[#DeviceFreeDinner – Adam Alter – Addiction – Adrian Ward – Alex McDonough – Anxiety – APS – Attie Sandink – Behaviour by Design – Ben Tauber – B.F. Skinner – Bills – Brain Power – Brian Merchant – Brian Sandoval – Cell Phones – Center for the Digital Future – Chamath Palihapitiya & Sean Parker, Facebook – Children – Chris Marcellino, Apple iPhone – Clean Energy Act – Conflict of Interest – Dan Nixon – Daniel Levitin – Death Spiral – Demi Falcon – Digital Distraction – Disconnect to Reconnect – Don Maisch – Elon Musk – Ethics – Eye Contact with Babies – Frank Rieger – How to Reduce EMFs – Instagram – IQ Loss – J.B. Straubel – Jean-Michel Blanquer – John Ratey, ADD / ADHD – Joseph M. Mercola Health Statistics – Justin Trudeau – Lev Grossman – Martin L. Pall (VGCCs) – Matt Mayberry, Dopamine Labs – Memory – Microsoft – Microwave Radiation – Norm Hutton Letter to Carol Bellringer re BC Hydro Smart Meters & Safety – Novelty Bias – Oncor – Paul Caudill, NV Energy – Persuasive Technology by B.J. Fogg – Productivity – PUCN Public Utilities Commission of Nevada – Resisting Temptation – RFR – Sean Gallagher, SEIA – Smart Phone Apps – Solar-Plus-Storage (Net Metering Bill AB 405) – Studies – The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu – The Big Disconnect by Doctor Catherine Steiner-Adair – The Right to Self-Generate as a Grid-Connected Customer by Jon Wellinghoff & Steven Weissman – Tristan Harris (Time Well Spent), Google – Tucson Electric Power – U.S. Centers for Disease Control – Warren Buffet – WHO – Wireless Devices | BC – Burlington, Ontario – Canada – France – California & Nevada & Texas, USA] & Books & (videos)
1) A long, very interesting article about how industry, and its “victims”, are coming to grips with the downsides of “smart” phones, attention span, lack of personal interaction, etc. But not a mention of health effects due to RF. Now that some in the industry are feeling guilt and are trying to help the addicts they’ve created, it’s time for them to face the fact that their radiation-emitting devices are dangerous, especially to children.
(click on photos to enlarge)
Your smartphone📱is making you👈 stupid, antisocial 🙅 and unhealthy 😷. So why can’t you put it down❔⁉️
“The evidence for this goes beyond the carping of Luddites. It’s there, cold and hard, in a growing body of research by psychiatrists, neuroscientists, marketers and public health experts. What these people say – and what their research shows – is that smartphones are causing real damage to our minds and relationships, measurable in seconds shaved off the average attention span, reduced brain power, declines in work-life balance and hours less of family time.
They have impaired our ability to remember. They make it more difficult to daydream and think creatively. They make us more vulnerable to anxiety. They make parents ignore their children. And they are addictive, if not in the contested clinical sense then for all intents and purposes.”
2) This website has so many studies, reports, and articles that relate to health issues associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation. A great resource.
If you want a great read, I recommend Dr. Don Maisch’s “The Procrustean Approach – An examination of the manipulation of telecommunications standards by political, military, and industrial vested interests at the expense of public health protection.” Dr. Maisch was kind enough to share it with me when he first wrote it, 7 years ago, while he was working on his PhD. If you look under “Papers/Publications” you will find many other reports and papers. One that I believe to be crucial is “Conflict of Interest and Bias in Health Advisory Committees: A case study of the WHO’s EMF task group”.

3) Over the last couple of years, many places in the USA were penalizing people who went to solar energy to reduce carbon emissions from coal plants. Rates were increased and credits eliminated or reduced for those customers. Nevada was one of those states but now, due to pressure from its residents, Nevada has reversed this decision. It was the power of the people, making their voices heard, that led to this change of law. We can do it here in BC, too. We can change the Clean Energy Act that requires us all to have wireless smeters on our homes.
““It is important to note that this rate decrease is occurring while historic levels of Net Energy Metering rooftop solar are being installed, the closure and cleanup of coal plants are being accelerated, and new energy laws are being implemented,” the order states. “Voices of Nevadans have been heard.”…
Due to enormous public outcry over the 2015 order, the state legislature passed new legislation last June (AB 405) that reversed the rate increases and reinstated net metering credits. The law also prohibited net-metering customers from being treated as a separate rate class, introduced customer protections and added measures to promote the adoption of energy storage.”
or https://tinyurl.com/yabl9e42
4) Dr. Mercola continues to educate his readers about wireless radiation and devices. He provides stats re. increases in diseases and disorders since 1990 – astounding.
Reduce EMF Exposure
While it’s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways to limit it. Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being. Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness, it is well worth your time to reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible. If you have been told EMFs are safe and not a danger to humans, you may want to consider:
- The telecommunication industry has manipulated federal regulatory agencies, public health authorities and professionals through powerful and sophisticated lobbying efforts leaving consumers confused and unaware of the health risks associated with EMFs
- Any negative health effects from EMFs, similar to smoking, may not be immediately noticeable, but will likely develop gradually over time. Cell phones indeed are the cigarette public health threat of the 21st century.
or https://tinyurl.com/yc7yn7vm

From: Norm Hutton (name given with permission)
Sent: January 7, 2018
To: bcauditor@bcauditor.com
Cc: Sharon Noble
Subject: smart meters
Good Afternoon,
As I have previously written you and expressed my concerns about smart meters, I forgot to mention that B.C.Hydro has stated that these devices are harmless.
That being so, why do those people who install them wear HAZMAT coveralls?
HAZMAT coveralls are worn by those who are subject to radiation. Once the installers have left the scene, what becomes of the radiation?
Well, the radiation is still there, emitted by the smart meter and it radiates continually with a type of pulsating intensity, and all those in a close proximity are subject to this radiation. This affects all living things. We all know about the dangers of tobacco, DDT, some types of insulation, and action was finally taken.
The dangers are written on all tobacco products, and other products have been taken off the market.
BC HYDRO should, I believe, inform all their customers who are anywhere near a smart meter to keep a safe distance away from them and provide information about shielding themselves without going to the expense of wearing HAZMAT coveralls.
Is B.C.Hydro more concerned about their installers’ health than their customers?
Norm Hutton (retired journeyman electrician)
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
~ Albert Einstein