[ACS American Cancer Society – BC Hydro – BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – Bill Otto, Hempfield School Board – Bills – Cell Towers – Children – Conflict of Interest – Corporate Sponsors (Accenture, Ameren, AT&T, GE, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, Siemens) – Costs – Covert Sonic Weapon Attacks on American / Canadian Embassy Diplomats (8 Canadians, Balance, Brain Abnormalities, Concussions, Directional Acoustic Phenomena Noise, EHS Symptoms, Headaches, Hearing, Loss of Consciousness, Memory, Nausea, Nosebleeds, Tracking 24 American Victims & 18 American Tourists, Vibrations, Waves of Pressure) – Cyber Attackers – Data – DCC Data Communications Company – DDoS Distributed Denial of Service – DECC – Doctor Anthony B. Miller – EMR – ENA Energy Networks Association – FCC – Follow the Money Trails – FortisBC – GCHQ – Global Affairs Canada – Hackers – Health Canada – Ian Levy, NCSC – International EMF Scientist Appeal – IoT – J. Sparacino Letter to Andrew Weaver, John Horgan, Mission City Council re EMFs – Kenneth R. Foster – Landisville Middle School – NAO National Audit Office Review Smart Meter Rollout – Paul G. Specht – Power Outages – Privacy – RCMP – Rex Tillerson – RF Microwave Radiation – Risk – Rohrerstown Elementary – Sacha Deshmukh, Smart Energy GB – Safety – Security by Design – Smart Grid – Studies – Theodora Scarato, EHT – Verizon Wireless – WHO – Zoya Pourmirza | BC – Ottawa, Ontario – Canada – Havana, Cuba – EU – Ukraine – UK – Miami & Pennsylvania, USA] & (videos)
1) Parents are concerned about a Pennsylvania school having a cell tower. Two “experts” testified, one for the industry, Dr. Ken Foster, saying all is just fine, and the other was Dr. Anthony Miller who testified via video. As usual, the school board is hearing about the science and the dangers for the first time and don’t know who to believe, who to trust, but it is the duty of any school board to protect the children. We know the risk is great, but any risk cannot be justified.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Do cell towers belong on school property? Experts weigh in at Hempfield school board meeting
“Residents say they not only want the school board to abort its deal with Verizon — meaning the district would lose out on $24,000 a year, plus potentially land itself in legal trouble — but take down the cell tower currently at Landisville Middle School.
They also took issue with Foster’s position on the panel. Foster has testified as an expert witness for cell tower and telecom groups, as well as authoring industry-funded papers, on numerous occasions.”
Please note that Kenneth Foster is one of the many bent scientists who, for years, has been paid to testify on behalf of the industry. He has testified that Wi-Fi in schools is safe, he has testified that the old Safety Code 6 is just fine having been on at least 2 Royal Society Panels that reviewed the studies cherry-picked by Health Canada.
Hempfield School District Considers Issues of Radio Frequency Radiation WJLA – YouTube of WJLA newsstory:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehqAKfpRSPU (38 seconds)
Dr. Anthony Miller: Radio Frequency Radiation, Cancer and Cell Towers Statement to School District:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPs6PAG1H6c (4:54 minutes) An excellent video that should be shared widely.
2) The Auditor General in the UK is monitoring, and will continue to monitor, the smeter program as it progresses to see if there is a cost savings for customers. Note: 11 billion pounds for 53 million smeters, converts into $354 CAD per meter. We’re still #1. If they realize the savings promised, this will be a first!!
“The National Audit Office says it will investigate whether the planned £11bn rollout will save customers money.
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy says it will work with the NAO to “help review the progress of this important programme”.
Smart meters show how much energy is being used and the cost in real time.
The technology is projected to save £16.7bn through reduced energy use, with the cost of the scheme funded through energy bills.”
3) Further on the UK smeter program, there is significant concern about privacy and cybersecurity, both of which are at risk in anything that is connected to the internet, especially wirelessly. So far, I don’t recall seeing anything about additional security measures that BC Hydro or FortisBC are taking. Any security upgrades would be very expensive and would increase the cost of the program dramatically.

“Although nothing is 100% secure, there are still known inherent vulnerabilities in smart grids. More studies and further research need to be performed in this field, because there is a distinct gap in the market for security technology suitable for smart grids.
“The cyber security technology for secure networks is available, we know that, but these technologies may not be appropriate for real-time monitoring of smart grids,” says Pourmirza. “We need to have security companies and academia to work together to investigate the gap, find the vulnerable points and then prioritise them.””
4) A follow-up re. the health problems suffered by Canadians and Americans in Cuba. There is no mention of possible effects from microwave radiation even though there is a history of this sort of “attack”.
No diplomats recalled from Cuba due to strange symptoms as investigation turns up few clues
Canada isn’t aware that a sonic weapon even exists that could cause the symptoms, as has been widely speculated in the United States
“The official said that doctors confirmed auditory trauma could cause the type of symptoms being reported, but that there is no suggestion that any known entity has a weapon that could do this. With no evidence pointing to the cause of the symptoms, the official said it couldn’t be ruled out that the causes were unrelated, environment..”
From: J. Sparacino (name given with permission)
Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2018
To: Office of the Premier, Premier John Horgan <Premier@gov.bc.ca>; rhawes@mission.ca; jstevens@mission.ca; jhinds@mission.ca; chamilton@mission.ca; dplecas@mission.ca; palexis@mission.ca; rnicholson@mission.ca; andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca
Subject: EMF
Ladies and Gentlemen, Public Servants:
The following information is for your benefit, your families’ benefit, and the benefit of the citizens you serve. EMF (microwaves) are generated by wireless communication devices including smart meters. They have been shown to promote the development of cancer in the human body. So why are we being told by leading health organizations that it’s safe?
Read and learn.
When the issue of RF radiation is raised, often 3 sources are quoted as saying there is no evidence that microwave radiation is dangerous: WHO which we know is loaded with industry affiliated people, Health Canada which has “scientists” who have major conflicts of interest having been paid to work for/do “research” for the industry, and the Cancer Society which has turned a blind eye to any dangers and has maligned independent scientists. This article helps to follow the money to the American Cancer Society. I’m sure there are similar trails to the Canadian Cancer Society.
“Position based on research or based on corporate contributions?
Look at ACS corporate ties.
Top ACS corporate sponsors are Smart Meter/AMI manufacturing and technology companies Siemens, GE, IBM, and Accenture, Illinois energy company and Smart Meter proponent Ameren, wireless companies AT&T and Motorola, and Microsoft. There are likely many more corporate ties slightly lower down the contribution list. [2]
In addition, CEOs of Ameren Corp.,Motorola Solutions, IBM, and Accenture sit on the American Cancer Society‘s Global Council for CEOs Against Cancer – “an elite group of CEOs of the largest and most influential corporations who serve in an advisory capacity on time sensitive, industry, subject matter, or geographically relevant topics pertaining to the global cancer burden.” [3]
This explains ACS’ entrenched position on wireless hazards, and why it supports wireless technology.”
The evidence is becoming overwhelming. Are you going to continue to deny the facts? Are you going to continue to be compliant and thus complicit in the advancement of this unhealthy enterprise?
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If we remain silent, we kill freedom, justice and the possibility that a society armed with information may have power to change the situation that has brought us to this point.”
~ Anabel Hernández