[Cell Phones Questions & Answers by Arthur Firstenberg (5G, Blood-Brain Barrier, Breast Cancer, Cell Towers, DNA, FCC, Herman Schwan, Leif Salford, Max Planck Institute, Near Field, Pelda Levey, SAR, Shielding, Smartphones, Sperm, Stroke Registry) – Doctor Anthony B. Miller (EHT, Group 1 Carcinogenic to Humans, IARC, Interphone & CERENAT & NTP Studies, Pasi Ala-Mieto Cellraid Quanta Monitor & Quanta Guard, WHO, Wireless Devices) – Nicosia Declaration on EMFs / RFs (ALARA, Behaviour, Cyprus Medical Association, Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health, Environment, EUROPAEM EMF Guidelines 2016, ICNIRP, Petros Agathangelou, Reykjavik Appeal 2017, Right to Know, Safety, Stella Canna Michaelidou, Thomas Szekeres, Vienna / Austrian Medical Chambers, Wi-Fi in Schools) | BC – Toronto, Ontario – Denmark – Germany – Sweden – UK – Greenbank, West Virginia & Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA]
1) I had shared info about this at the time of the conference, but a member suggested that the fact that experts are now calling for EMR to be classified as a true carcinogen is worth sharing again.

(click on photos to enlarge)
Cell phone, wireless radiation classified ‘group 1 carcinogenic to humans’
“The evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored,” stated Dr. Anthony B. Miller at a July 31, 2017 lecture in Jackson Hole, Wyoming sponsored by the Environmental Health Trust where international experts presented the best available science on cell phone and wireless radiation.”
2) The Cyprus Medical Association, the Vienna / Austrian Medical Chambers, and the Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health is calling for stricter guidelines and higher standards which are, by and large, outdated and inadequate to protect children. The science is clear – wireless radiation must be reduced to the lowest levels possible. They provide 16 practical rules for reducing the risk of harm.
Nicosia Declaration on Electromagnetic Fields/Radiofrequencies
3) Arthur Firstenberg has done a lot of work investigating EMR and fighting to make his environment safer. He has written a Q&A about how cell phones work and the radiation they emit. Arthur’s group is the and the battle it has been waging is described below.
“Pelda Levey and I named our organization the Cellular Phone Task Force in 1996 with several purposes in mind, foremost among them being that the threat to our world that we were facing was and is the cell phone. WiFi came among us in 2001, smart phones in 2004, smart meters in 2007, 5G in 2017, each building on a foundation that has become so big and so omnipresent that most people, even most of the injured, take it for granted. Like the proverbial blind men touching the different extremities of the elephant, we have become oblivious of the beast itself. The problem with smart phones isn’t that they are smart, but that they are phones. Even smart meters are only an arm of the wireless torso, the central creature to which it is attached and to which our civilization and culture have become so dependent, in the short span of two decades, that we can no longer imagine that it is not only possible but necessary to live without it. Only then will we stop 5G. Only then will we keep our landlines. Only then will we save our planet.”
Happy holidays,
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters