[2G, 3G, 4G, 5G – ACS American Cancer Society – Animals & Plants – Bees – Brain Cancer Risk from Smartphones & Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Children – Copper Telephone Wires – Cordless Phones – DE Dirty Electricity – Doctor Girish Kumar – Ecosystem – FCC – Fertility – Fibre Optics – Health (Alzheimer’s, DNA, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Parkinson’s, Sleep) – Hope S. Good – IARC – Industry Bias – J. Sparacino – Letters to Justin Trudeau, Elizabeth May, John Horgan, Andrew Weaver, Mission City Council re Science & Health and Environmental Costs from Wireless – One Big Dig – Opt-out – PLC – Pulsed RF Microwave Radiation – Safety Code 6 – Scientists for Wired Technology – Smart Grid Mesh Network – Smart Meter Daily Transmissions – Studies – Underground Utility Services – WHO Class 2A – Wi-Fi | Mission, BC – Canada – Mumbai, India – Sacramento, California, USA]
1) The various cancer societies have been less than open about the risk of cancer associated with wireless radiation. Some sites say that there is no evidence of harm, often using terms similar to those used by Dr. Perry Kendall to make it sound as if cell phones and Wi-Fi in schools are safe. Someone in the USA is taking the American Cancer Society to task for trying to walk the fine line – saying RF from smeters might cause cancer but, really, there is nothing to worry about.
(click on photos to enlarge)
The American Cancer Society Claimed “Smart” Meters Could Increase Cancer Risk – In 2014
“So why are millions of “Smart” Meters still installed and why are there plans to install even more?
On September 10, 2014 the American Cancer Society posted a rather long and detailed statement on their website about Smart Meters and Cancer. The following information was included in the statement:
“Because RF radiation is a possible carcinogen, and smart meters give off RF radiation, it is possible that smart meters could increase cancer risk.” https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/smart-meters.html”
2) Dr. Girish Kumar is a world-renowned expert who has fought cell towers, resulting in India removing many towers in major cities. He has submitted a new report on the significant risk of brain cancer in teens using smartphones.
400% increase in risk of brain cancer among teens using smart phones excessively: IIT professor
There is a 400 per cent increase in the risk of brain cancer among teenagers due to excessive use of smart phones, says Professor Girish Kumar of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.
Speaking at the Aligarh Muslim University here on ‘Radiation Hazards of Cell Phones’, the scientist urged the smart phone users not to take lightly the latest warnings pertaining to “hidden dangers” of technology, which stem from indiscriminate use of such devices.
He also categorically warned people from using smart phones for more than 30 minutes a day.
From: J. Sparacino (name given with permission)
Sent: November 27, 2017
To: Prime Minister <justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca>; Office of the Premier, BC <Premier@gov.bc.ca>; andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca; rhawes@mission.ca; jstevens@mission.ca; jhinds@mission.ca; palexis@mission.ca; chamilton@mission.ca; dplecas@mission.ca
Subject: Science and health
To: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Premier John Horgan
Hon. Andrew Weaver
Mayor and Council, City of Mission
Again I must call to your attention the growing controversy over wireless technology. There are safer alternatives and scientists are banding together to promote those alternatives for the public good and the good of the eco-system. This information cannot and should not be ignored yet you all seem to be sitting on your hands with respect to this growing problem.
Who, if I may be so bold as to ask, is behind this wireless industry that it carries so much weight? Are you going to make the same mistake that was made with tobacco and asbestos? Must you wait until this problem grows into a national disaster before you move to at least weigh the evidence? The office of the PM has said his government will be putting more emphasis on independent science in an attempt to form the basis for a more informed decision making process for the future but I don’t see this happening to date. Credible science is being ignored or marginalized in favor of industry-sponsored ‘science’ which can only be trusted to be biased in favor of the industry that is sponsoring it. Do, at least, have a look below and consider the disaster that awaits us if, in fact, the horse that you are backing proves to be lame.
A group with which I am not familiar “Scientists for Wired Technology” is promoting fiber optic cable instead of wireless transmitters, whether 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G. They all emit harmful microwave radiation and provide less efficient service more slowly than fiber optic cable. http://scientists4wiredtech.com/
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Scientists For Wired Technology – Advocacy based on …
scientists4wiredtech.com Scientists For Wired Technology lobbies local, state and federal government to support measures that will protect all from the hazards of exposures to Pulsed Radio … |
Limit Pulsed, Microwave Radiation Exposures in Homes, Schools, Parks & Wilderness Areas
“Scientists For Wired Technology lobbies local, state and federal government to support measures that will protect all from the hazards of exposures to Pulsed Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation) — a known human carcinogen. As duration, not intensity, is the most important factor in RF/MW radiation exposures, the collateral damage of the misguided and ill-advised Wireless revolution will be us…
Fiber-optic networks enable data transmissions that are much faster, more reliable, safe for humans and other living organisms, and far more secure from cyber and physical attack when compared to any wireless network which relies on sending data via pulsed microwave radiation (Wi-Fi, 4G/LTE and 5G). In addition, fiber-optic cables use only a fraction of the energy required by wireless networks.
