1) If you missed this webinar, which is the 5th in a series, I truly recommend you watch this video. Even though the legal ideas and opinions relate to the USA and specific states, there are some suggested approaches that warrant our consideration. Many will argue that forcing something, e.g. smeter, that is known to have the potential to harm or endanger individuals is immoral, if not illegal. How can a government make a law that mandates a device that generates radiation, invades privacy, opens the door to hacking, and more to be put on our homes?
Wednesday November 17, 2021 Webinar:
Confronting the Health Risks of Smart Meters —
Technical, Medical, Legal and Policy Challenges
https://www.bbilan.org/ (1hr. 50 min.)
2) Of course, according to Rogers, the emphasis is on 5G being “eco-friendly” even “eco-necessary” when the opposite is true. Nothing about the requirement for energy that exceeds, by many times, that of 4G which is many times that of wired technology. And what is “next generation fuels” with regard to forest fires??
Rogers and UBC renew 5G research partnership through 2025
“Our continued partnership allows us to pursue research discoveries and develop new applications of 5G to address societal and economic challenges,” said Professor Santa Ono, UBC President and Vice-Chancellor. “Together, we are investigating how 5G technology can help to shape and rebuild our world in ways that can have far-reaching positive impacts at UBC and beyond. I am looking forward to seeing what we’ll accomplish together.”
“5G is a critical part of Canada’s future and the ecosystem around leveraging its full potential is as important as building out the network behind it,” said Joe Natale, President and CEO, Rogers Communications. “Rogers is committed to fostering 5G innovation in Canada to help grow our economy, create new businesses, and help our local communities thrive. We started on this journey with UBC three years ago and are proud to have that continue today; bringing the collective strength of Rogers together with the research and academic expertise of UBC creates a formidable combination of talent and resources that raises the bar of 5G potential in Canada.”
3) What sounds like a very good webinar by ORSAA to help us make use of their fabulous resources.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“The Australian ORSAA Database on Electromagnetic Bioeffects (ODEB) is the largest categorised database on this research area. It is very different from general databases like EMF Portal and PubMed. Its creators wanted to assemble all the literature on non-thermal bioeffects to look at trends and linkages to health.
It is easy to find all the “Effect” and “No Effect” studies for a particular subject area like “Brain Tumours”. Unlike other databases, ODEB categorises non-thermal biological effects of EMF interaction across animal, plant and microbial models as well as human subjects.
This is fully function-relational database and there is a learning curve for those who have not used databases before. The purpose of the webinar training is to show you the interface and the power of the searching capabilities. This a rich source of biological and health information at your fingertips that can be used by the general public and academic researchers alike.
The webinar will be presented by the database’s administrator, radiation health physicist Vic Leach, and its creator, ORSAA treasurer and information technology professional Steve Weller BSc (Biochemistry and Microbiology). Both are Pro-Radiation Protection and are members of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society (ARPS) and have presented papers at the ARPS annual conferences, Steve was a public representative on the Electromagnetic Energy Reference Group (EMERG) committee at the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). This was an important forum for public input and was disbanded about 3 years ago.”
To register for this free webinar, please write to André Fauteux at: info@maisonsaine.ca
André is hosting the training.
André Fauteux, Editor/Publisher
La Maison du 21e siècle (21st-Century Housing) Magazine
Warmest Regards
Victor Leach
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.” Bob Dylan