[5G Microcells / Small Cells Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting – Addiction – Advice to Pregnant Women – Andrew Goldsworthy – Apple – ASD – AT&T – Autism – Bill Gates – BioInitiative – Brain – California State Teachers’ Retirement System – Cell Phones – Children – Clothing – Doctor Martha Herbert – EHS – ElectroSmog – EMF Sensitivity: Fact or Fiction by Stephen Genuis – EMR-Lowering Protocol – Eric McHenry – Facebook – Google – Heavy Metal Toxicity – Heidi Flato, Verizon Wireless – HESA Committee – iPads – Jana Partners LLC – Judith Monroy, Link Lane – Judy Converse – Julie Matthews – Katie Singer – Maria Solis – Peter Sullivan – Protective Shielding – RF – RootMetrics Survey – Safety – Screen Schooled by Joe Clement & Matt Miles – Sean Parker – Silicon Valley – Sleeping Caps – Smartphones – Sprint – Steve Jobs – T-Mobile – Toril Jelter – Twitter – Wi-Fi | BC – Canada – UK – Santa Rosa, California, USA] & (audios) & Books
(audio 24:43) Why Don’t Trudeau and Horgan Care About Smart Meter Fires? Sharon Noble – January 11, 2018 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – January 11, 2018 – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/why-dont-trudeau-and-horgan-care-about-smart-meter-fires-sharon-noble-the-goddard-report-with-jim-goddard-january-11-2018/
(audio 23:01) Insurance Never Anticipated a Totally “Wired” Home. Sharon Noble – December 27, 2017 – The Goddard Report with Jim Goddard by talkdigitalnetwork – YouTube – December 27, 2017 – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/insurance-never-anticipated-a-totally-wired-home-sharon-noble-the-goddard-report-with-jim-goddard-december-27-2017/
1) I recall reading this article a few months ago, but it is important so I am sharing again. A study shows that sensitive people benefit from wearing a shielding hat while sleeping. It is during sleep, good sound sleep, that our bodies can recover from the stress and exposures of the day. This study has found that a vast majority of people feel better with fewer symptoms after sleeping with their heads shielded.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Electrosmog and autoimmune disease
“Patients began to initiate protection by purchasing commercially available shielded clothing and tenting from retailers. This clothing typically has silver-coated polyester threads interwoven with the supporting fabric so that the garment is capable of partially blocking microwave Electrosmog…
A full 90 % of the 64 patients reported a “Definite” or “Strong” change in their symptoms. This compares with the 3 % incidence for electromagnetic hypersensitivity typically expected in the population as a whole.”
2) In response to the article on autism in the last update, here is information linking EMR/RF with autism.

Katie Singer sent the following with some very interesting info from people with direct knowledge of the relationship between autism and wireless radiation. This from a pediatrician:
“Another family had an aggressive, non-verbal ten-year-old child with autism. Every night, the boy ran around the house, screaming from 10pm until 3am. This family lived on a military base with high levels of background EMR, and so I doubted that the Protocol would have any effect. But the parents wanted to try it. They kept the electricity on in their son’s room, but they eliminated their Wi-Fi at night and unplugged all of their cordless phones. Within three days, the boy’s aggressive behaviors decreased, and he spoke a complete sentence for the first time.”
Dr. Martha Herbert is a pediatric neurologist who has concluded that EMR plays a significant role in autism.
Dr. Herbert’s presentation to Canada’s HESA Committee in April, 2015 in which she says that 20 years ago, the rate of autism was 3-4 per 10,000. Now it’s 1 in 36!!
3) If the experience in Santa Rosa’s experience is any example, we cannot trust the telecoms when they advise the Councils about “small cells”. 5 ft. boxes outside homes is anything but “small”. And these are filled with electronics and transmitters.
New Verizon antennas generate unwelcome buzz in Santa Rosa
“A city-sanctioned bid to improve wireless connectivity for internet and cellphone users in Santa Rosa has run into opposition from some residents and generated concern among city officials after the first round of “small-cell” antennas went up on utility poles in recent weeks.
The equipment — including large metal in-ground utility boxes about 5 feet tall — varies greatly in design from anything the city was previously shown by Verizon, the wireless provider installing the antennas, said Eric McHenry, director of Santa Rosa’s Information Technology Department.”
4) I’m sure there have been other articles about this but, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates has put major limits on his children’s use of cell phones. Why aren’t more parents following his example?
Bill Gates is surprisingly strict about his kids’ tech use — and it should be a red flag for the rest of us
“Each of Gates’ three kids — ages 15, 18, and 21 — has grown up in a home that forbade cell phones until age 14, banned cell-phone use at the dinner table, and set limits on how close to bedtime kids could use their phones.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“But what we need above all is critical citizens, who can spot the difference between technical progress and consumer foolishness: citizens who, as both voters and consumers, remember that democracy once meant rule of the people, not ruling the people.”
~ Dr. Karl Hecht