[Alex Pasichnyk, Aplastic Anemia – Beverly Rubik – Bone Marrow Transplant – Brain Cancers – Canadian Commission on Building & Fire Codes – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – DNA – Doctor Anthony Miller Statement to Hempfield Pennsylvania School District Board – EHT – FCC – Health Risks – IARC – iPad – Lloyd’s of London Insurance Exclusion – Matthew Covey, Halifax Fire & Emergency Services – National Building Code – NTP – Philip Rizcallah, National Research Council – RF Microwave Radiation – Rouleaux Formation (Blood Clumping) – Safety – Site C Summit – Smart Meter Design Flaws – Sprinklers – Studies – Vince MacKenzie, Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs – WHO – Wi-Fi – Wireless | Victoria, BC – St. Albert, Alberta – Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland Labrador – Halifax, Nova Scotia – Canada – France – Sweden – Hempfield, Pennsylvania, USA] & (videos)
1) A member sent this article about new homes being more combustible, with highly flammable materials and designs that enhance the spread of fires. Yet the government has mandated a plastic, combustible device on the side of our homes despite being warned that the smeter has design flaws that could cause fires.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Rise in fast-burning house fires heats up calls for sprinklers in homes
2) Site C summit January 26-27, 2018 in Victoria. If you can’t attend in person, you can participate via livestreaming.
Here’s some info about Livestreaming of the Site C Summit … You can ‘subscribe’ if you want … And keep an eye on the WebSite for updates … (please let people know).
” … the youtube channel we will livestream on is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOJ–AuQfb59oeLDv_6Lnw
Subscription will make it easier for folks to re-find the channel. It is branded on the footer of the event webpage https://sitecsummit.ca/
to register Site C Summit – Accountability and Action
Take part in the Site C Summit for Accountability and Action on January 26th and 27th in Victoria BC. All are welcome who oppose the Site C hydro-electric dam project – join us at the summit and help plan a response to Site C’s approval.
3) In the January 12 update [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-01-12-cell-tower-battle-in-usa-excellent-video-by-dr-anthony-miller/], I shared a YouTube with Dr. Anthony Miller speaking of the dangers of cell towers, etc. to the Pennsylvania School Board on Jan. 9, 2018. Here, again, is that YouTube.
Dr. Anthony Miller: Radio Frequency Radiation, Cancer and Cell Towers Statement to School District:
Here is a copy of Dr. Miller’s notes for that YouTube.
4) On Sunday CTV news, there was a segment about a young girl soon to undergo a bone marrow transplant, hugging a wireless tablet. She has aplastic anemia (http://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions-and-treatments/conditions/aplastic-anemia), a disease involving the failure of the marrow to produce healthy cells. Below, in Letters, is the link to CTV from a member who is most concerned. The family is from Alberta. She undergoes the surgery on Wednesday. Wishing her good luck, and hoping that exposure to microwave radiation doesn’t delay or prevent her full recovery. The father works in insurance so he might find the info about Lloyd’s of London’s exclusion illuminating.
From: Marcus Schluschen (name given with permission)
Sent: January 14, 2018
Subject: CTV News – little girl in trouble
Last night, CTV NEWS reported on a little girl with a serious health condition.
Her name is Alex Pasichnyk, 11 years old. She is from St. Albert.
Her parents names are: Lisa & Sheldon
In the footage, the girl is a clutching a pink tablet/i-pad, as if it was a teddy bear. Appallingly, her doctors are completely oblivious to the health risk this poses for this child.
If the parents could look at this study by Dr. Beverly Rubik, they might understand that they are not doing any favours by allowing her to play and spend a large part of the day with this device. Even if the transplant goes well, her chances of recovery will be greatly minimized, as tablets affect the health of blood cells most severely.
A German study by young researches did a similar study on high school students. They also observed that bystanders, 6 ft. away, showed an almost identical negative blood pattern, and it took almost 2 hours for the blood to return back to normal.
The attending physician explained that this rouleaux formation (Hypoxia), clumping of blood cells, can induce a stroke and lead to other ailments! If this little girl plays most of the day with her tablet, her blood will never return to a normal healthy stage!
Since we do not use Facebook, can someone who does use Facebook please try to contact the mom, Lisa Pasichnyk, and forward this and other information to her?
I found this: https://www.facebook.com/stalbertcommunity/posts/1063277397084265
She might appreciate to learn that some tablets, or laptops, can still be used with an Ethernet cable.
In any case, they do not belong on the chest of a sick child!
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.”
~ George Bernard Shaw