmetersbc@gmail.com>
2) In the UK, utilities are bullying and misleading people in order to get smeters on their homes. This tactic is consistent around the world. If these things are so great, why is this happening?
Energy giants ‘bully their customers into getting smart meters’: Firms accused of flouting trading laws by telling families devices are a legal requirement
Energy giants were last night accused of flouting trading laws by pressuring homeowners into getting smart meters.
Families are being told the digital devices are a legal requirement when they are not. Trading standards chiefs have told power firms that misleading customers in this way is a breach of consumer laws.
Households have been bombarded with texts, emails, letters and phone calls telling them they need a smart meter.
3) Here is a news release from the Israeli Cancer Society in which it says there is no evidence that using a cell phone causes cancer. This despite years of research by many renowned, independent scientists showing strong association between microwave radiation and cancer, especially cell phones and glioblastomas. The Cancer Society, no doubt, will question the upcoming release of more evidence from the NTP report, as will the BC Cancer Society.
4) According to this report, the Trump administration is considering taking over a portion (or more) of the 5G spectrum, nationalizing it, apparently to protect against Chinese influence? Hacking? Economic gain?
Scoop: Trump team considers nationalizing 5G network
“Trump national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile network to guard against China, according to sensitive documents obtained by Axios….
The bigger picture: The memo argues that a strong 5G network is needed in order to create a secure pathway for emerging technologies like self-driving cars and virtual reality — and to combat Chinese threats to America’s economic and cyber security. A PowerPoint slide says the play is the digital counter to China’s One Belt One Road Initiative meant to spread its influence beyond its borders. The documents also fret about China’s dominance of Artificial Intelligence, and use that as part of the rationale for this unprecedented proposal.”
[Secure 5G – The Eisenhower National Highway System for the Information Age]
5) It sounds as if Finland will be stiff competition for the 5G innovation. 5G might use some microwave frequencies in addition to milliwave ones. Finland is planning on 5G being commercially available in 2020. And for those wondering, no, we do not have 5G in Canada yet.

Finland Is the Mobile Data Capital of the World
“Prieur is confident that Finland will be one of the first countries to roll out 5G and, in the meantime, will be able to conduct tests better than other regions. He argues that because Finland is often among the first to allocate certain frequencies for mobile usage, the country has a leg up on others that haven’t adopted the new frequencies as quickly or as effectively…
Right now, Finland offers mobile data on six frequencies: 700, 800, 900, 1800, 2100 and 2600 MHz. Finnish mobile companies are waiting on two new 5G frequencies, which are expected to be 3500 MHz and 26 gigahertz (GHz).
Finland’s 5G coverage has the potential to be superior to other regions because of the combination of those unique, low frequencies and new, higher frequencies for 5G.”
6) A member just alerted me why writing to the National Geographic about its support of wireless technology is a waste of time. In 2015 Rupert Murdoch, of Fox News, bought it.

“Some of the anxiety stems from the fear of becoming an afterthought in an enterprise dominated by a shareholder, Fox, that operates a company with $29 billion in annual revenue. It also reflects uncertainty about what could happen to the magazine’s image and vaunted journalism under the Murdoch banner.
Magazine staffers point warily to Fox News Channel and to Murdoch-owned tabloids such as the New York Post and Britain’s Sun. They also looked closer to home — to the TV programs produced under the society’s long-running partnership with Fox.”
National Geographic gives Fox control of media assets in $725 million deal
An open letter from Dr. Om Gandhi to the Massachusetts Legislative Committees considering microwave radiation. His CV is very large, even the abbreviated version, so it will be on our website.
From: Om Gandhi <om.gandhi34@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 28, 2018
Subject: Re: Massachusetts EMF Bills
Dear Legislators:
I am an Emeritus Professor of the University of Utah who worked in the area of Biological Effects of RF /Microwave electromagnetic fields from 1973 to 2017. During this period I guided the graduate research for over 25 students who received their Ph.D. degrees from University of Utah. My abbreviated CV is attached here for your perusal.
I was involved in setting modern “dosimetry – based” safety standards for RF/microwave electromagnetic standards for the ANSI subcommittee back in 1978/1979. Back then the only sources of electromagnetic fields were the distant AM/FM radio and TV antennas. The safety standards were based on the basis of exposure to high intensity RF/microwave fields to which very few people were ever exposed.
With minor modifications the safety standards suggested in 1979 have continued to this day while the uses of RF electromagnetic fields have exploded including the almost universal use of wireless devices that are hand held, against your ear, in your lap or in your pocket. Whereas less than 0.1 % of population living close to the radio/TV broadcast antennas were exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields ( RF EMF) back in 1978/1979, such exposures have mushroomed to almost 95 % of the US population these days.
It is incumbent on us to reexamine the old safety standards and health effects of these body-penetrating electromagnetic fields lasting entire lives from “cradle to grave” in the light of such widespread exposures and several long term biological effect studies that have been reported in scientific literature since 1979.
Om P. Gandhi
Professor Emeritus
University of Utah
Sent to the editor of the NG.
Dear Sir or Madam,
As somebody who has thought highly of “National Geographic” for years, I have to express my disappointment over your “5G is coming soon … “ article.
Yes, we should care. All of us. But for totally different reasons, or at least for more reasons than the ones highlighted by you. Smart cities don’t just offer advantages. They have potential to negatively affect public and environmental health. There is plenty of scientific evidence for this. In fact, the damage is already being done – with or without 5G. Since you don’t make any reference to this reality, despite your journalistic capabilities, I have to wonder what led you to publish such a biased piece?
“National Geographic has been exploring and protecting the planet since 1888” your contact page states. Please don’t stop now.
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse”
~ Edmund Burke