[Noise from US Navy Electronic Attack EA-18G Growlers in EMR RF War Games – Please Comment on Daryl Osborne Letter re Cell Tower (Cancer, Cell Phones, EMFs, Health, IAFF Opposition to Antennas, Pets, Property Values, WHO, Wireless Radiation) – Site C (Arlene & Ken Boon, BC Hydro, Botterell Law Corp., BCUC, Carol Bellringer, Costs, David Eby, John Horgan, McCullough Research, PVLA, PVEA) – WCAA West Coast Action Alliance (Best Available Science, Bullying, Collateral Damage, Data Quality Act, Derek Kilmer, Doctor Martin L. Pall, Endangered Species, Environment, Fish and Wildlife Service, Heart, Military, NEPA National Environmental Policy Act, NPCA National Parks Conservation Association Lawsuit, NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council Lawsuits, Plants, Studies, Whistleblower) – Write to Donald Hayes, Mark Collins, Janet Carson, Corrine Storey, Mark Wilson BC Ferries re No Wi-Fi Free Zones | Agassiz, BC – Alaska & California & Oregon & Puget Sound & Whidbey Island, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA] & (video)
1) For those writing to BC Ferries asking for the health concerns to include Wi-Fi, here is a good list of people who should be included:

Donald P. Hayes, Chair, Board of Directors <donald.hayes@bcferries.com>
Mark Collins, President & CEO <mark.collins@bcferries.com>
Janet Carson, Marketing & Customer Experience <janet.carson@bcferries.com>
(….Janet’s focus is on leading all aspects of the customer experience….)
(click on photos to enlarge)
Corrine Storey, VP & Chief Operating Officer <corrine.storey@bcferries.com>
(….Corrine understands the critical importance of delivering a safe, reliable, efficient and sustainable operation in support of the communities we serve, the customers who use our ships and terminals and the employees who provide the service every day. She leads a team responsible for safety, health & security, training, crewing, supply chain, fleet operations, the operations & security centre, terminal operations, catering operations, retail services, engineering, fleet maintenance, fleet renewal and standards, fleet technical and the fleet project management office….)
Mark Wilson, VP, Strategy & Community Engagement <mark.wilson@bcferries.com>
(….Mark is responsible for leading strategic and master planning, community engagement, Ferry Advisory Committee (FAC) oversight, First Nations relations, government relations, and corporate social responsibility….)
2) From the West Coast Action Alliance regarding US Naval war games and failure to use best available science. These war games have begun over the Olympic Peninsula and are scheduled to continue for 5 years. We could be the US Navy’s “collateral damage on the war on terror.”
Does the Navy use the best available science? An essay.
Example #4 pertains to noise from Growlers
“New software was developed in 2010 to address this, but conversations we’ve had with Navy officials indicate they are satisfied with the old software and don’t intend to upgrade it. The Navy also ignored Congressman Derek Kilmer’s request for a “neutral” sound study by FICAN (Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise). It’s worth noting that researchers have found evidence of a higher incidence of vibroacoustic disease (thickening of heart tissue caused by low frequency noise) in residents living near air bases, than in residents elsewhere. Yet the effects from low-frequency noise have been neither measured nor analyzed, and if they have, were not made public. As a result, use of outdated studies and faulty software allows the Navy to conclude that “…it cannot be conclusively stated that a causal link exists between aircraft noise exposure and the various types of non-auditory health effects that were studied.” As an aside, a former Navy officer said, in an interview at radio station KXIR 89.9, on June 19, 2015, that he considered local residents who are being harmed by naval activities to be “collateral damage” in the war on terror. Yes, he actually said that….
Example #5
A Professor Emeritus at Washington State University who is a recognized expert on electromagnetic frequency, or EMF, effects on living tissue said, “the U.S. Navy provided in this Final EIS not a single citation to justify its claim that we don’t need to worry about such health effects. Since 1971, there have been well over 8,000 additional studies on non-thermal health effects. The Navy provides not even a single citation to the scientific literature to support its claims. In this entire EIS, the Navy has produced not a single study of biological impacts of the EMFs it plans to unleash on the people, animals and plants of the Olympic peninsula. Their entire argument for safety is based on a theory that only thermal effects need be considered, a theory that the Navy itself knew to be false 44 years ago and is widely known in the scientific community to be false. This alone should be more than sufficient to throw out this entire EIS.”
3) The Peace Valley Landowners Association and the Peace Valley Environmental Association are asking for the Auditor General to review the financial aspects of cancelling Site C, given that many disagree with Attorney General Eby’s explanation. According to Eby and Horgan, cancelling the project and writing off the $2 billion incurred costs plus costs of ending would have a more serious financial consequence than incurring an additional $10 billion. It certainly seems that the decision to continue was made without consideration of the impacts on First Nations, the farmland with great future potential, and the environment.

PVLA and PVEA call on Auditor General to examine Site C decision
“The Peace Valley Landowner Association and Peace Valley Environment Association are calling on Auditor General Carol Bellringer to review the provincial government’s decision to continue building the Site C dam.”
4) An excellent letter in opposition to a proposed cell tower in Agassiz. Please consider commenting on this article. We need to provide support to Daryl Osborne, the writer of the letter.
Letter: Agassiz resident opposes cell tower
Cites health and environment concerns
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice — it is conformity.
~ Rollo May