[Andrew Melnykovych, Kentucky Public Service Commission – Andy Beshear – BC Hydro – Benefits – Cathy Hinko – Cell Phones – Chris Whelan & David Huff, LG&E and KU Louisville Gas & Electric and Kentucky Utilities (PPL Corporation) – Contact Ellie Marks re Brain Tumours – Costs – Data Privacy – Duke Energy – Health – Insurance Non-Disclosure re Larry Nikkel Smart Meter Fire Death Lawsuit – J. Sparacino Letter – Lea Nielsen Grade 9 Science Experiment with Cress Seeds – Marie-Claire Cammaert – Olle Johansson – Opt-outs – PG&E – Power Surges & Explosions – Remote Service Switch – RF – Sleep – Studies – Wi-Fi in Schools – Wireless – Write to Auditor General Carol Bellringer, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall, Cabinet & MLAs re Site C | BC – Canada – Australia – Discovery Bay & Stockton & Vacaville, California & Kentucky & Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA] & (video)
1) In California, communities continue to fight smeters, confronting reps from PG&E with info about fires, health concerns, etc. The family sued the utility after the smeter fire caused the death and it was settled with the family having to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

(click on photos to enlarge)
“Of special concern in our fire-prone region, “Smart” meters have been known to start fires, which is unheard of with analog meters. In 2010, Larry Nikkel became the first person killed by a fire caused by such a meter on his Vacaville home. Power surges from trucks crashing into power poles exploded meters in Stockton in 2015, and October 2017 in Discovery Bay. “Smart” meter fires have been reported throughout the U.S., Canada and Australia, and in recent weeks several related lawsuits were filed against PG&E in California.”
2) In Kentucky, utilities are applying again to be allowed to install smeters. They admit to the smeters being controversial after having applied a while back and having withdrawn the application due to concerns. Even the Attorney General objects to these things.
LG&E and KU want to install a smart meter at your home
“The meters have been controversial in the past, but LG&E and KU say the benefits outweigh the concerns…
The utilities requested full deployment of advanced meters in late 2016 but later withdrew their request amid concerns. They then formed a collaborative group of representative customers to address questions and concerns.
Much of the discussions surrounded costs, the importance of data privacy and data empowerment, opt-out options and remote service switch operations associated with the meters, according to the release.
The Courier Journal reports that those who object to the plan include Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear and Cathy Hinko, executive director of the Metropolitan Housing Coalition.”
3) This experiment was done a couple of years ago and I did share info about it at the time. It is interesting enough to share again. Perhaps it’s time to share with some teachers here in BC who might want to try it and send their results to the Minister of Education, asking that Wi-Fi be removed from schools.
9th Grade Students Gain the Attention of Scientists After Their Experiment Reveals a Dark Truth About WiFi
4) Ellie Marks, for the sake of her husband who was an early user of cell phones and got brain cancer, is tracking brain cancer victims. She asked that this be shared:
Multiple Plaintiff Lawsuits: Brain Tumors and Cell Phones
If you or anyone you know has or has had a brain tumor/cancer that you believe is related to cell phone/wireless use, please contact:
Ellie Marks at (925-285-5437) and/or cabraintumor@gmail.com .
I hope that many will consider doing what the Tyee suggested and, each week, write a real letter on paper, not an email, to your MLA (if NDP), John Horgan or Michelle Mungall about Site C. It would be great if you share your letter(s) which might encourage others to write. (send a copy via email to: dsnoble@shaw.ca)
From: J. Sparacino (name given with permission)
Sent: January 5, 2018
To: Office of the Premier, BC <Premier@gov.bc.ca>
Subject: Horgan’s folly?
Right Hon. John Horgan, Premier, Province of BC
Dear John,
Regarding Site C:
People are already laying this foul project at your feet, forgetting it was the Liberals who created this monster. Why is it the NDP always sets itself up to be the fall guy for right wing abuses? People are already calling this Horgan’s Folly. Don’t take it on the chin. Show us why the best decision was to continue….in black and white without hiding anything, or drop this 8 ball before you wind up behind it.
J. Sparacino
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice — it is conformity.
~ Rollo May