1) “$mart” devices connected via the internet, as smeters are, are vulnerable to hacking, to software malfunctions, etc. that can lead to fires, damages that insurers are concerned about. But the insurers also are looking to gain by IoT connected devices as a source of data, “monetized data”, our data that has been sold. According to this legal information document, the UL has no standards for software functionality or security, just as it doesn’t have standards that detect design flaws of smeters. When a fire occurs, for example, which “$mart” device failed???
(click on photos to enlarge)
The Impact of the Smart Home Revolution on Product Liability and Fire Cause Determination.
2) Solar power is becoming more affordable and groups across the province are developing plans to have neighbourhood / community “farms”. This article is by a member of the Pender Solar Initiative 2020.

Bringing the solar-power revolution to B.C.
“…interest in solar is high and rising in B.C. The governing NDP/Green coalition should address the glaring deficiencies in our building code and our public policies.
Citizens can demonstrate local leadership by rolling up their sleeves and taking action. Across southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, from Sooke to Salt Spring, solar panels are being mounted in growing numbers, on schools, recycling depots, libraries, community halls and private buildings. These cutting-edge projects create work for local roofers and electricians, as well as upstream jobs manufacturing solar panels, aluminum racking and all kinds of electrical equipment. They prove that solar is practical and affordable.
Plans are underway for community solar farms, where individuals and businesses work together to form co-operatives and find suitable chunks of land to host a large number of solar panels. Individuals, families and businesses would purchase one or more panels, creating opportunities to participate for those without suitable roofs or enough money to purchase an entire system.”
3) Another victim of glioblastoma. This brain cancer is not as rare as the Cancer Societies and the telecoms would like us to believe. If you see any obituaries in your local papers that identify the cancer (often it just says brain cancer), please send to me, will you? Usually, the only victims we hear about are famous people like Ed Kennedy, Joe Biden, John McCain and now this actress, but there are so many others, many of them very young.

4) From a member who is hoping, as we all are, that a lawyer will take the telecoms to court based upon the same arguments. The telecoms have had evidence for decades that microwave radiation is harmful and have hidden it from their customers. The telecoms make some of the greatest profits of any industry and would make suitable targets for this lawyer who went after the tobacco industry. The parallels between the telecoms and the tobacco industry are striking. Even targeting children. I saw a cartoon where the characters are children with cell phones!
Meet the Lawyer Trying to Make Big Oil Pay for Climate Change
““Just like with tobacco, the case could hinge on whether these companies lied to the public about the dangers of their business model…
It was a legitimate concern. By then hundreds of tobacco lawsuits had failed. Cigarette makers argued smoking was a personal choice. They pointed to research—often funded by the tobacco industry —casting doubt on the link between cigarettes and cancer. But several factors aligned to make the industry vulnerable to litigation. A series of whistleblowers revealed that tobacco companies knew smoking is addictive and causes cancer. Secret corporate documents showed companies did market research on how to target children with ads and branding.”
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead.