[Arcing – BC Hydro – Benefits – CPUC – Crow’s Nest Cafe – Doctor Sanjay Gupta, CNN re EHS – Electrical Panel – Fibre Optics – General Electric – Health – Itron – Landis+Gyr – Lawsuits by Insurance Companies (CSAA Insurance Exchange & John Garcia | IDS Property Casualty Insurance Company & Enrique & Maricela Sandoval) – Len Garis – Li-Fi – Liability – Lithium Batteries (Canada Post Dangerous Goods & Safety) – Mike Richardson – Overheating – PG&E Faulty Smart Meter Fires & Removals Before Investigation (Don Macalpine, John Borboa, Jose Valdez) – Power Surge – PIE&G Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op Analog Meters – UL 2735 Certification – Write to David Morton, BCUC, John Horgan, Michelle Mungall | Tlell, BC – Firebaugh, Fresno, Kerman, California & Rogers City, Michigan, USA] & (videos)
1) CNN was going to have this interview with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on EHS a few weeks ago but at the last minute it was cancelled. It is now scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday) 11:30 am PST.
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) At Tlell Haida Gwaii, there was a ssmeter overheating a couple of weeks ago and a recent probable “electrical” fire that needs to be investigated. Anyone around that area who could get more information? Yet BC Hydro and Len Garis say things like this never happen. I am going to send this article to BCUC CEO David Morton, Energy Minister Mungall and Premier Horgan.
May I ask for all of you to consider doing it, too? Email addresses are:
David.Morton@bcuc.com; michelle.mungall.mla@leg.bc.ca; premier@gov.bc.ca
Anyone on Tlell who could ask the Fire Chief for his fire report on the major fire?
Overnight fire destroys home in Tlell
“It’s been a busy year for Tlell firefighters, with a major fire at Richardson Ranch in April and a not-so smart “smart meter” on the Crow’s Nest Café that overheated a couple weeks ago, melting a hole in the plastic cover and scorching the display.”
3) There have been many smeter fires but few lawsuits. But things are changing. In California, there are several being brought forward by insurance companies. Why are the insurers so quiet in BC? Is it because BC Hydro compensates them for any claims they pay out? Is it because the insurers are not out any money that they are not speaking out about these fire hazards? Can insurers be sued for being silent about this? If a company is aware of a danger and doesn’t warn the public, is it complicit? Just wondering…
The meter in the video is a Landis+Gyr but I don’t know if all the lawsuits involve this meter or another. PG&E does use ITRON as well. I have asked and will let you know when/if I find out. Landis+Gyr smeters were certified by UL. I am also checking to see if this model was certified but, even if it were, engineers have identified shortfalls in the UL 2735 testing protocol which is the one used for smeter certification.
Lawsuits claim faulty PG&E Smart Meters started house fires
“Dozens of people have blamed smart meters for fires over the last several years and the issue has been a topic of discussion for the California Public Utilities Commission…
(Mr. Valdez’s) insurance company is suing PG&E over the fire at his house and they not alone.
“Active arcing going on, electrical activity happening with flames going up the side of the house,” said Don Macalpine.

Fresno firefighters put out the fire at the Sandoval home. Deputy Fire Marshal Don Macalpine says there’s no clear evidence it started with a smart meter malfunction, but their investigation doesn’t rule it out.
A second lawsuit filed on behalf of the Sandoval’s’ insurance company blames PG&E and the smart meter.
In fact, at least five lawsuits in California make the same claim about smart meters.”
(video 03:38) & (video 02:00)
4) Someone in Michigan, where apparently there is no state mandate requiring smeters, sent this info. – Keeping their analogs.
“Presque Isle Power, a co op located in Rogers City Michigan still has analog meters. I’ve been to their board meetings to educate them about smart meters. One of the members informed me that the Board didn’t see any real benefits to switching to smart meters. At least that what they are saying now. Local citizens attending Board meetings are highly opposed to switching to smart meters and they let the board know.”
5) A reminder that our smeters contain dangerous lithium metal batteries that can explode when it becomes hot or wet. Not only is it dangerous to ship these batteries but they also pose environmental problems when they have to be disposed.
Canada Post, dangerous goods, Lithium batteries:

6) A very short YouTube showing a Li-Fi connected office, one that uses fiber optic cable for internet access instead of microwave signals. This has been tested in pilot projects for the last few years and one concern was with the health effects that might result from the various colors, especially blue light which, as we know, can interfere with melatonin production. I have not seen any testing re. Li-Fi to see what, if any, health problems might result. But this is one option to proliferation of RFR.
Lux exclusive: See inside the world’s first Li-Fi office
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hekd6Y_05I&spfreload=10 (2 minutes)