The United States needs One Big Dig — a coordinated private/public infrastructure project to connect every business, school, home and farm with fiber optical cables. This would create an invaluable and defensible national asset, as well provide jobs to many thousands of Americans. Private companies could then share access to this national asset to offer competing services, much in the same way that long distance telecommunications providers shared access to one integrated system of copper telephone wires.”
Re. 5G:
“A MUCH BETTER solution is the one these obscenely profitable companies are trashing — to install one-set of publicly-owned, Title II fiber-optic cables to every home and business for 1,000 Mbps speeds for $30-$40 per month, over which private companies can offer their coveted, competing television/video services.”
As well, you might consider that with wired services, telephone poles and the wires that are strung along them can be neatly buried and the eyesore they create can be eliminated along with the dangers associated with downed wires and outages. Safe from the elements, services will be more reliable and durability should increase. Also, the dangers of working on the poles will also be eliminated improving safety and working conditions.
J. Sparacino
From: XX
Sent: November 21, 2017
To: Office of the Premier, BC <Premier@gov.bc.ca>; andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca; rhawes@mission.ca; jstevens@mission.ca; palexis@mission.ca; jhinds@mission.ca; chamilton@mission.ca; dplecas@mission.ca; Prime Minister <justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca>; elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca
Subject: Costly, many faceted problem
To: Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
Hon. Minister Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada Leader
Hon. Premier John Horgan
Hon. Minister Andrew Weaver, BC Green Party Leader
Mayor & Council City of Mission

Dear Sirs and Madames,
Once again I find myself writing about a major environmental problem brought on by industry hacks whose only concern is making money, their actions ignoring public safety and, indeed, the safety of the entire planet. How much information do you need to receive before you acknowledge that there is a problem here? I have received replies only from Andrew Weaver, who I thank at this time for his diligence. However, even this reply has been no more than a courtesy gesture. THIS PROBLEM MUST BE ADDRESSED. Many of us have been writing and getting the same old routine. That’s not what we have elected you all for. You are not being paid to ignore us. There is enough public resistance to this increase in microwave emitting infrastructure to warrant your attention. I and many others have already brought to your attention the fact that these industries (Telecommunications and Wireless manufacturers) have hired propaganda firms to influence you the same way tobacco did decades ago along with the oil industry, asbestos, and every other producer of toxic elements and devices looking to retain their profit centers at the expense of the population and the environment.
Don’t you all think it’s about time to acknowledge this growing problem? Below is an example of how it is not only we who are being threatened by this insidious industry but the eco-system that supports our life forms:
Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate in India. Many believe it is due to the RF from cell towers.
Cell towers, mobiles spell doom for honey bees
“Natural honey will become dearer and the next generations may have to content with factory-made artificial honey with population of bees dwindling across the country. Experts say high range of radiation levels being released by cell towers and mobile phones are making honey bees forgetful of their famed memory, resulting in their not returning their combs.
According to the research studies, the cause of the sudden decrease in bee population is radiation released from the cellular towers and mobile phones. The signals from the mobiles and towers are not only confusing the bees, but also sounding a death knell to them.”
Cell towers, mobiles spell doom for honey bees
Natural honey will become dearer and the next generations may have to content with factory-made artificial honey with population of bees dwindling across the country. |
Are you at least reading the excerpts I’m sending you? If you want more detailed information, scientific studies, the names of scientists that have acknowledged microwave emissions as a danger (so you can check their credibility for yourselves) please let me know and I’ll send you the information (although it is readily available on the net).
Smart meters are also part of the problem and the biggest problems will occur if this “internet of things” is completed. The microwave smog is already too dense and affecting health (increase in cancers among other health problems) and the health of the environment (read above as only one of many examples). The increases in microwaves with the smart grid (which is more vulnerable to cyber attack than the old grid and infinitely more expensive) and then with this global network is likely to push environmental degradation over the tipping point. WAKE UP FOR GODSAKE! Are you waiting for a disaster? What’s it going to take to convince you folks there’s a problem here?
While we’re at it, BCUC keeps throwing Safety Code 6 in our faces every time we bring this up. Have you not considered that Safety Code 6 is too outdated to adequately cover this new technology? It’s not much of a stretch. This technology wasn’t even around when Safety Code 6 was written. We’re no longer concerned with what’s technically ‘legal’ because the regulation itself is outdated. We are concerned with what’s right.
We’re not going away any more than this problem is going away. We would like a thoughtful response…. not another standard letter quoting Safety Code 6…..before it’s too late.
I thank you all for listening,
Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters