[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antenna Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Abe Bourdon Letter to Editor re BC Hydro Smart Metering Program & Debts – Ajit Pai – ALS – Analog – Asthma – AT&T – Audi – Autism – BCUC – Benefits – Big Telecom – Bills – BMW – Bronchitis – CARB California Air Resources Board – Cell Phones – Chris Shelton, CWA Communications Workers of America – Class Action Lawsuit – Clean Energy Act – Daimler – David King – Doctor Jake McDonald, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute – Elimination of Copper Wire Landlines – EMFs – EMR – Environment – EPA – EUGT European Research Group – FCC BDAC Broadband Development Advisory Committee – Fibre Optics – Finlay MacPherson Letter re Misinformation & TBYP – Fires – Fraud – Frontier – Google Fiber – HB 2872 (Dale Derby 2018) Opt-out – Health – Heart Attacks – Helmut Greim – Illegal Software Defeat Device – Industry Bias – Interference – International Council on Clean Transportation – IPPs Independent Power Producers – ISED – James Denn – Jerry Flynn Letter to Editor – Joachim Heinrich – Lowell McAdam, Verizon – Lung Cancer – Margaret Douglas – Martin Winterkorn – Matthias Müller – Michael Spallek – Michael Steinberg – Net Neutrality – Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution – OTMR One Touch Make Ready Rules – Parkinson’s – Perry Kendall – Porsche – Precautionary Principle – Privacy – RF – Rigged Testing – Robert Bosch – Safety – Sam Liccardo – SB 649 (Ben Hueso, Bill Quirk) – Shaw Batteries – Smart Devices – Studies – Submit Comments re NZ Bill 293-1 (Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill 2017 by Clare Curran) – Suicide – Tier Pricing – Tobacco Science – Utility Poles – Virginia J. Limmiatis, National Grid – VOiP – VW Clean Diesel Scandal – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless | Clinton & Kamloops, BC – Canada – Austria – EU – France – Wolfsburg, Germany – New Zealand – Scotland – Barcelona, Spain – UK – Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, & Santa Ana, California & Washington, DC & Florida & Boston, Massachusetts & Albuquerque, New Mexico & New York & Oklahoma & Chattanooga, Tennessee & Texas & Tacoma, Washington & West Virginia, USA]
1) Here is yet another example of industries twisting science to their benefit, leading to many thousands of deaths — just as has been, and is being, done regarding microwave radiation.
(click on photos to enlarge)
10 Monkeys and a Beetle: Inside VW’s Campaign for ‘Clean Diesel’
“The details of the Albuquerque experiment have been disclosed in a lawsuit brought against Volkswagen in the United States, offering a rare window into the world of industry-backed academic research. The organization that commissioned the study, the European Research Group on Environment and Health in the Transport Sector, received all of its funding from Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW…
The organization, known by its German initials, E.U.G.T., did not do any research itself. Rather, it hired scientists to conduct studies that might defend the use of diesel. It sponsored research that challenged a 2012 decision by the World Health Organization to classify diesel exhaust as a carcinogen. It financed studies that cast doubt on whether banning older diesel vehicles from cities reduced pollution. It produced a skeptical assessment of data showing that diesel pollution far exceeded permitted levels in cities like Barcelona, Spain.
Industries like food, chemicals and pharmaceuticals have a long history of supporting research that advances their political agendas. But the automakers’ group consistently promoted the industry’s claim that diesel was environmentally friendly — a claim now undercut by the Volkswagen scandal.”
Engineering a Deception: What Led to Volkswagen’s Diesel Scandal
2) A California mayor finds the FCC’s bias for the telecoms overrides municipalities’ rights to control access to public rights of way and municipal concerns.
San Jose mayor resigns from FCC BDAC over pole attachment, city infrastructure recommendations dispute
“San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo has left the FCC’s Broadband Development Advisory Committee (BDAC), charging that the organization is giving large service providers like AT&T and Verizon free rein to install network facilities at the expense of communities’ best interests.
“It has become abundantly clear that despite the good intentions of several participants, the industry-heavy makeup of BDAC will simply relegate the body to being a vehicle for advancing the interests of the telecommunications industry over those of the public,” said Liccardo in his resignation letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.”
His resignation letter gives insight into the workings of the committees deciding the future of our homes, neighbourhoods and communities. I am sure that this same thing is happening in ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development – formerly Industry Canada).
An article by Mayor Liccardo in Oct. 2017. He is rightly concerned about public/municipal rights, but what about health. Too bad he isn’t aware of the dangers of RF and 5G because he would make a strong advocate.
Why Does Verizon Care About Telephone Poles?
“Public street poles may not look like much, but to wireless service providers, they’re valuable real estate.
Companies like Verizon want low-cost access to them to install equipment to handle the rapidly growing demand for mobile data. But poles are owned locally, and cities and counties aren’t eager to give away access at below-market rates. Doing so would essentially subsidize an already wealthy industry — nationwide, as much as $2 billion a year, money that could otherwise go to expanding low-cost broadband access for people like Omar’s family.
As a result, the industry is waging a war for those poles, at all levels. Big Telecom and its allies in the White House have quietly carried out a campaign to secure rapid and cheap access to those poles, at taxpayer expense. Here in California, state legislators recently advanced a bill introduced by Senator Ben Hueso that would allow wireless service providers to install their equipment on public street poles at below-market rates — and to do so nearly wherever and whenever they choose — all in the name of “streamlining” local permit approvals.”
3) In New York, after months of negotiating for a significant rate increase, a utility decided to “scrap” its smeter program. Other things were more important, like infrastructure and lower rate increases.

National Grid presents final proposal for rate hikes
“The company filed its first plan for rate hikes in April to the state Public Service Commission when it asked to immediately raise prices for all users. This included a more than $10 average monthly increase for residential users and $30 to $75 more per month for commercial users…
National Grid, however, reduced its budget for system updates from $2.7 billion to $2.5 billion. Ms. Limmiatis said the utility scrapped its plan to implement two million new smart meters and altered certain spending measures. The reduced investment led to a lower rate hike request, she said.
“There was less of a need, I guess, for those” meters, she said. “We’re going to put this on hold and look for opportunities in the future.””
4) An excellent letter in the Kamloops paper. The writer is well aware that the smeter program was exempted from oversight by the BCUC via the Clean Energy Act. The Liberals did this after the BCUC rejected an application for the program in 2008 because:
1 – the benefits did not justify the costs and
2 – the technology was new, perhaps unreliable, and certainly untested.
5) Another telecommunications action that, like the smeters, is being taken around the world, all at the same time. Why? And why are all the safe, dependable analog meters and phone lines being removed? As in North America, the push is now being made in New Zealand to remove the copper-wired landline.
Here, in BC, many of us have already lost our landline and it has been replaced, often without our being told or asked, by the VOiP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VoIP_phone). The service is via a modem and depends on electricity being available. A battery provides backup for a limited period, depending on the capability of the battery. When there was an outage last year, we found the phone was dead within an hour – that is how we found our landline had been changed. Shaw found the battery was faulty and replaced it, but this could happen again. If it does, there is no way to call for an ambulance, the police or fire dept. Why was this allowed?

Save NZ’s landline phones – action needed NOW
From: Finlay MacPherson (name given with permission)
Sent: January 26, 2018
To: Allison Arthur <aarthur@ptleader.com>
Subject: Jan. 17 Thomas Engel article
Dear Allison,
The following is my rewrite of my earlier letter to the Editor:
Whoever was responsible for approving publication of the article “Movie ‘Take Back Your Power’ contained ‘great deal of misinformation'” obviously has no understanding of what ‘misinformation’ really is as most of the article is truly misinformative itself..
Many of the article’s statements are BLATANTLY FALSE (e.g. widespread proven technology, no fires, accuracy, no harm to health, radiation from analog meters, analogs no longer manufactured, etc.) as anyone with access to an Internet search engine such as Google could have easily discovered.
Furthermore, as more people discover the dangers to their health and safety that “smart” wireless devices are causing, increasing numbers of awakened citizens are calling for the removal of smart meters and other wireless technology. Here are two links to further information:
It really is disappointing that your publication sees fit to continue promoting the “spin” of those behind the push for smart meters rather than offering your readers the real facts of what damage all these “smart” devices actually are doing to the present and future health of all living things. Just because the wireless industry has most of the population brainwashed into believing their lies about “safety” in order to massively profit does not mean the truth is not out there, it just means that it is being concealed from those not wishing to investigate for themselves.
Finlay MacPherson
From: Jerry Flynn (name given with permission)
Sent: January 26, 2018
To: editor@pqbnews.com
Subject: Letter to the Editor: Your Health & Safety
January 26, 2018
Dear Editor, PQB News
Letters to the Editor
Your Health & Safety
BC’s Provincial Health Officer (PHO) is the senior health official responsible for monitoring the health of the population and advising BC’s Government on public health issues.
It is conservatively estimated that in the world today there are 6-billion+ cell phones, hundreds of thousands – each – of cell phone towers, ‘smart’ meters, ‘smart’ appliances, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers (in homes, cancer clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, shopping malls, retail outlets, places of work, public areas, etc.) and Bluetooth devices. Altogether, there are hundreds of thousands of tablet and laptop computers, baby monitors, TV games, radars, AM / FM radio and TV towers, GPS and countless military, scientific, commercial and weather satellites, etc. All of the above (plus a myriad other wireless devices) emit ‘non-thermal’ radio frequency electro-magnetic field radiation, which the World Health Organization (WHO) classified a “Possible Carcinogen” in 2011! Non-industry scientists say this “non-thermal” radiation CAUSES cancers, autism, Parkinson’s, ALS Disease, suicides and most of today’s other disease epidemics!
Health Canada, the WHO and other Western regulatory agencies all refuse to admit that “non-thermal” EMFs can be harmful to people!
Not one of these wireless products – even baby monitors – has had to undergo prior independent tests (by qualified professionals having no ties to industry) to ensure they were safe to be used by, on and/or around people of all ages, of all sizes, of all degrees of wellness on a continuous 24/7/365 basis!
Not once in his 19 years as PHO has Dr. Kendall seen fit to recommend to the Provincial Government to impose the “Precautionary Principle” (in part: put the onus on those who say their technology is safe to prove it)!
J.G. “Jerry” Flynn, Captain (Retired)
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
~ Dalai Lama