Tomorrow morning, take a drive around your neighborhood...
And keep your eyes peeled…
You're going to be looking for a box, just like the one above...
It'll be hiding in plain sight...
No security guards...
No surveillance vans...
In fact, you might see this box attached to a street sign...

Or on a lamppost…

It could be hiding anywhere.
Heck, in Manhattan, we found one tucked in an old phone booth across from Radio City Music Hall!

We found another one on the Las Vegas Strip, just down the block from Caesar's Palace...

Here's one tucked away near Boston's pride and joy, Fenway Park...
See it right there?

And here’s one at the corner of East 57th Street, close to Times Square…

Now, these boxes come in different shapes and sizes...
Some are big... some are small... some don't even look like boxes in the traditional sense. They come in different colors, too... some are white... some are black... some are even camouflage.

Thing is, the shape, size, color... none of it matters.
It's what's INSIDE the box that counts...
And make no mistake: Inside this box is the most important new technology to be created in decades – capable of completely changing life as we know it.
I’m talking about 5G, of course.
And it could also change your financial life in ways most people only dream about.
Millionaire status?
You might want to start thinking bigger...
A whole lot bigger...
I wouldn't be surprised if these little black boxes created the world's first TRILLIONAIRE!
That's because these boxes – what I call “M-Boxes” – are essential to the massive 5G technological revolution…
A revolution unlike anything we've ever seen...
And I'm not the only one who thinks so...
CNBC reports that the opportunity is worth $12.3 trillion...
That's TRILLION with a "T."
It would add 22 million new jobs and boost the United States’ GDP by $3.5 trillion – that’s more than the entire UK, French, Canadian, or Indian economies…
Barron's calls the opportunity a "phenomenon..."
The Yale Economic Review says it's "staggering..."
And National Geographic's Jason Silva calls it the "Holy Grail."
Now, let me be clear…
You personally wouldn't get that whole $12 trillion prize for yourself.
But it won't matter...
Because even a tiny sliver of this potential 5G $12 trillion windfall could change your family's financial status for generations to come...
The best part is, most people aren't on to this yet...
It's yours for the taking!
Because this is…
The Breakthrough of the Century!
Hi, my name is Michael Robinson.

I’m the Director of Venture Capital and Technology Research at Money Morning.
We’re one of the largest independent financial research publishers in America.
Over the course of my 35-year career in Silicon Valley, I’ve been a board member at one venture capital firm and a senior advisor to 12 high-tech startups.
I’ve been featured in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. And I’m proud to tell you I’ve been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.
Through my work, I’ve witnessed every major innovation that’s changed the world over the last 30 years.
I saw Apple’s meteoric rise up close and personal as it surged 74,727%.
I worked behind the scenes on the deal that helped propel Intel 31,899% higher.
I personally recommended chip-maker Nvidia, a company that climbed 17,034%.
I was one of the first investors on the planet to tip Bitcoin, right before it rocketed 10,437%.
And in 2016, I released a special cannabis investing dossier containing 30 stock recommendations, many of which soared by triple digits or even higher.
Mentor Capital Inc., which spiked 1,828% higher…

Cannagrow, which went on a 456% tear…

And In-Med, which went up 617%.

I also worked with a venture capitalist who was the driving force behind some of the biggest IPOs of the decade – including Twitter, FireEye, and LifeLock.
In our special pre-IPO project, we partnered with 30 of the hottest tech firms in the country, including Lyft and DocuSign.
And we helped deliver the IPO for online music streaming service Spotify – which was valued at an incredible $1.1 billion!
Long story short...
I’ve been part of countless huge breakthroughs in my 35-year career… but I’ve never seen one as big as the one I’m about to show you today.
Because to my mind, 5G is the greatest of them all.
The Advent of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution…
Now, you may have read about 5G in the news…
Or maybe you’ve heard one of your friends mention it…
5G stands for: 5th Generation Wireless Systems.
And 5G is what’s inside all those little “M-Boxes” I’ve been showing you.
And to be truthful… you may have thought to yourself…
Who Cares?
First we had 3G, then 4G, now 5G… so what’s the big deal?
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But don’t be fooled.
Because 5G ISN’T merely an upgrade. Not even close.
It’s far, far BIGGER.
You see…
Just like the steam engine ushered in the first industrial revolution…

Then electrical power delivered the second…

And the internet brought us the third…

5G heralds the advent of the fourth industrial revolution.
A whole new world where science fiction finally becomes SCIENCE FACT…
Forever changing lives... and creating unfathomable wealth in the process.
Now, some folks call the new world that 5G will enable a "Smart World..."
Some call it "Global Automation..."
Others call it a "Connected World..."
But frankly, a single name really doesn't do it justice because, whatever you call it…
The 5G world is mind-blowing.
By 2021 – just two years from now – life is going to look a whole lot different from how it does today...
Thanks to the breakthrough of the century: 5G.
Well, it all comes down to CONNECTIONS.
We are witnessing…
A Seamless Connection of EVERYTHING!
Cars. Homes. Offices. Phones. Security systems. National defense. Airlines. Traffic lights. Grocery stores. Restaurants.

Communicating at lightning speed…
Interacting in real time…
Truly amazing, world-changing stuff.
Listen: I'm not talking about silly stuff like your refrigerator ordering directly from your grocery store…
Or your medicine cabinet ordering directly from your pharmacy...
And I'm not talking about little conveniences like your self-driving car steering you directly to an open parking space in downtown Manhattan.
I'm talking about society-shifting changes of epic proportions…
Transforming everything from...
Homeland Security to Border Patrol… emergency rescue services, to poverty and world hunger... agriculture… policing… pollution… renewable energy…
Natural disaster recovery…
The stock market…
You name it…
The ramifications are staggering…
CNN described 5G as:
Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf said:
And said simply:
Remember, projections are for $12 trillion in new wealth all because of 5G.
And these little “M-Boxes” I’ve been telling you about…
They’re creating a 5G world, right now as we speak.
The network that will make EVERYTHING possible is forming right before our very eyes.
And these boxes…
They’re popping up EVERYWHERE.
Like the one we spotted near the historic Chrysler Building in Midtown Manhattan...

See it right there on the lamppost?
Here's another we found around the corner from Grand Central Station, also in Manhattan.

It's at 45 East 45th Street, right outside the legendary Roosevelt Hotel.
They’re all over the country.
Here's one we found hiding in the shadow of the Transamerica Pyramid building, right in the heart of downtown San Francisco.

Right there on the post...
We even found one in L.A. – down the hill from the Hollywood Sign and Jack Nicholson's infamous bachelor pad!

Get this: It's tucked INSIDE a lamppost. Right there next to the palm tree...
But forget the celebrities for a moment...
Because most of these “M-Boxes” are hidden on ordinary streets...

In ordinary towns, all across America...

Even in your local neighborhood.

In fact, our research indicates there are as many as 232 boxes in YOUR OWN ZIP CODE!
The possibilities they are creating are truly incredible…
In fact, these little “M-Boxes” are like “super-connectors” – they are the foundation upon which the new world will stand...
Imagine a world-renowned surgeon in Los Angeles... performing emergency brain surgery on an accident victim... while the patient is still in the ambulance... on the Pennsylvania Turnpike... over 3,000 miles away!

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine a Boston-based pediatrician... delivering lifesaving treatment to impoverished children... in Africa... every day... without leaving his home office!

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine the 1,000-mile U.S.-Mexican border being patrolled 24/7 by wireless robots armed with sensors, video cameras, and stun guns – all monitored remotely by Homeland Security agents ready to take the controls if trouble emerges...

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine an epic, devastating earthquake wreaking havoc in California… yet within seconds… drones have delivered food, water, and essential medical supplies to the worst-hit areas… saving THOUSANDS of lives…

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine driving through updated and modernized New York, London, or Tokyo and NEVER being stuck in a traffic jam again… because the new smart traffic systems are so sophisticated that they ELIMINATE gridlock completely…

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine never having to use a cord or plug again to power your TV, computer, phone, or laptop. I’m talking about completely wireless power charging ALL of your electronics and appliances through the air…

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine NO MORE traffic accidents again… because street sensors have ALREADY warned cars that there’s danger up ahead…

The boxes can make it possible.
Imagine ingestible health monitors that go into your bloodstream, monitoring your vitals and major organs, warning you and your doctor of potential dangers like cancer, a heart attack, or diabetes… LONG before they happen.

The boxes can make it possible.
And here’s the thing…
5G will change ordinary life irreversibly. That’s a fact.
I’m talking about NEVER seeing a broken street light again…
Or a burst water main gushing out…
Or a busy street totally shut down for road repairs…
Or garbage piling up on the sidewalk.
But it will also change the world in ways you can hardly imagine.
Think… wireless power on a global scale…
Virtual reality EVERYWHERE – in business, entertainment, movies, video games, surgery… you name it.
Driverless cars that NEVER crash.
Quantum computers that are able to solve the world’s most complex and urgent problems, because they are 1,000 times faster than what we have today.
That’s right… the boxes can make it ALL possible.
It’s no wonder…
These Boxes Open the Door to an Expected $12 Trillion Market!
Take every fortune ever created.
Multiply by 10.
That gives you a sense of the opportunity at hand.
Already, more than 10 million boxes have been deployed across the globe by major telecommunication companies struggling to keep up with network demand.
New York. London. Paris. Hong Kong. Dubai.

Projections are for many hundreds of millions in the future.

And after that, the sky's the limit.
We are talking about unlocking a $12 trillion opportunity... that could create millionaires and billionaires by the dozen.
And of course, a lot of big companies – including AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast – are going full force into 5G.
Now, you can go ahead and invest in those companies right now, if you like.
It’s a safe bet you’ll make a decent return.
But there’s one company I want to introduce you to that’s completely under the radar.
But it has the potential to make you exceedingly wealthy.
Right now it’s criminally undervalued. Shares are up for grabs for just $6 a pop!
Heck, that could be the deal of the decade right there…
Because as you’ll discover, this firm is perfectly positioned to skyrocket as the 5G revolution takes flight.
How high will it go?
It’s hard to say exactly. But I’m projecting 10-fold gains for those who invest early in this life-altering phenomenon.
Of course, there’s no such thing as a risk-free investment. That’s why I always say – never bet the farm on just one play.
But mark my words…
5G Will Not Be Denied!
As I’ll show you…
Governments want it. Fortune 500s want it. Soon there’ll be nearly 10 billion people across the globe who want it!
And this one company has a specific technology that is an essential requirement for making 5G work the world over.
But before I get into the specifics of this technology…
You’re probably wondering why 5G is happening right now – why hasn’t it happened before?
Well the answer is simple…
The existing mobile wireless network CAN’T support the 5G world that's emerging...
And it all comes down to old cell towers.
You know the ones I mean…
The structures that first made smartphones, iPads, and all those other mobile devices possible.
They allowed us to call, text, tweet, email…

But these hulking masses of metal simply can't handle the amount of traffic the new 5G universe is demanding.
They can’t CONNECT what needs to be connected at the SPEED required.
Think of it…
Governments. Fortune 500 companies. 10 billion people. All connected. Talking. Texting. Tweeting.
Holy freaking cow…
The cell towers can barely accommodate today's traffic generated by seven billion devices…
Let alone a projected one trillion devices in the future, all talking 24/7…
And it's easy to understand why…
They Were Built for a World
That No Longer Exists.
When the cell towers were built, no one could have imagined – let alone planned for – the mobile revolution that's exploded over the last 18 years.
Quite frankly, in today's standards, the existing network is a joke.
Think of it…
Over the last 18 years, traffic over the mobile wireless network has surged a staggering 342 million-fold.

And during the course of that staggering traffic surge, modern society has become nearly 100% dependent on the mobile wireless network.
It makes the world go 'round…
It allows us to use our smartphones, our iPads, our GPS, and every other mobile device you can imagine.

It allows us to call, text, email, download videos, surf the web, and use apps like Twitter, Facebook, and Google.
For billions of people around the world, the mobile wireless network is their ONLY ACCESS to the internet.
And personal use is just the tip of the iceberg.
The entire global economy is dependent on wireless technology…
And when I say dependent, I mean lives depend on it.
National defense. Homeland Security. Hospitals. Emergency response vehicles. Water supply. Food distribution channels.
They all depend on wireless technology…
The entire U.S. power grid depends on wireless technology…
The banking industry…
The stock market…
Transportation including trains, planes, and traffic lights…
Fortune 500 companies…
In fact, Walmart’s vendors – all 11,000 of them – require the wireless network to manage supply chain and inventory.
The list goes on, and on, and on. Around the globe. Every industry in every country. Everything depends on the mobile wireless network.
And the old cell tower network…
Heck, it's like a dirt road built for horse buggies trying to accommodate turbocharged race cars!
Imagine a little two-lane bridge designed to handle 100 carriages a day…
Suddenly, out of nowhere, you've got 342 million racecars, all going 200 miles per hour, all trying to cross at the same time!
There's just no room!
But not only that…
These old cell towers, they’re ANTIQUATED.
They operate like a sawed-off shotgun…
They can't aim, so they just blast signals everywhere.

It works. But it's highly inefficient and creates big problems because you've got signals going everywhere.
This causes interference.
You've experienced the static, the echoes, and the dropped calls.
Not only is it highly annoying, but it's something you can't afford if you're…
Conducting remote brain surgery…
Delivering drones with medical supplies to an earthquake site…
Or putting your life in the hands of a driverless car.
That's exactly where we are with the current mobile wireless network.
CNN sums it up bluntly:
"Sorry America, your wireless airwaves are full…"
Verizon agrees, admitting they are already having trouble keeping up with the surge in traffic.
Computerworld says that as mobile devices proliferate, wireless networks are edging near capacity.
But herein lies the single most remarkable opportunity I've seen in my 35-year career…
A $12 trillion opportunity!
Because according to Forbes, it’s time to…
"Say goodbye to big, bulky, unsightly cellphone towers… and…
“Say Hello to the Future!"
And there's only one way to make 5G a reality the world over.

It's the little “M-Boxes” I've been telling you about.
Not only are these little boxes connecting EVERYTHING with INCREDIBLE ACCURACY…
But they also are doing it at SPEEDS we can't even comprehend!
For example, the ancient cell towers I showed you earlier that run the networks now…

They top out at around 150 megabytes per second…
But 5G will run 133 times faster!

It's like going from 55 mph in a Toyota Camry…
To a blazing 4,520 mph in the X-15 hypersonic rocket-powered aircraft.
The difference is profound.
It takes a Camry a full week to make it from New York to California…
The X-15 aircraft did it in 67 minutes!
Barely over one hour.
When it comes to the mobile network, these 5G super-connectors will hit X-15 levels of speed and leave the old network in the dust…
And each time a new one goes up, the network capacity grows and grows, and becomes faster and faster.
Imagine being able to download the entire Library of Congress onto your smartphone in 15 seconds flat…

The boxes will make it possible.
Imagine being able to download every Oscar-winning movie to your iPad in three seconds…
The boxes will make it possible.
Imagine being able to download The Godfather to your iPhone in a millisecond… INSTANTLY!
Or every single season of The Wire…
Every Super Bowl ever…
Or the entire back catalog of The Beatles…
All of it, in a millisecond.

The boxes will make it ALL possible.
And with blazing speed comes another benefit. Maybe the most important benefit of all…
It's called…
"Zero Latency."
Latency is the delay between action and response…
For example, you push your garage door opener.
Exactly ONE SECOND later, the door begins to open.
That one-second delay is the "latency…"
The existing cell tower network has a latency of about 50 milliseconds.
That's pretty fast. But it's not nearly fast enough.
In fact, engineers say the new Smart World network will require latency of less than one millisecond.
That means devices communicate in real time, without any perceivable delay, no matter where they are located.
For instance, let's say you push a garage door opener in Hong Kong. Your garage door back in California begins to open instantly, within one millisecond.
This near-zero latency is VITAL to the incredible new technologies that are emerging.
In fact, without zero latency, many of the new technologies are impossible.
Take self-driving Smart Cars…

Let's say a Smart Car driving 55 mph receives a "brake" signal…
With today's network of 50 millisecond latency, the car would move 1.5 meters before executing the braking command.
At 55 mph, that's the difference between clear stopping and a deadly crash.
At one millisecond latency, the car would only move 2.8 centimeters…
That's faster than the human brain…
Same with surgery…
Imagine a doctor in New York performing brain surgery on an accident victim in Los Angeles via remote camera and robotic instruments.
Not only does this kind of delicate procedure require zero latency, it also requires ultra-reliable communication.

You can't have a call dropping in the middle of surgery!
You can't have a video image that takes even a half-second to load!
You can't have a robotic device that lags even a few milliseconds beyond the doctor's command!
The old cell towers alone can't do it.
But the “M-Boxes” can make it ALL possible!
Unlimited Capacity AND 99% Cheaper!
And it’s for three main reasons.
First, not only do the boxes offer increased network capacity… they offer virtually UNLIMITED CAPACITY.
Second, these boxes COST a fraction of what a cell tower costs.
In fact, while the average cell tower costs $150,000, a box is estimated to cost about $300.

That's a 99.8% cost savings!
And third, these boxes are so VERSATILE that any time you want the network to grow, you just put up another box.
You see, you can put these “M-Boxes” – the 5G super-connectors – anywhere.
They are essentially invisible!
Some are so small they could fit in the palm of your hand!
In fact, these boxes can go anywhere you need mobile wireless access…
Attach them to street lights in cities…
Attach them to lampposts in the suburbs…
Attach them to fences in the countryside…

Heck, you could even strap one of these boxes to a zebra in Africa, throw in a tiny solar battery, and you'd have a roaming wireless network in the most remote region of the world!
Which is insane…
But I’m sure you’re wondering how these “M-Boxes” actually work.
Well, here’s where it gets a bit technical.
So bear with me for just a moment…
Because the bleeding-edge tech INSIDE these mysterious “M-Boxes” is absolutely fascinating, if a little complex.
They Shoot LASER-Like Beams Precisely Where They Need to Go…
These boxes leverage high-gain, adaptive antenna technology and sophisticated best-path-selection algorithms.
They are powered by something called MU-MIMO 802.11ax – which stands for multiple user, multiple input, and multiple output antennas.
If you’re an MIT scientist or Harvard engineer – I’m sure you understand that perfectly.
But here’s what that means for everyone else…
This is a HUGE upgrade on the single antenna that the old cell towers use.
Instead of a cluttered, maxed-out network that’s pathetically slow with spotty reception because of weak, sporadic signals…
This multiple-antenna tech provides you with your own personal connection by blasting out ultra-fast, uber-accurate mmWaves.
These mmWaves are like an invisible wire going directly to your mobile device, driverless car, or tablet.
And remember, these “M-Boxes” can be placed anywhere…
enabling the innovative tech inside them to deliver these laser-like signals at street-level, directly into stores, offices, commercial buildings, and residences.

And it gets better…
The tech inside these boxes, the – MU-MIMO 802.11ax – is so smart it’s actually able to learn from its environment – day in, day out.
It can work out where any interference sources are… and ADAPT so that its signals AVOID these obstacles and obstructions.
Bottom line: They can send powerful laser beam signals PRECISELY where they need to go, in double-quick time.
And here's the kicker…
Because these “M-Boxes” offer MULTIPLE frequency technology to carry traffic…
If one frequency is maxed out, the boxes simply "offload" traffic from the carriers' main network and channel it into a different frequency!
The incredible thing is…
Despite all the mind-boggling innovation that’s INSIDE these powerful little “M-Boxes…”
They are so versatile and so affordable that they can be placed literally anywhere at short notice, including at big events like:
- The Kentucky Derby
- The Super Bowl
- The Olympics
In fact, it’s already happening…
At last year’s Winter Olympics in Korea, there was an entire 5G village.
Shuttle buses ran equipped with a system that monitored drivers’ facial expressions for signs of sleepiness…
360 degree images showed figure skaters gliding around the ice in REAL TIME… with no delays whatsoever. Not even one half-second!
And fans were able to compete in groundbreaking, augmented VIRTUAL REALITY snowboarding and cross-country skiing competitions…
At next year’s summer games in Tokyo, Intel plans to go a step further by rolling out a full-blown 5G network.

It will feature incredible 8K 360-degree video with 4K camera drones that could deliver real-time streams of live events…
And a fully connected driverless car network within the Olympic park itself…
Given all this breath-taking innovation…
It’s little wonder that these “m-boxes” are popping up all over the world…

And right now…
The Market Is Ready to Explode!
According to MarketWatch, it will DOUBLE inside the next five years…
Innovation group Gartner says there will be 31 BILLION 5G connected devices by 2021…
And heavyweights have begun piling in to this cash-rich space en masse…
Warren Buffet just made a 5G company the biggest holding in his $618 billion Berkshire Hathaway fund…
IBM just threw $34 billion at it…
Dell has already committed $60 billion…
Samsung is in for $22 billion…
And three of Japan’s biggest firms are about to pile in for a combined $45.5 billion!
But it’s not just private companies…
Entire nations are wading in one after the other…
China is ready to invest a staggering $400 billion…
Australia is expected to pump $5.7 billion into a special 5G rollout…
The U.S. has committed $400 million…
South Korea is in for $1.5 billion…
Germany is all-in for an enormous $100 billion…
The cash flooding in is INCREDIBLE!
France… Belgium… Japan… the UK… Spain… Norway… Sweden…
The richest nations on Earth are all throwing the kitchen sink at this incredible new world.
And they have to.
Or their industries and infrastructures will be left behind in the dust.
And now, mobile firms are joining the party too…
They’re Rushing in Like
There’s No Tomorrow!
In fact, every mobile company on the planet – the biggest in the business – and many more – are rushing to get up to speed on 5G like there's no tomorrow…
AT&T has gone in for $145 billion…
Verizon has committed $126 billion…
Sprint and T-Mobile are in for a combined $26 billion…
Huawei is putting $800 million on the line…
Three is putting in $2.6 billion…
Orange… $1 billion…
Vodafone… $2.6 billion…
On and on and on…
These companies are putting in billions of dollars because they know there are literally TRILLIONS up for grabs.
But not only that…
They are also doing it because, quite frankly, they have no choice either!
Do you think AT&T… Verizon… T-Mobile – any of them – can afford to offer customers an old, outdated cell tower network… while their competitors are putting up 5G super-connectors at a dizzying, record clip?
No way!
They'd be out of business in five years.
To survive in the new 5G world, you have to offer a smart network that can accommodate one trillion devices all talking 24/7…
The “M-Boxes” I’ve been showing you – the 5G super-connectors – can do just that.
And they could be about to make early investors incredibly rich.

Remember those old cell towers I showed you earlier?
They started popping up in the 1950s…
And with each evolutionary stage, early investors could have made fortunes by playing the tiny companies behind the towers…
Consider Crown Castle, a cell tower pioneer…
Over the years, they've built 40,000 towers across the United States. In the process, their stock surged from around $1 to $114.
Take a look…

That's an 11,300% return. Good enough to turn $10,000 into $1,130,000…
And how about American Tower Corporation…
They built over 100,000 communication sites around the world.
Take a look at what's happened with their stock…
Shares surged from LESS than a dollar to $166!

That’s a 21,742% gain. Good enough to turn $10,000 into $2.17 million…
SBA Communications went to the next level…
And their stock has skyrocketed from 20 cents to over $172 a share…
Take a look at the chart…

That's good enough to turn $1,000 into $859,000…
Or even… $10,000 into $8.59 million!
Those are rare and exceptional moves, and they are AMAZING…
But I can tell you without reservation…
The opportunity I'd like to share with you today could absolutely DWARF what has come before.
And there's a simple reason why…
You see, unlike the cell towers before them, these little boxes are MUCH, MUCH MORE than mere communication hubs…
As you’ve already seen, we're not talking about a single company… or even one niche sector.
We are talking about something much bigger, all-encompassing, and insanely lucrative.
These boxes are the GATEWAY to a whole new world…
A world so loaded with mind-blowing technological feats… it will make Star Wars, Star Trek, and The Jetsons seem like the Stone Age!
And now I want to show you how you can make money from this incredible phenomenon…
Because Sitting at the Center
of This Frenzy Is a $6 Company
That No One Is Talking About.
I’ve been immersed in this crazy thing for the last FOUR YEARS.
I first wrote about 5G way back in 2015, long before anyone had even heard of it.
I’ve spoken to all the major players in the sector…
CEOs… chief engineers… designers… head scientists…
Some of these guys I know personally. I go to dinner with them in San Francisco.
And look, I live right outside Silicon Valley. So I’ve made it my business to learn about the biggest tech breakthroughs.
I’ve visited the headquarters of every tech-behemoth in Palo Alto, including Intel, Hewlett-Packard, and Google.
Mark my words…
This company is better positioned than ANYONE to skyrocket as 5G lifts off.
To say it’s in the catbird's seat would be an understatement of epic proportions.
You see, this $6 company is totally rare and unique.
For the last decade, they’ve been strategically positioning themselves to take FULL advantage of the 5G revolution.
In a stroke of visionary brilliance, they've implemented not one…
Not two…
But THREE patented technologies…
All to protect their 5G super-connector – their very own “M-Box” that will transform society.
This move could see them achieve complete and utter dominance…
The likes of which we've never seen before and may never see again…
The potential winnings might not be measured in millions…
They might not be measured in billions…
They could be measured in TRILLIONS…
Even a small crumb could hand you staggering generational wealth that stretches out into eternity.
And this $6 company is implementing little boxes with patented technology that will help make it all possible…
What’s more…
Rock-Solid Stability and
UNLIMITED Potential Upside…
This $6 company is a unique hybrid. It offers both the rock-solid stability of a proven blue chip and the upside profit potential of a small-cap startup.
I’m almost certain that you will have heard of this company.
This isn’t some backwater stock with dodgy financials.
They have a long history of pioneering tech advancements.
But for the last few years, they’ve almost completely disappeared from the public spotlight.
No major announcements. No revolutionary new products. No jaw-dropping prototypes.
Because behind the scenes, they’ve been working tirelessly and relentlessly to deliver their incredible, world-changing 5G tech to the market.
And now folks, the time has almost arrived for their unstoppable, meteoric rise, all the way to tech behemoth status!
We’re talking about a world class company here, with a world class management team.
In fact, their top executives hail from all over the globe – the U.S., India, France, Germany, the United Kingdom – and they have a combined 285 years of front-line telecommunication experience.
It's as if the greatest minds in the technology world have joined forces to deliver the biggest society-shifting breakthrough of our lifetime.
And as you can imagine…
This Technology Is Already Spreading Like Wildfire…
This $6 company is implementing this patented technology all over the world on a massive scale…
In fact, the biggest wireless providers in the world are lining up to incorporate this company’s 5G “super-connectors” into their own networks…
Once again…
We are entering a whole new world, and mobile companies will either evolve or they will cease to exist.
It's as simple as that…
And already the biggest mobile companies on the planet are going all-in for this $6 company's 5G “M-Box…”
- AT&T...
- China Mobile...
- Vodafone...
- Verizon...
- Sprint...
- And T-Mobile.
Plus, Fortune 500 companies – from Google to Facebook – are using them to set up their own wireless networks…
Add it all up, and you can only come to one conclusion…
In China, they are working with China Telecom, which is expected to roll out millions of 5G “super-connectors” in the next few years.
Demand is so extensive, they've set up offices in Sichuan, Hunan, and Beijing.
In addition, they saw this 5G revolution coming years ago. And they've set up additional factories in Shanghai and Qingdao to ramp up production on a MASSIVE SCALE… and now they’re ready to go!
Plus, they’ve signed a special deal with two other Chinese communication giants – China Mobile and China Unicorn.

And it's not just in China…
In Russia, this $6 company has offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg…

In India, they have offices in Bangalore and Mumbai…

In Brazil, they've set up offices in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro…

And everywhere you look, this $6 company is deploying their 5G “M-Boxes…”
In Thailand, they're working with AIS – the country's largest mobile provider – to deploy them across Thailand…

In Canada, they're working with TELUS to bring these super-connectors to Vancouver, British Columbia, Ontario, and Montreal.

And as I mentioned, AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, and just about every major carrier on the planet is banging on this $6 company's door…
Make no mistake: The new mobile wireless network is here.
It's being built right now…
From the United States, to Europe, Asia, South America, and even Africa… this company is multiplying at a phenomenal rate…

They're already in 100 countries and spreading fast…
And recently, one of their top executives revealed they’re involved in more than 70 separate 5G-related projects!
I realize this is not the kind of MASSIVE GLOBAL EXPANSION you associate with a $6 company.
But this is NOT your ordinary $6 company.
Already, savvy institutions – including BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, and JPMorgan – have grabbed 225 million of the available shares…
Their year-on-year growth for 2017-18 is an incredible 782%…
And in 2021, I project sales could be boosted by a staggering, mind-blowing, $35 billion.
So you can be sure…
This stock won't stay at $6 for long…
I wouldn't be surprised to see OTHER big institutional investors scrambling to get in for $10, $15, even $25 a share…
But you can get in today for a mere $6 a share.
Bottom line: It’s TOO cheap not to take a chance!
But you must move fast, for two reasons…
Heck, talk about clearing the path for this firm to potentially corner the market!
That's why now’s the time to stake a position in this $6 company immediately…
Their domination of the 5G world – a $12 trillion opportunity – is INEVITABLE, and the time for action is NOW.
Of course, I don’t have a crystal ball. I can’t guarantee anything. And as I said before, there’s always risk in the markets.
But with 5G ramping up all over the world right now, this could be as close to a slam dunk as I’ve ever seen.
Look: I've made fortunes by being in the right place at the right time…
As a 35-year veteran of Silicon Valley, I've served as a Strategic Consultant and a Board Member, working in the midst of tremendous wealth creation.
I was a hired gun at WhereNet, a wireless pioneer that privately sold for $126 million, minting millionaires left and right…

I was one of the five people in the room where the "Cloud Computing" industry was launched, creating $165 billion in staggering wealth out of thin air.

I also specialize in identifying early-stage funding opportunities for my readers.
And I’ll follow this revolution for the next 10 years or more… I’ll guarantee that.
And I’ll likely show readers how to play it for staggering potential gains – over and over again – as many as 25, 50, even 100 times.
And remember…
It all begins with this little black “M-Box.”
Imagine 100 years from now… your great-grandchildren will visit the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where they'll see this little black “M-Box” on display…

The sign will read:
“The Box That Changed the World.”
Right now, you've got an incredible opportunity…
It's not a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…
It's a once-in-human-history opportunity.
And at the center of it all sits a $6 company using patented technology to help make it all come true...
It is rare for one company to be the lynchpin for such a massive, all-encompassing, earth-shifting transformation...
But this $6 stock is the one you need to consider locking onto NOW…
If you want to ride the potential 5G fortune wave for YEARS to come.
You've got to move quick…
With the imminent news breaking on a newly released 5G product, and its major rival seemingly being outlawed the world over…
Time is of the essence…
So let me show you how to get started…
My research service is called…
Nova-X Report.
And I’m opening up the doors for you to join, right now.
I think you’re going to love it.
In Nova-X Report I take you inside the world of groundbreaking technology and life-changing innovation…
To achieve one specific goal…
To help you become extremely wealthy.
And the first thing I want to share with you is details on the $6 company I've been telling you about.

The moment you come aboard, I’ll share an exclusive Deal Briefing with you. It’s called: “Make 10 Times Your Money with the 5G M-Box.”
Inside, you’ll find out:
- Full details on the company – including revenue projections and stock forecasts – both long and short-term…
- A detailed breakdown of their incredible technology – how groundbreaking it is… plus all their formidable patents that will cement their position at the forefront of this race for decades…
- Plus, of course, the name of the company…and details about their amazing team of engineers and scientists…
- And most importantly, I’ll tell you exactly how to play this stock – when to buy and for what price…
And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
As I mentioned, we are at the cusp of a whole new world... an expected $12 trillion world chock-full of mind-boggling opportunities.
This company is front and center to capitalize on an incredible cash-rush.
How high could they go?
I’m projecting life-changing gains for my readers – maybe as much as 10 times their money.
And I’m a conservative guy.
But even if they capture 10% of the wireless market, they'll experience a 4,000% sales surge.
That’s incredible growth.
And early investors can be rewarded, in spades.
Right now, this is the most urgent opportunity on my radar.
But I'm constantly evaluating technological innovations that can make early investors rich.
So, when you come aboard as a member of the Nova-X Report, you’ll not only get my urgent 5G briefing…
You’ll also get these three Special Bonus Reports…

BONUS REPORT #1: The Company Riding the Nanocrystal Electricity Revolution for a 125,091% Revenue Windfall
With an upcoming FCC announcement, every nation on Earth is on the verge of being completely transformed by Nanocrystal Electricity – a stunning new technology – that powers everything through the air. You’ll never need cords, plugs, batteries, or chargers ever again. There hasn’t been a global transformation this big since the lightbulb was invented. And one tiny company is expected to pay out up to 78 times your money – in the next 12 to 24 months alone. Full details inside.

BONUS REPORT #2: Operation Hyper-X: Endless Profits from the Coming Hypersonic Revolution
Right now, commercial airline manufacturers are preparing to use mind-blowing Hypersonic technology to whisk passengers from Los Angeles to New York City in a brisk 33 minutes. One of the first "early-stage" endorsements comes from Virgin. It recently placed an order for one of these Hypersonic jets – slated to arrive as early as next year. And one small company is developing the engines for this hypersonic revolution. This company holds the keys to an estimated $67.6 billion in potential contracts – which could mean it would multiply 3,877% in value. This is a BUY-NOW opportunity.

BONUS REPORT #3: Harness the Shape-Shifting Smart Metal for 4,000% Gains
Silicon has reached the outer limits of its capabilities. It simply can't go any faster. It can't get any smaller. And it can no longer support the incredible technologies that are becoming essential to modern society. But there's a mind-blowing new smart metal in town. Chips using it can be up to 100 times faster than silicon. I've identified the one and only company to have a direct source. And if this firm captures just 1% of the $400 billion semiconductor market, it would rake in $4 billion in annual revenue – a 4,000% revenue surge. You could turn a $200 investment into $8,200 with this one stock alone!
And as a member of Nova-X Report, you'll be on the leading edge of breaking technologies like these that will mint millionaires many times over.
In fact, every month I’ll send you a streamlined Deal Briefing, where I’ll recommend a company that can dominate an enormous market.
Recently, I’ve targeted lucrative opportunities in areas like…
Advanced military weapons, drones, quantum computers, genomics, 3D bio-printing, and Deep Learning, an advanced form of A.I.
In one of my most popular Deal Briefings, members were shown how to secure a direct “partnership slot” in a Silicon Valley venture capital firm.
Through this arrangement, folks could acquire ownership stakes in over two dozen pre-IPO companies under special terms…
Six of which were already members of The Wall Street Journal’s “Billion Dollar Startup Club.”
I gave subscribers simple, step-by-step instructions for executing a “partnership buy-in.” The company even provided an exclusive phone line just for them.
Since introducing this opportunity, one of the holdings – music-streaming service Spotify – has IPO’ed for $1.1 billion!
Another has been bought for $425 million in cash!
As you’ll discover, each Deal Briefing leaves no stone unturned…
It provides you with a streamlined analysis of the company, its executive team, proprietary technologies, revenue projections, and sources of venture capital funding.
And from time to time, I will issue Nova-X Special Reports on situations that – like 5G – demand special attention.
Take what happened in 2016…
I made an announcement that caused the heads of some folks out here in Silicon Valley to explode.
I declared that every American needs to go…
“All-in on Marijuana!”
I didn’t care that it was illegal on a federal level. I didn’t care that a lot of people saw it as taboo. None of that mattered.
This was about making money. Plain and simple.
In September of 2016, I released all my research on 30 pot stocks to Nova-X Report readers.
In the months that followed, every single one of them hit peak positive gains.
In fact, 17 soared into triple digits.
Mentor Capital shot up as much as 1,828% in less than six months.

InMed Pharmaceuticals… 617% in about four months.

Cannagrow… 456% in the same amount of time.

I was thrilled to see letters coming in from folks who followed my recommendations.
Because they had the guts to take a chance on a “controversial investment.”
in 4 weeks!”
on this trade!”
And once I release a Deal Briefing or Special Report, I’m going to be “by your side” providing you with weekly Nova-X Progress Dossiers.
I’ll keep you up to speed on any new developments, product launches, earnings reports, and a complete rundown on what we’re seeing in our model portfolio.
Of course, when it’s time to collect any profits on these deals, I’ll be with you every step of the way.
When the moment arrives, you'll receive an instant Trade Alert, along with my analysis.
I’ll send it via email.
However, I strongly suggest you take advantage of another subscriber benefit…
Cell phone text message notifications.
Every time I issue a new Deal Briefing, Special Report, or Trade Alert I’ll send you a quick text message to let you know.

This will ensure you get this information as soon as possible.
For instance, with one of my picks – Micron Technologies – folks following my research had the opportunity to get in and out of that trade in a day.
I actually received a letter from a doctor who told me he bought Micron while boarding a cruise and cashed out the next day for a 136% gain!
He paid for his entire vacation with the profits…
And the lucrative 5G opportunity that I want to share with you today could help YOU pay for many future vacations, too.

Now, as a Nova-X member I’ll also be sharing regular Video Updates with you, including whenever I interview the CEOs of the companies we’re targeting – or whenever there’s an urgent update from one of our picks.
This way you can get the real scoop, straight from the source.
Your membership also includes 24/7 access to Nova-X HQ.

This exclusive website is where I store every Deal Briefing, Special Report, and Trade Alert.
So as you can see, Nova-X Report is comprehensive.
It’s also HUGELY successful.
In addition to those MASSIVE pot stock winners I showed you earlier, I’ve also shown readers of my services how to collect 65 double - and triple-digit winners. Some were even partial trades!
264% from NVIDIA…

213% from Broadcom…

111% from Skyworks…

127% from Activision Blizzard…

178% from E-Trade…

111% from Exelixis…

And 118% from eGain.

The folks in my research services who have listened to me are thrilled.
Some, like Gerard Nemus, can now look forward to retiring without a care in the world…
Others, like Kevin Shannon, have been able to put their kids through college…
a year your insights have been right on.
You have helped me fund my
children’s education and also helped me pay some bills!”
Plus, there’s Mark Oswald, who was able to finally fulfill a life-long dream…
But that’s not all…
Ryan Jared, also sent me this heart-warming message:
You have helped my young family
recover from the 2008 crisis where we lost everything, including our home. Thanks to you I have been able to rebuild my nest egg.”
And now, I’d like to give YOU the chance to experience similar life-changing paydays.

Starting with the ENORMOUS 5G opportunity I’ve been telling you about.
So claim your deal briefing immediately, and we’ll get started right away.
Join Nova-X Report and you’ll get instant access to NUMEROUS money-spinning recommendations.
But while there will be a multitude of plays coming down the pike, you will NEVER have another opportunity like you have today, right now.
You see, we are at the genesis of a whole new world order.
The very beginning.
And this $6 company is using critical patents to help make it all happen…
It is, quite literally, the key to everything that's to come…
So let me be crystal clear.
If you could only own one technology company for the next 10 years, this would be the one.
And while there are no guarantees, this "premier" wireless company could be the biggest win we've ever seen.
In my mind, it could be one of the biggest ever winners in financial history!
You owe it to yourself to check it out.
But I must warn you…
If you’re serious about the opportunity to mint yourself a fortune from this company, then you need to move FAST.
Because as of today…
I Can Only Accept 493 New Subscribers
to Nova-X Report.
So if you want in, it’s decision time.
Act now, or you could miss out.
It’s your call.
But please understand that these spots will fill up quickly. Very quickly.
I’ll rush you over your special 5G dossier immediately.
But that’s not all you’ll get.
You’ll also receive instant access to my entire portfolio of stocks.
Right now, there are over 33 open stock recommendations in the Nova-X Report, just waiting for you to take a look at.
Every one of these has the potential to deliver a big win.
And still, this is all just the beginning of what can be an ongoing profit-frenzy with Nova-X Report…
You see, right now, I’m tracking new innovations and technologies that could mint millionaires in cutting-edge technologies, including…
Artificial Intelligence…
Quantum Computing…
And more!
Every month, you’ll receive my Nova-X Report, which will include at least two ultra-lucrative investment opportunities straight from the world of Silicon Valley.
It will also include my Nova-X Instant Trade Alerts with my research and exact recommendations, with specific “buy” and “sell” instructions on every play.

Your membership also includes:
- Nova-X Weekly Progress Reports – with updates on our current portfolio, insights into new opportunities, and emerging trends and shifts happening in Silicon Valley.
- Nova-X HQ – a password-protected website that gives you complete access to every trade recommendation, every research report, every investor video, and all my research and interviews with some of the most well-known CEOs in the world.
- And the 24/7 VIP Concierge – so you can talk to a real live person anytime you need help with your subscription.
Plus, I am going to send you my four Special Briefings immediately when you come aboard:
- Make 10 Times Your Money with the 5G M-Box
- The Company Riding the Nanocrystal Electricity Revolution for a 125,091% Revenue Windfall
- Operation Hyper-X: Endless Profits from the Coming Hypersonic Revolution
- Harness the Shape-Shifting Smart Metal for 4,000% Gains
As you can see, we’ve pulled out all the stops.
We’re doing everything we can to help you have a shot at creating the kind of wealth that lasts generations.
The Nova-X Report gives you direct access to the biggest, potentially most lucrative, and fastest-moving technology opportunities that could make you extremely wealthy.
Which is why it’s not inexpensive to join.
Our normal price is $299 a year.
That’s a fair price for everything you’re getting.
However, today through this special offer, you won’t pay anywhere near that.
Forget 50%... or 60%... or 70%... or even 80% off...
If you join the Nova-X Report today, you get an unbelievable discount…
This is a deal too good to pass up.
You have to click the button below to get the details.
When you do, you’ll also discover that your membership is protected by not one, but two 100% money-back guarantees. So there’s no risk to you for joining.
What Are You Waiting For?
The 5G revolution is taking flight BEFORE your very eyes.
It’s happening right now, as we speak.
And I want you to make a ton of money from it.
This $6 company could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.
But to find out its name, and what you need to do to invest in it, you need to claim your special Deal Briefing immediately.
Remember, there are only 493 available today, and it’s strictly first come, first served.
I’m certain they’ll be snapped up in no time at all.
5G is the greatest breakthrough of the century.
It’s about to unlock a phenomenal new world of innovation and untold wealth.
Your share of a $12 trillion cash-rush is on the line.
So if you want in, click the button below to become a new member of Nova-X Report, while you still can.
Or miss out.
It’s up to you.
If you have any questions about the service and how it will work for you, I encourage you to contact our reliable customer service team at 888-384-8339 or 443-353-4519 (for international calls) and mention Priority Code: ENVXV3TY.
Many thanks,

Michael Robinson
Editor, Nova-X Report
February 2019
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