1) The association between exposure to EMF and bizarre blood clotting in C-19 patients is gaining serious attention.
COVID-19, Blood Clots, and Possible Exacerbation from Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
“It is now recognized that COVID-19 causes blood clots, both in arteries and in veins. The cause for this appears to be multifactorial. The virus damages the cells that line the blood vessels, the endothelium, and causes an immune response which, in itself, may cause increased viscosity of the blood. Dr. Maria Pavlis, a cardiologist working in a suburban hospital of NYC, told me last night that most of their patients with COVID-19 are now being placed on blood thinners.
Evidence that EMF causes a reaction in endothelial cells, increasing the risk for blood clot formation, was first described in 2004. EMF exposure also causes Rouleaux formation, a reversible condition where red blood cells adhere to one another and become stacked, one on top of the other like a stack of coins. This phenomenon can occur with many conditions, including infections, connective tissue diseases and cancer. Rouleaux formation can be associated with increased viscosity of the blood and can cause the blockage of small arteries.”
2) Following is a letter written by Dr. Olle Johansson, to the Prime Minister of Sweden, demanding an RF exposure guideline based on biological effects and not industry profit. Dr. J warns that future legal decisions could ruin telecom companies because the industry has been well-aware of the dangers associated with wireless radiation for many decades, yet continue to sell their toxic products. Nearly 4 months later, he got a response which is very similar to those form letters we’ve all received from Health Canada or our Provincial Health authorities — the “authorities” review evidence and conclude there is no reason for concern….no evidence of harm…
“Yes, Prime Minister” Stefan Löfven, but no! This is not good enough!
“… we ordered our Prime Minister to demand that the Swedish Parliament immediately legislate on a hygienic statutory limit value for artificial microwave radiation and other artificial electromagnetic fields from wireless technology, set on biological grounds, which is absolutely safe for humans, animals, plants, and microbes. We ordered him since we argue he is employed by us and paid by us, the citizens of Sweden, and therefore accordingly must work for our common best.”
https://www.5g-fri.se/docs/Translation_of_letter_to_the_Swedish_Prime_Minister-Olle_Johansson_and_Robert_Ferm_2019-12-02.pdf (His letter, written in Dec/19)
3) If these towers were indeed damaged by individuals voicing concerns re. 5G, it is horrible. Violence must never be condoned. No doubt the industry loves it because it gives the opportunity to make anyone with concerns to sound crazy and to repeat the lies that the WHO publishes, that there is no evidence of harm. It is likely that CTV, which is a division of Bell Media, has no choice but to provide such misleading, industry-supporting articles but I still hope that people in Quebec are responding to CTV. I hope you will consider doing so, too.
Contact Info: https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/more/contact-us
News: <montrealnews@ctv.ca>
Web Department: <montrealweb@ctv.ca>
(click on photos to enlarge)

Two more cell towers went up in flames north of Montreal
“Towers around the world have been targeted by conspiracy theorists who believe the latest cellular network technology – 5G – has adverse effects on health. Many believe the technology is somehow linked to the COVID-19 virus.
Conspiracy theorists say the virus is able to communicate through radio waves; that 5G is responsible for the virus’ symptoms; and that it can affect the immune system.
“To date, and after much research performed, no adverse health effect has been causally linked with exposure to wireless technologies,” the World Health Organization stated back in February.“
From: “Jerry Flynn” (name given with permission)
To: “justin trudeau” <justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca>
Cc: “‘Andrew Scheer” <‘Andrew.Scheer@parl.gc.ca’>, “jo-anne roberts” <jo-anne.roberts@parl.gc.ca>, “Jagmeet Singh” <jagmeet@jagmeetsingh.ca>, “michel blondin” <michel.blondin@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: May 4, 2020
Subject: Health Canada – The People’s No. 1 Enemy
Respectfully, Mr. Prime Minister,
This ‘Crime Against Humanity’ is something that ONLY Canada’s Prime Minister can stop!
“Today’s unbelievable pandemic corruption has no rival in human history and needs to be stopped immediately, if it is not already too late. Today’s ‘standard’ frequency, used to deliver domestic alternating current (A/C) electricity throughout most countries of the world, is either 50 Hz or 60 Hz, which were selected in 1891 by engineers when A/C electricity was new and being heralded as a marvelous, highly-desirable, presumably ‘safe’ technology, not known to pose any threat to human health. However, with today’s global proliferation of these frequencies, which have since become commonplace inside every home, providing electricity to all of our ever-growing number of appliances, electronics, power tools, machinery, etc., scientists know that man-made EMFs/EMR threaten all life on earth.”
(Please see the link below)
J.G. Flynn, Captain (retired)
Author “Hidden Dangers – 5G”
From: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
To: montrealnews@ctv.ca, montrealweb@ctv.ca
Sent: May 6, 2020
Subject: CTV news: Two more cell towers went up in flames north of Montreal
Dear Sir or Madam:
Re: https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/two-more-cell-towers-went-up-in-flames-north-of-montreal-1.4923366
In this period of confusion and dismay, people are in desperate need to be told the truth. As a responsible and respected media outlet, it is your responsibility to consider and investigate the information provided below, and share it with your subscribers.
First let me state unequivocally that I believe violence of any sort, including destruction of property, is wrong. If investigation confirms that the fires were deliberately set, it should be condemned.
At the same time, I know that wireless radiation from cell towers, whether 2G, 3G, or 4G, has been shown to cause biological effects for all living things: plants, insects, animals including humans. There is no reason to believe that 5G will not be at least as concerning. The fears that increased radiation in our environment will result in serious consequences are justified. The industry is installing more towers, transmitters, small cells very close to homes with no consideration for these fears, or anything else such as privacy or property value.
Your article included several significant incorrect or misleading statements some of which might have been provided by the telecommunications industry. I believe the public, your public, deserve to have correct and complete information on what is a very important topic. I will address these errors in point form:
1) “On Friday, a cell tower in Laval originally believed to be a 5G was set on fire. The tower’s owner, Rogers Communications, later stated that the tower is used for 3G and 4G technology.”
– “Telecommunications companies have said many of the towers that have been vandalized really only support 3G and 4G networks, causing an inconvenience to customers more than anything else.”
These two statements imply that towers that hold 3G and 4G transmitters today do not and will not hold 5G transmitters. This is a fallacy. All it takes is for one more transmitter, a 5G transmitter, to be added to any tower. And based on current ISED policies, no one, including nearby residents and the local city council, needs to be told or consulted. This 5G will not replace the other transmitters, all can continue to operate, all using different frequencies. The 5G transmitter may not be on the tower — yet. But in all likelihood it is just a matter of time….
2) “Towers around the world have been targeted by conspiracy theorists who believe the latest cellular network technology – 5G – has adverse effects on health. Many believe the technology is somehow linked to the COVID-19 virus.
Conspiracy theorists say the virus is able to communicate through radio waves; that 5G is responsible for the virus’ symptoms; and that it can affect the immune system.”
This implies that only “conspiracy theorists” have concerns about 5G which, by your implication, has no basis in fact. 5G is wireless technology using new technology that has not gone through any testing to ensure it is safe prior to implementation. The technology is considered at least as dangerous as the current 3G and 4G technology because it will be using very powerful signals that will carry more data. The very strong pulses have been shown to cause serious biological effects. (Dr. Martin Pall, Chapter 7 https://phibetaiota.net/2019/03/dr-martin-pall-5g-criminally-insane-electromagnetic-fields-emf-fry-living-things/)
One of these biological effects is a compromised immune system which can lead to greater vulnerability to disease such as Covid-19. This is a link to Covid-19 about which many experts have expressed concern. But it’s not just 5G. 2G, 3G and 4G have been studied and there is evidence that exposure to the radiation from all the wireless devices in our homes, schools, businesses, and on streets could cause our immune systems to be more vulnerable to this virus. A list of studies of the biological and health effects on the immune system, from exposure to radio frequency radiation, published since the year 2000 can be downloaded at:
http://bit.ly/saferemrImmuneSystem. [if this link is “stuck”, click again]
3) “To date, and after much research performed, no adverse health effect has been causally linked with exposure to wireless technologies,” the World Health Organization stated back in February.”
This false statement by WHO must be refuted by the CTV. This statement will lead people to use wireless devices carelessly, endangering their health and that of their families. In 2011, an arm of WHO, International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified wireless radiation from all devices (cell and cordless phones, smart meters, Wi-Fi modems, etc.) as a 2B (possible) human carcinogen, the same category as lead, DDT, and many industrial chemicals. (https://www.iarc.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr208_E.pdf) It would have been classified higher, e.g. probable or actual carcinogen, but for lack of studies showing causation. Since then, many studies have explained why EMR causes cancer. The most recent being two 10 year studies showing increased brain cancers and tumors of the heart. (https://microwavenews.com/news-center/ramazzinis-belpoggi-interview) (https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/whatwestudy/topics/cellphones/index.html) But cancer is not the only biological effect. More than 25,000 studies, performed over the last 40+ years, have shown that exposure to even low levels, fractions of those allowed by Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, can contribute to neurological, cardiac, and fertility problems, just to name a few. https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/science/studies.asp
I would welcome any comments or questions regarding anything I’ve said above.
Sharon Noble
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” Mark Twain